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Lord Please Help Me

Lord , i know you are watching over me . You know the needs of my heart and my life . Lord i am doing my very best , but please help me . I cannot do it without your support . I do not want to give up , Please Help Me.

Comments for Lord Please Help Me

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Jul 28, 2008
how can god ever help me? im filth
by: Anonymous

im lower than filth it feels like god has left me here to be alone and distressed.has god abandoned me???.why do i feel so lost and dead inside???.my father's very ill and we have no money left.i cant provide enough money to help them out. i fell like such a failure.please pray for us???.

Aug 17, 2008


Aug 26, 2008
Shaken Faith
by: Mike

I am married to the most wonderful woman in the world and have three marvelous children. I have a professional degree and have had my own business for years. But I feel as if I have been cursed and my family suffers from it and they have done nothing to deserve it. We had a daughter that only lived for a few days because her heart was defective at birth. My oldest son has severe LD problems and has the mental capacity of a 10 year old. My daughter has suffered from fybromyalgia from the time she was in middle school. She is now in her thirtees but suffered years of abuse from fellow students about her handicaps. My youngest son, very intelligent, has a masters degree in urban planning and a very good job but feels his life is ruined and refuses to consult a doctor about depression. I went into the hospital on December 22, 2007 and left four and a half months later due to one complication after another. Now after three months plus of physical therapy I can walk with a cane. My wife has daily pain from spinal problems (she has had her neck fused and several years later had to have her low back fused). I have lost my business and I have been notified by my mortgage company that my home will foreclosed upon. That is unless the tax people do not take everything we own before foreclosure. For over forty years I was proud to call myself a Christian. Now I feel abandoned by God without hope and trapped. All my pastor can say to my complaints that my faith has been shaken is that it will all be alright. That is easy to say when you have a home and income. My prayers for my children and my wife also appear to have went unanswered. I do not need platitudes; I need real help now. Evil goes unpunished and my innocent family suffer. It is hard for me comprehend faith under these circumstances. Did not Jesus say if you have the faith of a mustard seed you could accomplish much? My only conclusion is that I do not have faith and am having a hard time getting it.
I have vented but the future is bleak with no relief in sight.

Sep 01, 2008
God will restore
by: Therese

After reading your letter...the first thing that came to mind is..You must be very special to God. Have you ever read the book of Job? Fr. William Most explains...Satan - who seems not to be the same as the
devil, merely an opponent - tells God that Job would not obey
if he were afflicted. God gives permission to afflict Job
greatly. So Job's suffering is permitted as a test - an idea
that is a bit new, for usually suffering had been considered
as a divine punishment for sin (and it could be that).

Three friends of Job come, but do not really console
him: they say he must have sinned or the affliction would not
have come. Job insists on his innocence. The fact that God
could afflict an innocent man disturbs Job, he almost becomes
angry with God at some points. Finally he asks the Almighty to
answer him. God does speak from a storm: Would Job condemn God
so he, Job could seem just? Job confesses he has not reacted
well, he has tried to deal with things above him, he repents
in dust and ashes. God directs Job's friends to ask Job to
pray for them, so their fault may be pardoned. In the prose
conclusion Job gets back much more than what he had lost...Gods discription of Job... Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil."
You would not be put to the test...unless God held you in such high esteem. I am praying for your family. I'll ask in Jesus name.

Sep 11, 2008
by: Anonymous

I know God will help you I am a living and walking testimony that he will. You have to read and meditate on his words daily-Ephesians 3v20 will atest to that. I recently had major surgery and it is not easy, I was given a colostomy bag for three months, it will be removed in October, and I thank God, the doctor said that it is medically and scientificlly impossible for me to be alive. He said had I not checked into the ER when I did I would have been dead in a few hours, my colon burst and my feces was spilling over in my body for a month and I ignored the pain as I was self diagnosed myself.
The Lord is good and his mercy endureth forever, this is coming for someone who had looked away from the Lord, I did and say things that was and is not supposed to come out of a christians mouth but God is forgiving and he loves you.
Whatever it is you are going through remember that most of the great men and women in the bible had to sit and peace be still, in other words they had to wait upon the Lord for diliverance.
I will keep you in my prayer and remember he will do it in his time and not yours.

Sep 12, 2008
Like everybody else
by: A Searcher of Truth

It's funny, we all come to this place. The internet to find God. As a person of faith, almost unshakeable faith, I too am here with a troubled heart. I feel like I came here because for the first time, I feel like God hasn't provided an answer. My heart goes out to all of your injured hearts. And then it occurred to me. Maybe we all came to this place, not by luck but by design. We see we are not alone. We are of the injured masses. It in no way settles our problems. Mine too is a problem without a foreseeable solution. I sit here wanting to cry but can't shed a tear, either because it makes me feel weak or because it seems I have cried for too long and choose strength. I came here to tell you all my problems, but instead of praying for me, I sit here praying for all of you. LORD HAVE MERCY

Sep 17, 2008
Praying for you all
by: Anonymous

to everyone that has left commments on here. Right now things look very bleak for you but always remember God said in His Word to us that He would never leave us for forsake us. I know things may look bad now but believe God and know that He loves you. For the gentleman named Mike I life you up in prayer and ask God to help you and your family, I have been in a certain situation before and God came through for me please have faith and only believe, just like you said God Word does say to have faith a a mustard seed, dont doubt only believe God is working in your favor, I do believe late in the midnight hour God's going to turn it around for each and everyone who have stated their problems here. I pray God bless you all with the peace of Him that passes all understanding, oh and by the way, in case your wondering no I am not exactly living in a mansion and eating my bon bons, I too have problems just like you guys that is I do not have a job anymore, and I am looking at past due bills now and I was four years old and some how I was burned over 75% of my body and and you know what? I've come to a point in life where Im moving over and quit trying to be god of my life and just let God be God, becasue He is the One that Loves me so much He sent His Son to die on the cross for my sins and I know the things that I have done in life and I know that He is my Provider and I do believe that He's going to work it all out. Please remember God is not a man that He should lie, what He says He will do, HE WILL DO!!!!!!!!!God bless each of you and I'll be praying for you.

Oct 23, 2008
I pray to die
by: Anonymous

I am not worthy of your love or the life you've given me. I've disappointed everyone in my life and I choose to end this life today. I'm sorry

Oct 24, 2008
The way through
by: Mashubi

Dearest Anonymous, and others here who are feeling at the end of your rope ... I am so sorry for the despair you are feeling. I pray that God will send you love, light and comfort to your heart, so you can know and feel with certainty the magnitude of God's love and forgiveness. Even in the midst of terrible or even unthinkable circumstances, God provides a way through. I pray that the way through will reveal itself to you, and I pray for this for everyone here. I hope you will stay with us. Blessings.

Oct 28, 2008
Total despair and hopelessness
by: Mashubi

I am seeing more and more people in desperate situations who are feeling despair, that there is no hope. For some people they feel that the only solution is to end your life. I totally understand how despair can make you feel this, but it is not true. Often when we reach this kind of point of desperation, it is right before something new becomes possible in our lives. If you are in this kind of situation, please do not give into the despair. I highly recommend that you request a message from my teacher Dr. Julie Redstone, she is very helpful. In my experience, communication with her always opens up new possibilities. God always provides a way through even the most difficult circumstances, I pray that you are comforted, guided and blessed during these difficult times.

