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Love's Anointing Power

by Naomi

Love's Anointing Power

In these sacred waking moments
of the dawn,
prayer falls from the lips of love,
the way light falls gently
from the moon and stars,
sanctifying and cleansing us
with softened
flames of fire
borrowed from the stirring
monarch of the sun.
We are drifting
in the center of the flow
of a streaming light,
the way a breeze
carries the errant leaf
torn loose from the tree,
a small green life
caught in the currents
of a holy breath.
We hear a voice
singing deep within us,
that blesses the air with joy,
and we know
if ever there was a day
to be alive,
this is the day,
and the first bird
on the wings of morning
answers the song of the soul,
moved by the opening rose
of our hearts.
The curtain is opened
and raised by the power of longing,
and a glimpse of heaven
is granted to those
surrendered and given to love.
We behold a vision.......
an infinite garden....
the sacred air of freedom
and feel a caressing embrace,
a holy grace
from we know not where.
Our heart knows
we have stumbled from a dream
into the flowering
of paradise
here and now.
The glory is unspeakable.
The silence
is deep and wide within us,
and the whispering spirit
breathes through us,
moves our lips and hands,
gazes through our eyes,
and grants us vision
beyond our own......
to truly see.
Write it, speak it, paint it, sing it,
and breathe it to live!
Let it rise in the lightness
of the mystical love
you feel flowing
through you
like a rushing river
of cleansing light.
Have faith in the beauty
you behold.
Let it move you and draw you
into the arms of love.
Hold fast to the hem of the robe
flowing from the monarch
of the skies
and believe your eyes.
The world will not know you,
but you are known
in the most intimate way
you can be known
by a love far greater
than you imagine
with your human mind.
Trust your expanding heart
with the life given to you
and create the visions
you see and hear,
for they leave the clues
and the fragrance of heaven....
and move the heart to open
and the soul to awaken.
Trust love and nothing else.
Love is the blessed assurance and
affirmation of who you are
and what you perceive.
Love holds all that you need,
flowing before you
guiding you,
watching over you,
scattering the seeds of new life
from the union of hearts and souls.
Let love light the way,
for only that radiant ray
will lead you
toward eternal freedom.
Follow the glow
from your own heart,
and allow love
to guide each heart
to find its way home.
Heaven is here and now
all around you
and dwelling
in your precious soul.


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