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Need to Transmute Chaos in my Home

by Ephariel
(Saint Onge, South Dakota)

my name is ephariel peacemaker. my son kelly ray larson is an alcoholic, and I am in need of others to pray for him. He has brought chaos in to my home when he recently moved in with my husband and me. the negative energy he brings with him is quite overwhelming to the environment. there are entities around him in the unseen world. I am very sensitive to these energies. I am asking additional help, please pray along with my husband and me to clear the chaotic energies, it is quite disturbing to see the entities around him and my home, and I have tried prayer calling in the light, smudging, but I implore for additional help with this matter. in Gods love. amen.

Comments for Need to Transmute Chaos in my Home

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Apr 08, 2008
your son
by: christy

i pray that gods will be done

Apr 08, 2008
A message for you, dearest ephariel
by: OneHeartSura

Blessings to you dearest ephariel! I send a prayer to your family. May the Holy Spirit be welcomed in your home, may that which is true and loving only be acknowledged, may love and comfort surround you, may the eyes "see" the love and light that is always with you, forever around you, for a child of god is eternal and always protected. Asking the ArchAngels of Raphael and Michael to surround you and your family now, bathing you in their amazing light and love, comforting your mind. May your son be able to know the amazing soul he is. And it is so! So be it! And we are grateful. Love is all there is,
in love and light,

Apr 09, 2008
Getting Rid of Unwanted Negative Energy
by: Sandra

I am married to someone who is full of negativity and craziness. He is like an energy vampire and tries on a daily basis to take away my soothing, calm, spiritual existence. I pray for him and try to lead him to the light by example but that doesn't always work. I want you to pray for him to leave me alone and also my puppies so that I can live a life of peace and love. Thank you!

Apr 09, 2008
Need to Transmute Chaos in my Home
by: Lina & Eileen

Dear Ephariel,

Heard your request & advise you to sprinkle rough sea salt in every four corners of every room in your house & your son's room as well. Sprinkle a handful of salt on your driveway towards the road. Also crush some sea salt finely & rub on his body after his shower & rinse off. Do this on your body as well. Don't loose your faith in what our Lord can do for us.
Trust Him & call on the name of Jesus Christ when you do the smudging & the salt. God bless you & your family. We'll keep you in our prayers.

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