Nov 10, 2008
Please help my mind
by: Anonymous

God oh my lord the almighty, please help me control my thoughts and my thinking. At times I feel that I am going crazy and that my mind is playing tricks on me. I get anxiety and panic attacks even though I so desperately want to control this. Lord heal me emotionally so that I can live in peace.

Nov 23, 2008
Give thanks to the Lord.
by: Dr Thomas

I thank god for everyday of my life. Though I have not been praying to God as I should, yes dearest lord still make the way for me. Dear lord thank you for giving me hope where there is no hope, thank you for helping out of trouble bridges of life. I said no matter any problems you are going through, my dearest god will perform wonders in your life, will make way where there is no way for the broken hurts, sick and most distress people. However, I implore you to have faith, believe and be kind to others. Once you believe in lord no mountain is too high to climb. May God hear our prayer and bless us.

Dec 19, 2008
Lord please help me
by: Lal R.

Lord, I am a murderer. I gambled everything we saved in less than a year. Now we have nothing. I pity my wife and children whom I do not rightfully deserve. I pray every morning that Lord shoot me, kill me. I cannot take it anymore. I have tried to be a better person. I sinned against the commandments and have asked for forgiveness from the Lord. But I can never forgive myself. I ask the Lord to help me this very last chance financially. I ask that our last asset be sold and start anew . Right now I am in debt. I want to pay the debt. This Christmas is the worst in all my life. I want to commit suicide. Please pray for me. Murderer because I gambled their lives.

Dec 21, 2008
Blessings and prayers
by: Mashubi

Dearest Lal,

I am so sorry for the pain you are experiencing, and for the struggles you've had with gambling. This is an addiction, which can feel totally overwhelming and leave you feeling totally in despair and powerless to change it. Addiction may feel overwhelming but it is not more powerful than God's love.

Though you are angry with yourself right now, God still loves you, and your life is sacred and is given to you by God for a sacred purpose. If you are able to step aside for just a moment from the feelings of self hatred and guilt, see if you can pray for forgiveness. Pray to be forgiven, and most of all to forgive yourself. This takes a great deal of strength when everything in you feels so bad, but if you can take that step to pray for forgiveness, this can open up possibilities for healing and for God's mercy and love to come into your life and help you and your family through this difficult time. Please also feel free to request prayers from our community by submitting a prayer request which others on our site will see and hold in their hearts and prayers with you. Blessings to you.

Dec 28, 2008
I Need You Now
by: S.D.H.

God, I know you are there... I need you. The tears won't stop. The thoughts won't go away. I am lost and hurt. Help me find my way back to you. It has been so long since I opened myself to you and I now know that I can't carry this load by myself.. I am seeking you.. Are you there? Do you see my tears? Do you feel this pain? I am tired.. I want to be new. Make me over. Make me the person that you wanted me to be.. I am open to your will. Guide my steps even when they go astray. Bring me back to you.. I know that my life is worthy... Worthy of happines.. Worthy of prosperity. Worthy of your blessings. Pull me from this fetal position. Guide me to my knees. Help me pray the prayer that leads me to your feet.. Have mercy on me. Have mercy on me..

Dec 29, 2008
by: Anonymous

i cry every night, my heart pines for release from the constnt pain of my weaknesses and trials. i just want to go home to the lord i can't take the pain anymore, will he free me from my mental and emotional pain.

Jan 10, 2009
by: The Warrior of Peace

Lord, I know that you are in control. You know that my life, on the outside, looks like its nothing right now, at times I feel it is. I also know you are the Way Maker, the Truth, the Way, and the Light Father. All we need do is ask something of You and You will provide it, as written in You word. Please take control of things. Restore the things lost to me, give me a place to call home, a job, and allow me to get my GED. Restore my broken relationship with the woman I love, if it be You Will. I know You are right beside me, You are in the midst oh Father, please hear my humbled heart's cry out to You. Deliver me from the iniquities, bonds, and yokes placed on me by this world and Satan. Bring me and place me where You want me to be. Lord please help me.

Any of you who want to pray, any who feel this way, or would like to give me some words of encouragement, Lord knows I could use some, please email me at samurai_kenji19@yahoo.com I will pray with you talk to you, as much as I am in need right now I will help any of you who seek the help you only can obtain through prayer.

Feb 22, 2009
help me to let go...
by: Anonymous

Lord, I want to thank you, first, for the blessing you have given me in my daughter... without her, I would have ended it long ago. You handed me a huge responsibility by giving me such a sweet soul. I only hope that I do not let you down.

I am weak and need your help. I'm hurting and do not know where to turn. I hold on to this hurt and anger and wear it as a shield...I cannot let go of it, no matter how hard I try. I'm angry at him for having an affair, for not showing affection toward me, for not helping out emotionally...or around the house...or with his mother's care. And I'm even angrier that I do not have the courage to tell him how I feel, or that I know about her.

Please help me, lord, before I die inside completely...you have given me so many blessings and skills and I have let you down, completely. I honestly thought that I chose well, both with my husband and in my vocation. Now, I feel that I have messed everything up so completely, that there is no salvation.

Feb 22, 2009
by: Anonymous

God, thank you for all of the love, kindness, and mercy that you have shown me over the years.
I realize without you those years of success would not have been possible.

I need your help lord also to let go of a relationship of 15 years. I need you to guide me and show me the way and to help me not to feel that all of the work I've done over the years are in vain. Please heal my body becausse I am very sick and although things were not going my way in the past as long as I had my health I could get up and go to work and take care of my children. Please heal my body give me the strength to get up and find another job and take care of my children. Help me not to feel lonely when I am alone. Please help me not to be afraid because I know that is not in your plan for my life. Please help me to show my children that I love them no matter where I am in life. Please help me to lead and guide them in the right direction with love.

Mar 13, 2009
My Heart Is Weak
by: Anonymous

I don't know what lead me to this site but I type in Lord Help Me and this is the site that came to me. I just want to say my heart goes out to everyone and I know it has to be a reason as to why we are going threw the things that we are going threw. I sit in my home day after day day and pray to lord and try to seek answers as to why am I in so much pain in my heart, suffering from everything I try to do I'm always felling. I pray daily and try to live my life right and i'm still hearting and felling beat down, I feel like I'm going to so much right now till at times I can't harding breath. I thank god for my health and I pray things get better for everyone. God Bless

Mar 20, 2009
by: Anonymous

Lord GOd...
For whatever reason I have become truly lost. I have an overwhelming thing that things will be okay;and I know that comes from you... But it's not enough. I am popping Xanax and Sleeping pills just to get to sleep. I am scared out of my mind. I feel so lost................



Many years ago I spent my days doing wrong. I hurt many people physivally, I stole, I robbed,I sold drugs. People that didn't deserve it.
All I ever wanted to do growing up was be a part of something, just like anyone else would... But I got associated with the wrong people and became worse than the company I kept. I reached my worse when because of not being able to hold down a job, I chose a line of collecting for dealers... I went and collected all money owed when my dealer was having problems collecting it. I made a decent amount of money doing this so I kept doing it. The majority of the people I had to hurt was because of things like this...Most people I knew had no idea what I was doing.
It all became stressful. I found myself acting and behaving all the time like I did when I was doing bad things. I stayed ANGRY....... Day in And Day out! I saw change had to happen when I came extremely close to murdering someone...

