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by Robert Gresak
(South Africa)

Men-women of Earth are children of the sun
of so very ancient heritage
of so very ancient lineage.

Men-women of Earth are children of the sun
but their ancient origin
they have long forgotten.

Men-women of Earth are children of the sun
their very being in its fiery crucible spun
their very spirits formed in fiery love,
their very existence in heavenly power won

Men-women of Earth are children of the universe
long, long ages ago did they disperse
to denser spheres of life
through disharmony and strife.

Forgotten, forgotten over the long ages
his ancient, ancient past
and his role-his purpose by divine love cast./

The Lords of the sun gave him birth,
fiery love gave him eternal worth
and all the angels sang a hymn
that he be endowed with wisdom.

But over the long ages of many lives
his very being despoiled
by avarice, by on-going aggression soiled,
his inner life degraded and pitted,
his mind and consciousness by darkness shrouded./

Look up, look up O men of Earth
to the glorious heavens,
look inward, look inward to heaven within
and know again the spirits rebirth./

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