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Comments for Please God Help Us Financially

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Feb 19, 2012
Im not the only one.... NEW
by: Anonymous

Today we live in a world that mankind can really impact our lives. Lost of work means no income which can lead to houses & cars being taken away. Though we believe you can do all, its man who doesnt have mercy and will take homes and way of transportation away from us. Like myself and others have fallen behind on debts. We heard of testimonies where you had provided generously. I,we, ask that you help us as well. Give a mercifull heart to those that we owe. If tens of thousands of sparrows are feeding youll stop to hear our prayers, now we can only imagine that you will hear and bless us through our/my tough financial times. I pray this in your name, amen.
ps- I dont deserve anything God. I made so many mistakes and commited plenty of sins. But I cry to you b/c you are the only one that I know who can do something.

Jan 28, 2012
Help us God we are slowly sinking NEW
by: Smith Family

Dear God,
We have had a rough four years financially! Our business has closed and my husband is now working a job that keeps him away from his family 3 weeks out of the month. I am taking care of our four children and also working a fulltime job. No matter what we do it is not ever enough! We are two months behind on our mortgage and it seems like we just can't seem to get a break!!! We have no insurance what so ever and I am constantly in tears!!! Please God hear my cry for HELP, we need you to guide us and keep us strong. IN JESUS NAME< AMEN > Love the Smiths

Sep 29, 2011
Please pray for me and my family, we've lost everything
by: Anonymous

Dear God, thank you for giving me the stregth to swallow my pride and follow through with this. I pray that you lead it to compassionate ears, that they may help lift us up to you in intercessory prayer, Amen

we are in need of financial help desperately. I have my own company, but it has gone from a lucrative, yet break-even, rapid growth, to the loss of our largest client due to a few vendor related speed bumps that ended up costing us thousands of dollars we didn't have. Now, we are suffocating financially. we owe over $100,000 to vendors, relatives, and bill collectors. My wife and I are on the versge of nervous breakdowns, and I have nothing but feelings of helpless inadequacy. We have an 18 year old daughter who just started college, a 12 year old son, and an unexpected blessing from God this last Valentine's Day, with the birth of our third child, daughter Elizabeth. She is only 7 months old, but when she looks into my eyes, it's like she is saying "it's gonna be ok daddy." But my wife did miss 3 months of work, which added to the lack of money coming in that began right around Christmas 2010. Ironically, we were transitioning our busness model away from the commodity of print that I've done for 26 years, into holistic communications, but with stewardship and giving added to our mission. We never fully got anything launched except our website, www.print4cause.com, and it is not fully complete the way we wanted it to be.

I have to come up with at least $5,000 immediately in order for us to survive. I've lost all my pride, maybe that is what God was working on in me, I've always had an issue with that, but the begging I've been doing to everyone I know has turned into lots of prayer, but no financial help, and I can't hold on any longer. We've lost my wife's car, we have no car insurance, or health insurance, no money, power, tv, phones, internet, family is about to cut me off. I have no self esteem right now, I am feeling very much as a failure to my family, and the world is very heavy righ now.

Please god, enlarge my territory for your Glory, and strengthen me, enable me, send me the people I need to generate revenue, and to make my family happy again. Please help me in anyway you can.

Thank you.
Crying and depressed dad in Macon, GA

Learn more: https://www.worldblessings.com/please-god-help-us-financially-comments.html#ixzz1ZNPGW9QA

Sep 21, 2011
Helping hand
by: Anonymous

Anyone in need of help could contact bolufrance1@yahoo.com for monetary assistance he will ask that you provide evidence that you are for rel once he feels your story is genuine you will get the help, He is not a lender, just helping with no strings attached. I pray God bless me and everyone of us.

Good luck.

Aug 18, 2011
Help me
by: Pradip

I am starting free computer education for poor indiyan people please help me financialy I will glad by yoor saport My adress 2nd lane Ujalawadi Tal karveer Dist Kolhapur Maharstra Indiya Pin 416004 My Mob. 9881554064 My e mail id computergurudip@yahoo.com My acoont number Bank of indiya sb 12851

Jul 09, 2010
all things work
by: Anonymous

all things work together for good, for his glory and divine purpose to those who love him. dear friend, GOD is trying to tell you that through your most difficult circumstance that all things will work out, if you repent, and get right with GOD. it appears that your poor choses of GODS money landed you where HE wants you too be, so REPENT of your SIN, and watch what he does, IF, you truely believe he will will. LOVE, An anonymous saint in JESUS CHRIST.

Jul 03, 2010
Please help us.
by: Anonymous

Dear god, Please help me and my family, I have worked so hard, i got married last year and now my husband is not bring home enough money and with him winning custody of both his kids we cant afford to live. I have lost one of my horses trying to support the family on my income and I am getting ready to loose the other ones. I have gone through all my saving and am behind on the rent, electric, water, credit cards etc... My family would be better off if I were dead because I have a life insurance policy that would pay everything off and get them set financially. My husband doesn't mind being late on the bills but it drives me insane. I have never been late until I got married. Please god I hate feeling like I wish I were dead, Please Please help us. I pray to you everyday and I know I am not the only one out there praying but please guide me in the right direction and make my life worth living again. Thank You!! Mrs. C.

May 05, 2010
Please help us
by: Kevin

Dear God,

we are in need of financial help desperately. Me and my wife had made some bad decisions when comes to money. Now, we are in the worst money situations. we owed over $100,000 to our relatives and credit cards. We can't keep up with our current bills. Our relatives threaten us..Credit card companies call and harrass us..My wife threaten to leave me. My four boys do not have our attention and love. I just lost my job due to company closure. Please god, I want another chance to make my family happy. Please help me in anyway you can.

Thank you.
Crying and depressed dad in Oakland, ca

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