After this happened I made a choice... That I would rather associate with no one than the people I knew... So I shut everyone out. I got a Regular job consisting of physical labor and stayed with them for a decade to stay on the right path.

Years later I met someone... She got pregnant A year after us of being together. After she had the baby, and due to post-partumn depression she became addicted to heroine...
I spent a year in court and #6000.00 dollars fighting for custody and won.
At the age of 27 I went back to school to get a degree and save myself, as well as my son.
Shortly after graduating I aquired a good job but was laid off in January. I have a 5 yr old and I'm losing everything.

GOD PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 22, 2009
for 'Lost'
by: Anonymous

Dear Lost,

Forgiveness is possible. Always know that. Follow your conscience to change your life and sincerely ask for forgiveness. Not all of the hardships you are currently undergoing stem from past wrongdoings. Many, many people are facing hard economic times right now.

See the Essentials of Purification blog (http://essentials-of-purification.lightomega.org/2009/03/journey-of-purification.html) for help on how to navigate in these times.

Mar 22, 2009
God is not threw with you yet
by: Anonymous

I know what you're going threw, I can feel your hurt and your pain. I worked in manufactory for 17 years and I got fired off of my job after I got promoted to supervisor. I was making about $70,000 a year, may not be much for some people but it was more than enough for me. I got fired because when I was promoted some people that worked under me tried to make my life a living h--l so they plotted against me to get me fired. I excepted that and I'm trying to move on and be positive about every thing. Even though I don't have any unemployment benefits for being fired, I have no income what so ever come in my home,I have bad days and I have good days. But it does not matter what kind of days I'm having things are not going to change just because I want them to, it's all about God's timing. So I would like to say to you to be strong and keep praying God's not threw with you yet, he hears your every cry and he's always there for you even when it does not seem like it. I will be praying for you. God Bless

Apr 28, 2009
we are all blessed
by: Anonymous

God Bless everyone who left comments here,it takes courage to let it out..I believe he is with us all,he knows everything about all of us....have faith!!Jesus always comes through,but on his time..not ours!one of the hardest things in my life is to let Jesus take control.I think that if we remember who is in control we might not try to take control,Im glad I found this sight..I think we all were supposed to find this sight!God Bless all!!!

May 21, 2009
Dear Lord, I Am Crying Out To You!
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord I am crying out to you. Please help me and everyone else praying to you on this website to experience your goodness, love and mercy; provide us with prosperity and financial blessings exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever ask, conceive or think. Lord you said that you shall provide for all our needs according to your riches in glory. Give us faith so that we will wait on you Lord, because you are always on time. Change my husband's heart Lord so that he will be more gentle, loving and caring towards me each day. Grant us healthy, wonderful, praise-filled children who will make our lives complete. We thank you Lord because we know that you have already answered our prayers, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen

May 31, 2009
from the heart in a moment
by: Anonymous

Wow, I am compelled to open my prayers and petitions for all of you who have shared your hearts. May God bless every individual person who has come to this very moment to type and share thoughts, God already knows. It is your perserverence and faith you do have that brings you here. My heart is sad and I pray desperately for my teenage son to change his ways and hold on to Jesus' teachings. We are in a spiritual battle and I have amazing vision for him as you all for your own children. Let's continue to fight the fight and pray and teach our children in the way they should go because God promises that they will not depart from that when they are older. I do pray for my boys and all your children that we continue to be firm with a gentle spirit and always pray for more than we can imagine for our children and that they will remain safe and healthy. May God bless them all with the holy spirit to guide them and protect them. Please pray for my family(my husband,mom,dad and children) to heal not to dive into details, but we all have such love and unity that can be shaken when we our focus will shift from walking God's walk to strumming to the beat of our own drum. Please do not become deaf to that sound, but keep your eyes,ears,and heart on the sound of God's whispers. His voice will become louder as we grow closer. I am at a financial bottom with my business and need a miracle for someone to help join me or for a turn around. I am grateful no matter what, but realize God and family comes first and although I feel my business is a place where I can really glorify God, many obstacles coupled with blessings present daily. God give me continued peace and simplicity in life. I also pray for all out there that may be overwhelmed with life's details, Phillipians 4:4-13 I give you. Psalm 46:10 "Be STill and know that I am God" Let us all take many moments to be still daily. This is unusual for me to just jump onto a site and begin typing my thoughts. I felt as though I needed to share and ask for your prayers and let you know that I want to encourage you. I hope that the next pair of eyes who read this is showered with amazing blessings. May God bless you and keep you safe. Love your sister-in-Christ!

Jun 15, 2009
by: Anonymous


Jun 20, 2009
by: Anonymous

God I know you are watching over me.I need your advices in my searching,I don't want to do anything withou your approver. I need you to help me make this desition. I love you and thank you for always being there for me.

Jun 20, 2009
by: Anonymous

Just about an hour ago...finished a conversation with my dad who is an awesome man and struggling with addiction. I really know that God answers prayers and moving forward with a changed attitude and support, you can walk in front of addiction and live life to the fullest like God intended. Not to share the details, because in the scope of the bigger picture, forget about what you have done and give yourself a little encouragement daily and trust God by your actions. GET the help you need and ask God to show you exactly what you need and who can help you along the way. God is with you no matter what, just open your eyes to a new life. Back to my dad, it is just ironic that I come to my email and check the World Blessings comments and see a need for prayer. My dad has been in the middle of powerful prayer and I do see the fruits of God's timing and how he heals those who are hurting. There is a time and place for everything and you will MOVE past this, I promise you will. Hang on to God's promises and research his word on healing. Your sister in Christ.

Jul 02, 2009
no one to turn tocept you lord
by: Anonymous

am at a lost, no onre to turn to. except you my lord. please , i dont want to be put to shame ive already so much in 2005 and you not but you are there to carry me and my family. please retained in 527 kanuming st.please... am so tired packing up. to move to another house. pls. consider 527 kamuning st.juna subd. our permanent home okey ba lord? please respond .this is very urgent we might be receive a evection notice.thank you. for giving me this oppurtunity to express whts in my heart trough writing you at his moment. i know you are so compassionate to the needy. please lord. .....

Jul 02, 2009
by: Thesz

Lord Thank you for allowing me to be in your shadow. Things are so tough for me right now. I cry rivers with an aching heart from this worlds pain and the bed that I have made for myself the reaping of what I have sown, but still with tears in my eyes I will praise you and continue to say thank you Lord.

Jul 04, 2009
Lord Help me
by: kiloi

Lord help me
right now I am feeling very nervous. I do not know what is troubling me. For the past few days I have not been sleeping early. I brought back few office work to be completed. I managed to sleep only around 1 am. And recently I attended a funeral of one of our friends. After seeing the body - I cannot forget. I got fever and feeling very nervous.

Lord help me to overcome my fear.

Jul 08, 2009
It's easy to say keep the faith
by: Anonymous

I read these comments about so many people hurting including myself. Everybody says trouble dont last always and read the book of job I have and I'm trying to keep the faith but have my house sold for taxes being laid-oof three tinmes in 2 years,health issues ,troubled children and oure lonliness and I have a husband who may walk away at any moment it's hard to keep the faith. Sometimes I feel like I was put here to hurt neither parents cares and now both of them are sick.I dont know what to do or how. I pray all day asking for forgiveness for whatever I did to deserve this heartache I'm going through right now. I pray god is keeping me here to help someone else with my testimony one day.I sometine feel like I'm at the end of my rope then I rmemeber someone saying when at the end of your rope tie a knot and keep holding on. Regardless of all of this I know someone else is in worst shape so I am praising god anyway and still tryin to hold-on. Everyone reading this I pray god give you a blessing so big u have hardly no room to receive it. Remeber we have to keep our faith through it all.

