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Please pray for me....

by Dennise

I am a 22 year old girl who made terrible mistakes in life.I regretted the mistakes i did and i ask God the Father to forgive me and take me in His arm for comfort, love and also confidence.I want to strengthen my faith in God and i want to believe that He is the reason why i'm still standing here in this world.Please forgive me and protect me God. Thank You..

Comments for Please pray for me....

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May 15, 2008
May God bless you
by: Mashubi

Dearest Dennise, you are blessed to ask for and receive God's forgiveness. I am touched by your prayer.

May 22, 2008
Be strong & of good courage KJV Psalms 27;14
by: Cynthia

Dennise you touched my heart.Always remember our sins were washed by the blood of our LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST when he died on the cross for all of us. GOD loves us beyond what we can imagine he forgives and waits for us to come to him in prayer.He desires a close personal relationship and how great is that to know he's our heavenly father and no matter how we feel or what we have done to sin against him he loves us and cares about every detail of what is going on in our lives, even the little stuff GOD BLESS YOU!

May 29, 2008
May the grace of Lord help you to overcome all mistake.
by: Partha

Dear Dennise ,
May the grace of Lord help you to overcome all mistakes. As we are human being we all are all prone to commit mistake in various areas of our life despite precautions.

Wish you optimum & opulent joy & prosperity always.

Jun 23, 2008
by: Anonymous


I am hear to tell you that if you asked God to forgive you, then it is done, it has been washed away, no longer given a thought about by the almighty. The hardest thing when we make mistakes and we ask God to forgive us, is for US to forgive ourselves. Well over 2000 years ago, Jesus died for our sins to be washed away. Forgive your self for the mistakes and God will give you the comfort to move foward.

Dear God, I ask that you help this young lady to let her past be in her past and to move on from her mistakes.

Thank you Jesus

Aug 09, 2008
keep your head up God is with you
by: Anonymous

God forgives all sometimes its just hard for us to forgive ourselves but remember that everyone makes mistakes its a part of life just hold on to that faith in God no matter how bad things look at times, and know and beleive in your heart that hes forgiven you and will always be by you.

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