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by Naomi
Love comes in a wave of light,
a dancing waterfall of remembrance,
a flash of beauty
that takes the breath away.
From somewhere deep
within our hearts,
it awakens a longing,
which is a deep hunger
for the Presence of God.
We feel and know the miracle
and the fullness of a perfect love
within the warmth
of spiraling light
that enfolds us in its embrace.
Like a dream, it touches us awake
in the glow of a gaze
shining from within our soul,
that sees each precious life
as a creation of divine beauty.
Far beyond what we can simply see
or can know or express,
we belong to God,
who loves us perfectly
and beholds us with the eyes
of Belovedness.
We give away our creative power,
forgetting our Oneness
with conscious love
in the brilliant light of Christ.
We wait for someone else
to remember and love us as we are,
to see beyond our failings
and forgive the ways we sometimes
act as less than perfect love.
There are moments
when we move beyond the dream,
and the grace of Love
opens our hearts so wide,
we are caught in a divine vision,
in the revelation of a star,
and we see who we are
through the eyes of God.
The spreading light of Christ is us
awakening to the miracle
of who we truly are.
When perfect love turns its gaze
of golden light on us,
we arise like the sun
and feel the blazing glory of Creation
to which we belong.
May we all surrender
and accept the gift of grace
that allows
Divine Love to reign
in our hearts
now and forever.