Jul 09, 2009
May God bless all who are suffering
by: Anonymous

I ask and pray that God bring love, light, comfort and peace to all here who are suffering, in pain, feeling desperate, and burdened with trials. May God's light strengthen, support and nourish each beautiful soul here, that we may know and feel God's love, light and glory. Amen.

Jul 10, 2009
Lord forgive Me
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,

Please hear my prayer. I know I should be gratefull for this life I have. But I just keep getting more depressed and feel as though I am losing my mind. I pray every day, but still I just can't find peace with myself. My children are grown, and have such bad lives, and it is all my fault. How can I keep going with the thoughts of what my children and grand children and great grandchild have been through. I had to quit taking care of my older sister because, I was suffocating and couldn't handle the constant care anymore. I am always feeling guilty for things that happen to my loved ones. please help me to be ok. I just can't stand it anymore.

Jul 10, 2009
Thank you for your posts
by: Anonymous

I feel lost, and yet I look around and see so many worse off. My family has been split apart by a divisive spouse who moved away then moved further away and then died due to years of abusing his body but he is a hero to my children, and I am the one who is always wrong. I have a child he dropped as a baby who is severely handicapped because of it. I don't know what to do with her because she is now an adult and I can't handle her any more and have asked for help but there is no end in sight. I am grateful I have a job, but it has become overwhelming in quantity and may put the license I worked so hard for as a solo mom on the line. The man I learned to love after my kids dad left has lied and cheated. But he accuses me of being suspicious. I feel like I want someone to help take care of me sometimes, but he is rejecting me. I don't know how to let him go. I just want to run away, but won't becaue I still have the handicapped child and one other at hoem. I don't know what to do. I have been alone for 7 years now and I'm tired. I am grateful for what I have and have been able to do, but I'm overwhelmed with the daily care and concern about my daughter and noone to turn to for comfort. Please forgive, I don't want to be self-pitying but feel ready to go under.

Jul 16, 2009
please lead me to the right way
by: Anonymous

i love you lord....im so sorry because i'm lost .I keep moving now but i think i dont have direction i'm just flowing w/ the flow.i'm confused i just pretend that i'm happy but i'm totally empty...Lord help me I know that i'm blessed but still i really felt that i'm alone...lord help me please...I just want to be happy .may you fill in the emptiness that i have...thank you lord & i love you.

Jul 20, 2009
please father help me overcome
by: Anonymous

Father only you know my pain and suffering. Please help me......

Jul 22, 2009
financial deliverance
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,
I know that Jesus lives in my heart and that You are my Father. I have been praying for You to deiver me from financial bondage for so long. I am at a crisis point now Lord, with my bills piling up and my power about to be cut off and need you more than ever. I don't know what to do to get You to help me. I have asked You to forgive me and I believe that you have but Father, I need to pay these bills or they will be cut off and foreclosed and I will be homeless. Please answer this sinner's prayer and restore peace and joy to my life. I promise to serve You, no matter what happens but I really need Your help. Thank you Father for all that You have done, all that You are doing now and all that You will do in the future. I praise Your Holy Name. In Jesus Name, amen

Jul 23, 2009
Messing Up
by: Anonymous

I have messed up so many times in my life and now i'm paying for the mistakes i've made. What's worst is when you put at risk who's innocent of ur selfish behavior.

Can i ever forgive myself. I would always quote, Lord, please let me latter days be greater than my formal days. But seems now i'm giving in account for the wrong i've done. Lord, please have mercy on my soul.

I'm so hurt.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 25, 2009
God bless you all
by: Anonymous

i see many brothers and sisters hurting and reaching out to the lord.Iam with you all too,Ive lost everything my buisness,my home,they have taken my truck also.my marriage is being tested also,Ive 4 kids.going to macdonalds is like a fancy resteraunt and that doesnt happen much.All kinds of thoughts come in to mind,no money no food no work all struggle,electric gets turned off,then the gas,its like playing hop scotch to pay bills.yes I have thought about driving into a lamp post trust me,I was at the lowest point of my life,my wife said lets go to church,we did and are still going,youll find peace and praise the lord and sing yes sing,pray every night and day with your heart,dont let the evil thoughts come to mind thats the devil and hes a liar.Im still in the struggle,one day at a time the lord is good we will get through this,in all my troubles what did I find peace.thank you Jesus,be patient wait for the lord.god bless you all,one day at a time,Read your bible and it will Renew you

Aug 01, 2009
Our Lord is the answer
by: Anonymous

Our Lord is the only answer when we ask for help. I've committed a horrible sin for too long and He is the only one that can help me now. He was patient with me and gave me enough warnings and signs to stop the sinning but I didn't.

Aug 08, 2009
Peace be Still
by: A Fallen Star

Well I am reading this post board and I see a clear division of those of us seemingly going thru the ringer and others on the other side. I am going thru the ringer. It is such a familiar place. I work so hard meditating, praying, fasting for a spiritual fulfillment that seems so close but is yet so far away. Time and time again I find myself stepping out on what I call faith and then falling flat on my back as I end up in a place of severe loneliness and alienation. How can this be? Many a nights I have walked the streets miles and miles from one end of the city to another begging and pleading for a divine intervention and yet my prayers seem to go unanswered, Why oh why does it seem that God has forsaken me when my broken heart can only take so much. I am weak and alone yearning to be touched so that I can know that I am not forgotten as I have been by the world.

Aug 09, 2009
by: Anonymous

To Fallen Star and all who are struggling,

You are not alone, even though it feels and seems this way. Those who appear to "have it all together" are also going through their trials. At different times we all may need help, and each of us also has love and support to share with others during the times that we are not as much 'in the wringer' :-)

Thank for for sharing here, and may God bless you in your journey. May you be helped to know and feel God's love and support, even at this time when it is so difficult to see and feel. Many are struggling at this time, though you may not see or feel their struggles. You may find this article helpful on Dealing With Weariness. Blessings to you.

Aug 11, 2009
My Daughter and GrandChildren
by: darwoodhurst

Please LORD help me to find peace with the man who has hurt my daughter and us so much. This man has done everything possible lying, cheating and stealing to get the children from their wonderful mother. He had his 20 year old daughter lie and say she stole clothes from her own home and had her arrested. She has been in jail for 7 days now and we don't know when VA will be picking her up. Please LORD I beg of you to make this right for my daughter and the children. PLease LORD give us strength to get my daughter out of jail and to win the custody hearing.

Please LORD take my hateful thoughts about her ex away and help me pray for some mental and emotional help for him. In Jesus's Name I pray. AMEN!

Aug 16, 2009
Help me please
by: Anonymous

Dear Father,
Please answer my prayer, I'm in need of your healing. I need you to make things right in my life. I know I don't deserve you but I know that you can make a miracle out of me. Please Lord heal me and make me new. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Please my Lord help me!!!!

Aug 17, 2009
Lord please take me home
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord, our Dear Father God,

Although I love you dearly, I now want to come home to you.

I have tried my best through adversity. I have raised my son alone for all of his life. He is now a grown man in a long-term relationship.

