Love Waits for Us to Call
by Naomi
Prayers for the Light of Love
Darkness can be the obscurity
that opens the eyes
of the heart
to the light of love.
Weakness can be the opening
to the birth
of a new way of being.
Love can penetrate anything
and find its way into every heart,
except the one
that closes the door
and turns away.
Even then, love waits
at the threshold to be called.
When we finally cry out
for love,
the way it comes to us
may not be how we dreamed
or ever imagined
it would come.
Love has a freedom
unknown to our reasoning minds,
and in the helplessness,
of our breaking hearts,
love comes rushing
in like a river,
bearing the light
of an astonishing surprise.
Love is the most
beautiful companion and lover
we could ever invite
to awaken in our souls.
Give love passage
in an ever flowing stream
through your heart,
and I will come too.