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Our Surrender to Love is the Ultimate Prayer

by Naomi

We offer ourselves and our love to God in the surrender and faith of our hearts.

The first light of awakening

is a virgin light

streaming from the morning sun.

peering over the horizon

so innocent and tender and new.

The first sip of water

from a virgin spring

is the purest water bubbling from

the source of innocence.

The first time you use

your unsteady legs

to run through a meadow,

is the first true feeling of freedom,

to run where there is no road,

to run for the joy of running

with beauty all around you.

The first time you kneel before

a patch of ground

with seeds in your hand

is the moment you feel a connection

with the creator

surrendering to the waiting earth

to create a garden.

The first time you feel the rising tides

of your own soul reaching for the sky,

you begin to allow your truth

to create pathways of light

to the source of all light.

Gather around the glow of your own heart,

for it is the light that will not burn.

It is the only light that can not be stolen.

Fill your cup with the light of your own joy,

and drink deeply of its purity.

You will arouse heaven with the

light from your soul.

I lift the light from my heart,

pour its innocence

into your waiting hands

and offer you the first light

of my own becoming.



Comments for Our Surrender to Love is the Ultimate Prayer

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Mar 29, 2008
Thank you
by: Wendy

Dearest Naomi, Thank you for your beautiful light-filled poems. I feel your deep love shine through them. This beauty has touched my heart and has been an inspiration for me during these very difficult times.

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