Me, I am still alone. No-one to care for me. Add to that I have a chronic illness which brings its own problems. I am due for an operation next month. Which I doubt will rid me of my problems.

Everyone turns to me in their hour of need, and I willingly assist them. But now, at my lowest ebb, and theres no-one for me.

I feel so alone and feel myself sinking into that deep, dark place again.

Lord, I know I cannot take my own life, I just wish you would call me home now. Sitting here, typing, it is hard to see the keys through my tear-filled eyes.

Please please hear me lord and bring me home into your loving arms.

Aug 17, 2009
Dearest God send your love
by: Mashubi

Dearest most holy God, please hear the cries of your children here. Please bless this beautiful soul here who is in pain and feeling alone, so that he or she can feel and know Your holy presence, Your love and your healing Grace. Please bless all of your beautiful children here, and all souls who are suffering, alone, and feeling despair. Please God, extend your endless mercy to those seeking forgiveness. In Your holy name I ask that you hear their prayers. Blessings and Amen.

Aug 18, 2009
reassigned job
by: Anonymous

I have been at my job for 13 years working with children.I loved my job,the people I work with and all the children there.I was moved from one location to another for no reason and asking everyone to pray for me to get my old job back. This move has crushed my world and I am having a hard time dealing with it.If it is the lord's Will I hope I can come back.I am thankful to still have a job.

Aug 27, 2009
Lord.....I know I have disappointed you....
by: worthless....

Dear Holy Father...I am so sorry that I am not the person you would want me to be. I try so hard but I seem to fail. My past relationships as well as my current one have been failures and deep in my heart I know I have been the one at fault. I simply don't have anything to offer another person to earn their love. My parents never loved me and I was just a burden as I am to you and others in my life now. I worked so hard to succeed and provide my wife with what she deserves but because of what seems my inability to make good decisions, I now have no job. It has been a year of struggle using every moment of time trying to find a job, an opportunity...anything to do my duty as a husband and provider but to no avail. We have used all of our money at this point and soon the bills will not get paid...so embarrassing and I feel so guilty because of my failure. I used to be so confident and positive but after praying for many months and asking you my Lord for guidance, there have been no clear answers....I don't want to give up but I am close to doing so. I am now finding myself asking you to let my die... Seems so cowardly but my mind is sick right now. Lord...I am not asking you to give anything to us, just please show me the way and I will do the work to bring back the financial security we once had...I just need you to take my hand and heart and put me on the right path, to the right opportunity, to the right people for help. Lord I know I probably deserve you to forsake me but please don't let my wonderful wife suffer for being with me. I don't want to lose her but I do know she deserves more than what I can provide right now so if you can't help me, then please help her and then let me drift off to sleep and hopefully join you in heaven...thank you for listening....

Aug 27, 2009
You are a child of God
by: Anonymous

To the brother who is feeling worthless,

You are beautiful and created in God's image. Although you feel worthless, I do not believe that this is who you are. God loves all of His children and knows us initmately, even more than we know ourselves. God knows what is in your heart, and sees your faithfulness and desire to support your family.

I pray that God hear your prayers and open doorways in your life so that you can move forward into a new time that is free from the pain of the past, and that is filled with God's love each and every day. May God bless you and your family. Amen

Aug 27, 2009
New resource for hope
by: Mashubi

Hello dearest friends,

I want to let you know of a new resource for hope called Meditations for Hope and Transformation. This is a daily meditation e-mail series created by Julie Redstone of Light Omega. I find these meditations beautiful and very helpful in staying connected to God and to God's love. I hope you find them a blessing as well. http://www.worldblessings.net/public/636.cfm

Sep 01, 2009
forgive me lord
by: Kali Veikune

Please lord forgive me, I am a sinner help me and come into my heard ,lead my family because I knew I cannot do anything without you ..please lord I really needs your help forever amen.

Sep 03, 2009
I need you so much father
by: Anonymous

Father you are the only one that knows
what is going on in my life I need you but before helping me I ask of you father to help those that need your help first than me help them give them what they want let them know that you are a good GOD a GOD that never comes Late let them know that with out you no one can do anything. Open your eyes brother and sisters all you have to do is ask and he will be there he never comes late. I love my father so much i will not live in this world with out him there is nothing out in this world you can't but your problems to the world you will never get help just get in your knees and read his lovely word and your will have anything you want.

Sep 13, 2009
Why Can't You Hear Me Lord?
by: Anonymous

I married my husband until death do us part . . . and I would not have ever have left him, but he left me. I prayed and prayed for the Lord to save my marriage, and everyday things became worse. He got the other woman pregnant and moved in with her, we're divorced and there was nothing that I could do about it. Now I am stuck with the stigma of being divorced, as if I am a failure. I didn't want to be alone, I prayed and prayed to the Lord, but he does not hear me. I prayed for eighteen (18) years, and I am still alone, and now I am too old to have more children. It is too late. Why can't the Lord hear me?

Sep 14, 2009
Response to - "Why Can't You Hear Me Lord?"
by: Anonymous

Beloved One,
It is very painful to not feel heard and very painful to feel alone and lonely for so long. Your heart has asked for understanding about why your prayers were not answered and why you have had to endure such a long time of loneliness. It is this:

The human heart just wants pain to end - the pain of loneliness, the pain of grief, the pain of loss. The soul of each person, however, wants what is in the best intersts of that person. You may wonder - how could being alone for so long be in my best interest? It creates a choice for you, beloved one, concerning what you wish to do with your life. Do you wish to wait for someone to come to you who will solve the problem of your loneliness and give your life meaning, or do you wish to create a life for yourself that will be rich and meaningful whether that person comes to you or not? This is the learning in loneliness for many - it is about valuing your own life and making it something beautiful and positive.

There is still time left for you to value your life. Treat your life as a preciouis gift from God. When you do so, you will know that your prayers have been answered.

Sep 28, 2009
Let me hear You
by: Anastasia

I need to have God's help. My life has so many burdens the last 3 years. First my husband & I were in a serious car accident both of us hurt bad but Joe was worse however God saved his life and as he was recuperating he had a stroke last Nov 29 2008 He is unable to speak and lost the use of his right side. Everyday I have been going to visit him and trying to keep up with the care of our home. I am not healthy myself and am getting totally exhausted, Our daughter lost her job because of all the cut backs. It has created difficulty in their marriage.
I call out to the Lord but cant seem to have the burdens lifted. Please Jesus help me with the burdens I pray and ask for your prayers

Sep 28, 2009
by: RAJ

god help me. i lost every love i received from my love. i hurted her so much that she never able to forgive me. me not able to help my parent financially. its so long yet i not able to complete my degree. please god guide

Sep 30, 2009
He said He'd never leave nor forsake us
by: Maxwell Pickett Jr

2 Corinthians 1:8-11

For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life. 9 Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead, 10 who delivered us from so great a death, and does[a] deliver us; in whom we trust that He will still deliver us, 11 you also helping together in prayer for us, that thanks may be given by many persons on our[b] behalf for the gift granted to us through many.

