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by Roy K Austin
(Dorset England)

Through parted curtains,
as if by a magnet,
I am drawn to the window
by the pull of the full moon,
slowly filtering, distilling
from my brain, all sense of time;
her stark, barren presence
through aeons, endless ages
dissolved in endless space,
and the endless hours, turning
round my ticking, measured clock
chiming on the midnight hour,
as if it borrowed tomorrow
from her light and shade, -
time is the maya, the illusion
gone forever to the drain,
as yesterday's rain;
by her lifeless, embodied dust
and hollow, hypnotic sway
the restless oceans move
and as the tide proves
when the sun sheets her most,
an apparition like a ghost
haunting with her steady glow
echoing nothing but ' now '.

From the mysticseed

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