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Comments for Please Help Me Dear God

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Sep 13, 2010
seel my house
by: Anonymous

I need help to sell my house very fast, it been on the market for 5 month, I need it to be sold now I am getting very desperate now, I need this house sold before I lose everything, I need your help now

Sep 09, 2010
God is with you!
by: Anonymous

dear carole, hope you didn't loose you home or anything else, i pray for you sister god will
give you life and light, i'm going thru that
situation myself god will provided if you really
think of him on the name of the son jesus amen.

Jul 17, 2010
My child needs me
by: Anonymous

Dear God,
I hope you hear my prayers. I'm sick with my heart, and might need an operation. My child is Type 1 diabetic and needs someone to look after her. Her daddy has the beginnings of Alzheimer's and can't do it. None of our relatives want the responsibility of taking care of her for fear something might happen to her while in their care. Some just don't care what happens to her or to me. If I die, she will be all alone with nobody to help her. She's 15, but still too young to handle such a terrible disease by herself. My daughter and I are close, and it will destroy her if I die. Please God let me live, not for myself, but for my child who has no one but me to depend on. All we have is the 2 of us to depend on each other. She loves her daddy and I do too, but he needs someone to take care of him too. They both need me dear God. Even the doctor said I am the glue that holds our family together. Please hear my prayers and put your healing hand on me. I thank you for all the blessings I've had in my life, especially my family. We love you. I pray to you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, but especially in Jesus's name. Amen

Jul 06, 2010
by: kenny owens

dear god i need help i have gotten in trouble with payday loan companies and i do not have anyone willing to help me my wife cant work and we are both on antidepressants hoping someone can help us before it is too late.

Jan 18, 2010
Dear Carole
by: Anonymous

Of course God will forgive u for whatever mistakes u have done as u are willing to repent for them. And then we as humans do commit certain mistakes isn't it. The point is to realize and correct them.Just think positive and don't worry u wont lose your job, car or anything that u have

Jan 18, 2010
Divine adjustment
by: Anonymous

I visualize the name of Carole Wagner surrounded with the pure white light of the Christ and ask that a divine adjustment will take place in her life.So be it.

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