To Mike and to all that have posted on here,
To keep God's commandments of loving thy neighbor and loving Him, I send out my prayers over you all. God is pleased that we seek rest and/or deliverance in Him. He hears our cries daily (spoken and unspoken). I too, am very weary, but the blood of Jesus Christ is and will always be sufficient. I am very, very, very tired. My soul aches, and I desire the green pastures and still waters, but as our Lord said int he garden as He prayed, "Never-the-less, not my will be done but Yours". I have about 56 cents in my left pocket, foreclosure notices, at least a $950 negative checking account balance, with bills due and over due, a half a quarter of a tank of gas, and it's wednesday, with 2 kids 3 & 6, and my God knows that I desire in my heart to stand strong in my faith and loyalty to believing His Word. Pray saints!!!!! Pray for one another, pray for all of us that God's will be done and that He give us the strength to stand and lean on His unchanging hand. Love always, Max

Oct 05, 2009
by: Anonymous

I have never felt so worthless in my life. I'm ready to leave this earth. People are hurtful and spiteful and I can't deal with the pain anymore. It's unbearable. Lord, why don't you love me anymore?

Oct 06, 2009
by: giving up

I don't understand why heartbreak can make you feel like you are so worthless. Is this human nature that one person can make you feel like you aren't deserving of decent treatment? I'm confused and lost, not because of him, but because of a 3 yr custody battle, work has cut hours to 30/wk due to economy, and everything's falling apart. How do you get up every morning and know that this is what the Lord WANTS you to go through? any input is greatly appreciated.

Oct 07, 2009
in debt
by: Anonymous

Lord please help me with my problems... im in debt for almost hundred thousand in order to sustain my family needs..

i dont know what to do..

please help me

Oct 07, 2009
To 'Worthless' (Oct. 5th)
by: Anonymous

Sometimes, when the pain of the world seems very great, and the treatment by others beyond explanation, it is because you need not to respond to what is wrong with the world but to make it right. In the absence of being loved or treated well, give love anyway. This is what will make the world right and yourself of great value in your own eyes.

Oct 13, 2009
by: Anonymous

MY HEART HURTS WITH ALL THE BROKEN HEARTS HERE.I can relate in some ways.I am a christian of 8 years. I am 33,,i have lost my business,my financials are a mess,no friends,no loving family,no relationships and most of all lonely.I had a new job but had to leave it ,because they were dishonest and i need to serve the lord no matter what.My family is a mess (alcholic dad),brother (now drinking with his new daughter around),sister confused,mom(hurting from divorce).Because of my financial situation,I now live with my father,the one who abused me physically and emotionally as a child.He is now physically sick, heart,legs and so on.So now i find myself taking care of him and i am in serious emotional pain.(reliving my childhood,even though I have forgave him)Three months ago a bad smell came from his room,he had craped everywhere in the bathroom,everywhere except the toilet!!.I knew i had to clean it because he couldnt,i had to pray for strength to clean it.Why you ask?This was the same father who smeared my crap filled underwear in my face when i was a child/baby because he was drunk &impatient with me during potty training.I dont have all the answers of why? we all are suffering in one way or the other,but we must! and i mean must continue in our faith in the lord jesus christ, and pray for each other and ourselves,that the lords will be done. May gods grace and love be with you all.

Oct 17, 2009
This life is just one piece
by: Anthony

When I see and feel the suffering that seems unbearable and makes no sense, the bad things that happen to good people, the physical and mental pain, I remind myself of one belief. That is, this existence is just one miniscule piece of the soul's journey. I think that the trials of this life always make sense and the reasons for the pain become clear at some point, if not in this physical life, then immediately after we move on. I feel like this life is just one thread in a huge colorful tapestry that we souls are all weaving, together, all of us interacting in a way that we may not understand now. I try to always have the faith that it all will make sense and that every condition we experienced was 'perfect' for us at that point, for reasons that will become clear. I think God is never separated from us, He is in us and we in Him, even though we rarely may feel that way. I pray, peace and love to you.

Oct 17, 2009
my marriage
by: Anonymous

help Lord my wife is leaving me. I cannot be alone in this world. she means everything to me and i cannot go on without her--please help my broken heart--it is so hard to fathom being without her--she leaving me on thursday--don't let the devil get in my mind--keep him away from me.. could you please let her know i love her more than life and i cannot be without her

Oct 20, 2009
a falling christian
by: Anonymous

I know that I'm not worthy and that I don't deserve your help. please forgive me for all my
unjust sin that I have committed against You and
others. My life is a rack my marriage is a rack
I sometimes feel that I have nothing to live for.
All I know is that I have you to run to in these
troubled times that I'm going through. Can You
please help me for I'm so weak I fill as though
I'm not able to stand. Especially with out You.

Oct 21, 2009
Help in troubled times
by: Anonymous

Lord help me please. i have started my search for a job and I am scared. For years i have done what i needed to do, but today I want to hear you tell me what you want me to do. Show me the path that I should take and help me to be still so that i can hear you when you speak to me.

I too feel like a failure; like i will never amount to anything. My prayer every night is that when i wake up in the morning it will finally be my time to shine. I go to bed praying for and expecting miracles in my life and that of my family's. Lord financially I need your help, and I ask you to hear me. I want to be independent, and i finally want to live the life I have always dreamed of. I do not ask for riches, but for peace, a job that I can be passionate about and that can help me rise above my financial problems.

I thank you Father for hearing me and for reminding me that i do have value, i am worthy. i pray for all of you that He will answer you speedily. I do believe as I know that you all do that He will never leave you nor forsake you. He has promised that he will be with you always and His promises are true. So let's together believe...let's have faith because we all know that He can only work on our behalf when we believe.

God bless you all.

Nov 03, 2009
Help Me
by: Anonymous

Gracious and merciful Lord and Father forgive me, a lowly sinner. You have provided so much for me, and I am grateful. Hear me now Father and answer my humble prayer. I hurt so much, and I feel so empty and alone. I am near the end of what I can bear, and I am so lost. The money's running out, work is inconsistent, bills are piling up, and I stand alone with but the love of my children to keep me here. Help me, and guide me. In your name I pray, Amen.

Nov 09, 2009
God is able
by: Anonymous

No matter what we go through in life, God is able, and he can, and he will, in his time!I have been through about everything you can imagine, molestation, drug use, sodomy, loss of marriage, loss of home,suicide,loss of job, loss of income.
I have just lost a job that paid almost minimum wage, I have had to work with nasty, low down people,I do not have very much income at the moment, bank account is fifteen dollars overdrawn, the job market is very bad here, gas is still going up. My situation is bleak,I do not have food in my house, my child needs shoes and a lot of other stuff.No insurance, no money, but still, I have hope. Hope in Jesus Christ, that he will make a way.
I have faith that God has not brought me this far to leave me.I have been so far down that I did not want to live. I had no reason or purpose to want to live. But then God saved me and I know that it is not about me but about what God has for me. We are helpers one to another. Sometimes when I am at my lowest, I find my self singing praises and thanking God for life. I sing when I
should be crying, I sing when I do not want to sing, I praise God like everything is well, I teach Sunday school when I want to be having a pity party. I pray when I do not want to open my mouth. I attend bible study when I do not want to leave out of the house.I praise God because of who he is, and as an American, that is what I was taught! That God is and he will!

Nov 09, 2009
I trust You Lord
by: Cyndi

Lord, I'm putting all of my trust in you. I'm so overwhelmed with life in pretty much every area. Finances are really tough, but..I trust you. My emotions are out of control but.I trust you. Lord please continue to give me the strength its gonna take to get through each day. I love you father, and I TRUST YOU

Nov 10, 2009
Please help me...
by: Anonymous

I have been married for 17 yrs and this past yr my husband has just changed. I love him more than life itself but he is no longer in love with me. I feel like my whole family and my life are falling apart. Please I'm begging to please help me lord!!!

