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Comments for need prayer for protection

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Jan 28, 2012
by: mrs sheila

DR SUNAH SHERK is a Third Degree High Priestess in the Gardnerian Tradition,he is an Eclectic witch and practice MANY different mysteries including Voodoo, Hoodoo, Santeria (Cuban), Romany, Faery, Tibetan, Sino (Chinese), Druidry, Celtic, Norse, Stregheria (Italian), Egyptian, Folk Magick (Pow-Wow) and many others.he have healed and perform many magic when i visted him to help me get back my lover who my mother snatch from me. he is a compentent dr who have proven that he is not like others who just eat your money without given you result,why don't you try him toay.you can contact him via email:spiritualhomeofmadina@gmail.com

Jul 15, 2010
need prayer for protection
by: Anonymous

need prayer for protection

Jul 13, 2010
by: Nelda CM

Brother Jairo:

You need to kneel down and humble to G-d and ask, him, cry to him pray to him as many hours as you can for repentance and forgiveness on all the things you are doing. HAVE FAITH, Read the Bible. Pray, and apply the WORD of GOD to your life. I've seen your prayer before and prayed for you. By know you should be all FREE, DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT Go BACK AND GET BAD THINGS ANY MORE. I am also praying for you. LOVE IN CHRIST. DI_S ES PODEROSO No Hay nadie mas.

Jul 13, 2010
by: Nelda CM

Shalom Brother Jairo B., DI-S LE BENDIGA y le GUARDE en el nombre de JESUCRISTO.
Dios es Santo y no comparte su mesa con los demonis. Necesita no darles cabidad en ninguna parte de su vida. God is Holy and does not share his table with the demons, you need not to give an open door to any demon.
I pray to Our Heavenly Father, In Yahshuah HaMashiach Holy Messiah Name, that your heart, soul and body be released and delivered from all bad spirits and that you come to the knowledge of his Holy Word according to the HOLY BIBLE. that you learn that going to G-d is N O T a game of getting holiness and then getting demons and that you learn and do as G-d states in his HOLY WORD. IN Jesus Christ Name of Nazareth. Ameyn

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