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Comments for Never Been Loved

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Oct 28, 2010
God loves you Mayani
by: Mary Ann

God, Help Meyani feel your ever enpowering love for her. May you Father please guide her and heal her wounds .Please God bring Meyani peace. Thank You God for hearing this prayer.

Oct 14, 2010
Never Been Loved (Part 2)
by: Meyani

Some days arent as bad as others. But Its always a struggle. However I truly thank the wonderful souls who have prayed for me. It means the world to me.

At age 7, my sisters and I used to hang out in dumpsters.. (sometimes to find food, other times to hide from our "mother", (whenever we heard her calling for us) We would remain hidden inside that dumpster that sat in the middle of the apt complex... waiting til we could no longer hear adult voices. One day, that proved to be near fatal when we refused to get out because we could still hear adults (including our "mother") talking outside of the dumpster.. cause, suddenly, in the background, we heard the garbage truck coming.. we were SO very afraid but was more afraid of "her" and didnt dare come out. Well, the garbage truck came, we closed our eyes as the latches came out and hooked into the dumpster and my younger sister nearly shreiked from fear as the dumpster started to raise, getting ready to be dumped; But I silenced her, knowing that the enemy would see us if we were to try and get out now. As the dumpster was raised even higher, she could no longer take the fear so, she did scream, at which point the garbage workers yelled to the grbage truck operator to STOP. They then lowered the dumpster, and we could hear them asking, "Is someone in there?" we could also hear the adults asking in wonderment, the same question. They finally spotted us in there and lifted the both of us out, one by one. Our "mother" saw us as well.... I can never describe the look of anger and embarrasment on her face. I knew we were in for it. But, at least we tried. We tried to get away.

(Part 3 is next)

Oct 12, 2010
You are not alone
by: Anonymous

I pray for you to feel loved, to see light where you don't, and find space for your breath again. You are not alone.

Oct 09, 2010
god be with you
by: Anonymous

god l prey for the lovley people who comes close to you in time in need please help her to see light and enjoy life to the full please god help her thankyou god bless

Oct 09, 2010
god be with you
by: Anonymous

god l prey for the lovley people who comes close to you in time in need please help her to see light and enjoy life to the full please god help her thankyou god bless

Oct 08, 2010
God's grace

May God's grace wash away the pain, the trauma and the memories. May you be healed and released from this. Blessings and Amen.

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