Nov 10, 2009
by: Anonymous

I am in deep trouble right now FINANCIALLY. No matter how hard I tried to work and earn a living, still I'm in a deadly financial quicksand, which is slowly killing me softly with debts here, there and everywhere. If God won't have mercy on me and won't pull me out of this deadly quicksand Im in right now, I'm afraid I might lose control of my mind and everything. I might lose my house, my business, my dignity and my life - my family. I pity my daughter so much. My husband is not helping me financially, it's like I'm the only one providing for the family. Please help pray for me - for my FINANCIAL redemption - FOR god TO FINALLY look upon me with great MERCY and shower upon me His financial blessings and prosperity so I can pay all my honest debts. I don't know now where to go, whom to turn to, and what to do. I'm hopeless. God, Please HELP ME!!!!

Nov 16, 2009
by: Anonymous

I pray for everyone who has left a comment on this site that God will give us all wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I pray for God to pour out blessings upon us in overflow, financial blessings, peace of mind blessings, blessings of meaningful and satisfying jobs, blessings of wisdom in managing our finances. All the members in my family lost jobs some time ago. I prayed on this site and others and God has answered our prayers and provided meaningful jobs for us all. IF HE DID IT FOR US I KNOW THAT HE WILL DO IT FOR ALL THE REST who are praying on this site. Lord let us keep praying even when all seems to be lost we feel like there is no hope, Father we will KEEP PRAYING THROUGH THE HARD TIMES AND PRAISE YOU ALWAYS. Lord, I that pray that after you have blessed us financially that you give us wisdom to manage our finances wisely, let us be wise to save a large amount from every pay check, let us keep rent and mortgage payments low by choosing a low priced instead of a high priced home, keep bills low, for example by turning off lights when not in use; let us give a part of what we earn to our church, even if it is a small amount let give something towards our church and helping the poor. Father continue to bless us and show us how to live wisely. These things we pray through your Son Jesus Christ, Amen

Nov 16, 2009
To "Please help me" - Nov. 10th
by: Anonymous

Dear One,
Great loss comes to many lives, including the loss of a beloved relationship whether through death or emotional or physical separation. Always, in the presence of such loss, there is the need to allow grief to emerge, which often comes with the feeling of not knowing how one can go on living. Grieving is part of healing, yet the danger when pain is great is to feel that there is no self to go on with without the 'other'. At such times one must cling to God's Presence in trust, and hold the understanding that the 'self' that is essential can find its balance and wholeness again in God's company. This 'self' is important and must be restored for wholeness to take place. Blessings.

Nov 16, 2009
To "Financial Quicksand" - Nov. 10th
by: Anonymous

Dear One,
God hears your cries in desperation and hopelessness and asks you to try to change the image you are giving power to in your mind. Quicksand pulls you under because of its great force, but you have something in you that need not be pulled under. It is the strength of your soul and the possibility of asking for guidance to find the way through this very difficult situation.

The difference between 'quicksand' and 'not quicksand' is often believing in oneself, and believing that through connecting with the Divine within, guidance and a way through can be found.

You are stronger than you think you are. Believe this, and seek the tiny window in your inner awareness that can show you the way through.


Nov 19, 2009
Parayer for you
by: Anonymous

I will pray for you, if you're obedient and have faith, hold on to it and God will make a way for you when it seems as if there is no way. I'm going through similar issues myself. God always makes a way for the righteous

Nov 19, 2009
lord pls help me!
by: Anonymous

lord pls help, i don't know what to do, i don't want my family to suffer. everything is not doing good in my life. i'm doing my very best but it seems that everything is elluding me.
i know you are a wonderful god and i know you will not forsake us. pls. do help us all. we are dire in need of your help. my wife and my children are very wonderful, loving and caring, i dont want them to be in a situation which i could not help them. i'm a father like you father god, you know how it hurts to see your family suffer. we love you lord, we exalt you lord. pls heal us on our pain and sufferrings.

Nov 20, 2009
Still mad, angry, and lost
by: Anonymous

Can some e-mail me and let me know if you survived any of the problems that you ask God to help you with. We your request answered. If so how. Did you really get what you asked for?

Nov 21, 2009
I need a miracle blessing now.
by: Sis. Patricia Johnson

Dear God,

The Father of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, I know that your see all, know all, and hears all, I know that your are always on time. please help me to pay Tower Loan off, they are threatening to sale my land.

I made the mistake to put it up for collateral when I was going through hardship. Having two sons incarcerated at the same time, a single struggling single parent of five. Oh! dear heavenly Father, please send me miracle blessing.

The land has been in our family for centuries, my family is selfish, and by me being the heir of the home plot they are jealous. After the house burned down Christmas eve 1992 and we lost everything, I've been struggling ever since. My health has been poor since birth, multiple problems, and you have brought me a mighty long way to leave me now, I love you Lord, and I Trust You to the fullest extent. You have always made a way for me, and I know you will continue to do so. Please hear my prayer in our Lord and Savior name Amen. Anyone caring to shared you can reach me at agreenwood_jam1@comcast.net. I would love to be your friend.

Nov 25, 2009
God please help!
by: G

God help me get over this feeling that i'am feeling.You have been so good to me help me to remember my blessing. I thank you for saving me.
Be with me please i pray to you.

Nov 25, 2009
I need your help
by: Jay

Lord, I feel so confused and so alone. My wife is having an affair and is very indifferent to me. I feel so much pain. This situation is placing my kids' future in jeopardy. I love my wife, I am willing to forgive her and I am praying to have her back. I am so lost and don't know what to do. I need your help.

Nov 27, 2009
To: G
by: Someone who loves you

Please know God is with you He has Great things in store for you. I pray that he will bless you abundantly. Know "YOU" are a child of God. I pray that you will feel his presence, but I pray most of all you will feel his LOVE. Jesus Christ loves you and he knows all your wants and needs, just ask and He will guide you. Just have faith! Remember Christ is your Father and you are his child.
Just know I love you and Jesus Christ loves you, I will be praying for you.

Dec 07, 2009
Confidence In God
by: Anonymous

i encourage my self every day that no matter what difficulties challenge me on a daily basis i will trust god with my life. there are millions of people going through so much hardship and pressures. without God you are lost. i realized that he is capable and reliable when ever called upon. his coming may not be when you want or feel the need at the moment. i want you to know that God delays are not denials your confidence must never never be shaken when God present dominate the atmosphere that sense of knowing he is right at your side and no harm will interfere with your peace because he is in control and all the things that have you distracted will be resolved quickly and effectively.

Dec 29, 2009
by: Glen

Lord please forgive me for what I do. For I know not what I?ve done.

