Dearest your prayers are heard and answered for the highest good of all concerned may you be guided and shown the way through this crisis...may God's love surround your family, each and every one.....may the gifts hidden in the challenges be revealed in perfect time and may you and your wife choose to follow your hearts and lead your family out of this crisis into peace, love and harmony in what ever form that might be....setting aside what the mind might tell you is "right"....choose love in every moment...may you be is love to you.
May 15, 2009
God is faithful by: Rob
Dear Greg, I know your pain and I know the Lord is working it out although somes times it takes longer than we desire.I will be praying for you and your family and a healing of past wounds.Keep your eyes on the Lord and He will shine through you so that others will see and come to Him. More of Him and less of you will bring your family back together.
Your brother in Christ,Rob