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Please Pray for my Daughter Emily Rose

by Norma Johnson
(Corbin, KY)



My daughter Emily Rose is in the psychiatric hospital for cutting her self with razor blades and is hearing voices telling her to kill herself and other people, she is really angry and depressed. She will be home in a few days and I hope everything goes well, she also threatened to kill her grandmother. Please pray for her and my family. Also I am here for anyone else who needs prayer.

Comments for Please Pray for my Daughter Emily Rose

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Sep 08, 2008
Pray for Emily Rose
by: Anonymous


My prayers are with you and your family. God is the only true reality. Aum Shanti

Sep 08, 2008
Prayers for Emily Rose
by: Deb

Dear Brenda...I pray for strength, courage, wisdom and PEACE...may Emily Rose find balance in her mind as the negative emotions come forth for healing....may God protect your family and send forth angels to assist during this time of transition...may you be blessed and your love for Emily Rose guide you through this time of upheaval. Amen.

Sep 22, 2008
Emily Rose - A Normal girl
by: Devendra Kumar Joshi

Dear Norma Johnson,
Your daughter Emily who has some psychiatric mental disorder,but God is there to help you in regaining her mental status to normal condition.
I am a spiritual healor and surely I am going to prey to God for your daughters normal condirions.You please dont worry,everything will be fine and normal as per your desire.
God bless to all and specially Emily.
Devendra Kumar Joshi
spiritual healor

Feb 26, 2012
Prayer for blessings. NEW
by: Anonymous

I pray for you that you may find the strength and comfort to cope. And for Emily that she may receive peace of mind, calmness and loving care, so that she may in time be restored to her family.I also pray that she may be blessed with insight and able to forgive herself and others. With God's grace and her own will may she then find her way back to her family and so regain the fullness of life. I also pray for those who are caring for her - may they at all times be guided by wisdom, patience and gentle skill as they provide the care she needs to regain full health. May God bless each one of you - Emily and all members of her family and all who care for her each day. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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