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Comments for My Marriage

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Jun 02, 2010
by: Michael

It has been a while! So much has happened. I have come to realize that we are not fighting each other(the flesh), we are in spiritual warfare. Her fear and confusion are not of the Lord. It has turned in to a back and forth thing now. On Sunday she said "I love you, so much. And I am considering working things out." The very next day, she said she doesn't want to see me anymore and that we will never work anything out. Pretty upsetting. Not to mention that she has a slew of new guy friends that are hanging all over her. She put her relationship status as "widowed". The feeling is very uncomfortable. I have seen some of my prayers at work here, quite amazing to say the least. I realized that her mother has been an incredibly horrible influence on our situation from the beginning. She has been living with her mother for the past few months. So I prayed that her mother be silenced as a leading influence... a few days later something fell through for them and she moved in with her father. I was amazed. There is a change of attitude entirely when I am present. I don't know if it is because her feelings are altered just by seeing me, or if it is the presence of God in my life that helps suppress the activities of her temptors. We need massive amounts of prayer. I cant do this alone. Amazingly she agreed to meet with one of my pastors this weekend. Please pray that her heart be open and moved. That her fear and confusion be bound up, and that her bad influences are silenced. Once again, thank you for your continued prayer for our marriage. God bless you all.

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