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Love Hears Your Cry

by Naomi

Fountain of Grace

Fountain of Grace

I lift up all the prayers pouring out from people all over the world and for those who share their prayers through this blessed site offering counsel and presence to others, and I ask with all my heart that a sense of peace come to those who pray, that they might be opened to the energy and spirit of Love that is flowing throughout the universe.
May the wellspring of divine grace open eyes to see and ears to hear and touch each person, so they feel the Presence of God through their bodies, minds, hearts, and souls. May the world be renewed by the grace and compassion reaching out to every one who seeks to know the living Spirit of Love within us. May each person come to know the journey to love is a journey to freedom, and love can become a companion to walk with you through whatever you are feeling.
I call on all beings of love to come to the aid of all who are feeling afraid and distressed in these uncertain times. It is so often in helping others, we help ourselves. Other times, it is in surrendering, we make room to receive help from another.
O Beloved God pour your blessings out upon the earth and on all your creation, and grant them peace and the blessed assurance of your Presence within each heart and soul. May the winds of the Spirit soothe and caress all who seek you.
Thank you for hearing our prayers now and always.


Comments for Love Hears Your Cry

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Feb 08, 2009
Thank you
by: Doran

Thank you for this beautiful prayer Naomi....

Feb 08, 2009
Blessed indeed...
by: Deb

Dearest Naomi....thank you so....the depth of beauty in your message....so be it...and so it is.

Feb 10, 2009
tired,weak,lost and broke
by: Bradley

Thank You...

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