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by Adeleye Dare V.
(Benin City, Edo State. Nigeria)
I am 22 years of age i was out of country when i was introduce to a girl, when i came back to my country i fall in Love with her and sin ce i met her things have been going well with me.
Before i got married to her she were pregant so we have to do our marriage, but just after 3 weeks after the marriage the pregant dis-appear without a trace or sign.
So i have to look for reason and i discover that she is a spirit woman who have already gotten married over there in the spirit world and they have taken the baby in the sense that she have already deliver the baby in the spirit world.
Now i do not know what to do, this are not going well with me any more, my business is slow. problem from here to there. I do not know what to do for now. Please advice em before it is too late.
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