Dec 30, 2009
lord hear thy childrens prayers
by: Anonymous

i was asking for god's help also i felt so alone and in pain i read all these comments and recognized my own life of tears sorrow and pain financial worries losing my home divorce and on my own with 2 kids and the loss of my mother and the suicide of my 14 year old nephew all this and more in the space of 1 year i pray for all of us i think god led me to this site to let me know he hears our prayers i also think he's heard all of your cries for help too and that's why he led you all to this site to i will pray for all of us

Jan 12, 2010
God's Grace is Sufficient
by: VEE

[I cried because I had no shoes, until I saw a man who had no feet.] I was drawn to this site because I typed: Lord please help me! I feel very humbled by what I read. I did some of my Christmas shopping in my basement this year. I felt shame, not because some of the gifts I gave were "re-gifted" but because they sat there in the darkness, for whatever amount of time, when they could have put smiles on the faces of my loved ones and those less fortunate than I, long before. Yes, "those less fortunate". I am ashamed, but I know my Lord forgives me. I remembered when my husband had asked me for a divorce when the second child we had planned was just two weeks old, I was breastfeeding and because of my stress the milk would not let down until I fell asleep and it just leaked in my exhausted sleep. I had to put him on formula and he was allergic to milk. He projectile vomited and had to be put on special formula. That baby is now a strong, handsome and talented young man and so is his older brother. My sons' father is a lonely alcoholic that has gone back to live with his elderly mother, I now cry for him because of his lost state. There is much more to my story including a third strong son by a second marriage. The only really important part is that He brought me through it all! He promises that He will not allow us to go through more than we can bear. Remember the men in the fiery furnace. They stood strong and did not fear the flames. They were not alone in the fire and when they were delivered from the furnace they did not even smell like smoke. Stand strong, have faith, he is with you, and when you come out of the "furnace", remember to tell your story so that others may hope. That is what I believe He is telling me. I pray God's Mercy, Grace and Peace be with you and yours. Love in Him, "VEE"

Jan 16, 2010
Father for i have sinned.
by: Anonymous

Lord help me for i have done something wrong. And this is a mortal sin. Please forgive me for what i'm about to do.. this the only way i know my convictions is killing me. Please Forgive me Father.. Help me endure and Please Please god, I ask for your forgiveness!..

Jan 26, 2010
bless me
by: Anonymous

lord you know all that would help me in my life. please send your blessing so i may feel your power over my life. i need so much and you can help.

Jan 29, 2010
please Lord
by: Anonymous

I need you now more and more each day. Please help me have a smooth transition for this sale next week it is your will and I feel it. please don't forsake me I need you I believe I received.

Feb 01, 2010
of salvation
by: in need

Lord, I have lost my way.. I have become someone that I do not know. Since I left Maranatha I havn't been the same since.. I need you to help me open my heart to you. Soften my heart. Lord, you know my flaws, I can not change them without your unconditional love and guidance. My flaws are causing hurt and pain to those I care for most. I feel I will lose those most important in my life if I do not change. I do not want to change for anyone but you. Mold me into the person you want me to be, the person you intended me to be. The character flaws that I possess at this moment in my life are not who I really am. You have made me in your image.. and I have made choices in my life.. and have changed your creation. Help me to supress my negative thoughts of myself and of others. I accept you in my heart today.. now at this moment. do what u will with my life.. my heart... my soul. Amen.

Feb 20, 2010
I'm reaching my breaking point
by: Rudy McCloud

God please help me. Please hear my prayers. Please help me win the lotto tonight. I promise I will be a worthy servant for you Lord. Please God... Please....I cant keep living out of my car like this....dear God...Please Please Please help me. I'm dying inside Lord...please help me Lord...please help me.....Please help me....

Feb 28, 2010
Please Give us the streinght
by: Lovekoto

Dear God All Mighty,

My family is in big trouble, my wife's company found that she stealing money and items. The investigation is still on going, we don't know what is the decision till now of the company here in muslim country in abroad, my son is here as well, we are living now in shame, I'm not able to forgive her . We are crying, i can't breath most of the times, Its come to my head to finish it all in desperate way, oh lord guide us, PLEASE GIVE US THE STRENGTH. we can't take it anymore but we don't want to give up

Thank for everything

Mar 19, 2010
Lord, please help me
by: Sad and desparate

Lord, you know what's going on with my life right now, and You know how sad I am because I can't go back to my job. I need to find another job. I cannot work for the man who is my supervisor because he has no respect for me. He makes me feel small and worthless. I know you will help me because you always have come through for me. I guess my faith for You is small. If I had more faith in You I wouldn't be crying right now. Oh, how ashamed I am right now for not having big faith in You. I'm sorry, I'm just scared, and worried that I won't find a job, but I know that no matter how little faith I have in You, You will come through for me. AMEN

Mar 23, 2010
by: Anonymous

Is this where I am supposed to be in my career,
Please don' let me fall on my face.
Please give me strength to thrive.
Your will be done.

Mar 25, 2010
Hopefully we can hold on to Jesus
by: Anonymous

I`m a Christian and my particular prayer goes unanswered. I don`t understand it either. That`s my trial of faith. I don`t understand why he doesn't answer my prayer but I can either reject God or continue to trust in him when I feel that he doesn't hear my cries for help. A breakthrough may come - it might not - but that`s why the Christian walk is not an easy one and not for cowards. Sometimes I tell God and others that I`m out of answers. My prayers are powerful,fervent, respectful and urgent - yet no change to the situation. Most of you have it far worse than me so praise God -I`m very blessed indeed and my heart goes out to all of you. I have nothing to say to genuinely help. Your time on earth is the living hell.Trust in him who bled on the cross - only he can help you. He never promised he would take away all our pain and suffering. He told us this would happen.We live in a hopelessly broken world and it`s getting worse. Our only hope is Jesus return - Obama, Rudd etc can`t help us.
But to survive we can only hold on to Jesus and accept whatever we go through - the alternative, giving up our prayers etc, is not an option.
But he told us we will one day share in his glory when he returns. That may not help a lot in the middle of all you are suffering, but we do need to let God know our agony, our anger and our pain.
He does listen and he does care. The thing for a Christian is to hope for small breakthroughs and ways to cope, and stubbornly hold onto our faith though it seems the hardest thing to do. You can be sure our enemy the devil wants nothing more than to see us blame God and give away our faith.Surely all of us have been blessed a lot and the current problem just doesn't seem to fit.
But I personally don`t know a single Christian who has been around a while who wasn't tested in some dreadful way. Cancer, suicide, ill health, divorce - you name it.That`s called taking up our cross and following Jesus.

Mar 29, 2010
i need you lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
by: khadijah

lord i need you now i would have never made it without you lord i asked you to cover me i am a child i am ll years old i am also a child of god. i gave my life to you and i really need help.the devil has tried as much as he could to make me not praise you and i shall praise you in the name of jesus i love you lord i thank you for changing my life lord ,and for changing my life around i do not belong to satan i belong to my heavenly father in your name is jesus lord i asked you to bless this world and throw the demons,devil in the lake of fire we need you lord and i thank you lord i have the power and you have the power lord please come back now i really need you (crying) in the name of jesus i love you jesus i thank you for forgiving all your sins in the name of jesus you shall come and i shall enter into the kingdom with praise i shall praise you in the name of jesus amen and amen

Apr 06, 2010
I hear you
by: Anonymous

I am in a similar situation, and sometimes I feel like death is the best way out for me. I am told to hold on and pray. i will keep waiting on the Lord because if he can't help me no one can.

Apr 16, 2010
On-Time God
by: Tony

Lord, I, too, need your speedy assistance. I know that you will not fail me. You NEVER have. I know that you are a timely God and that what I am experiencing is only a test. Just as you delivered Daniel, the children of Israel at the Red Sea and David so many times, I know that you will do the same for me and all others who put their trust in you. Please hurry!

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.

Apr 17, 2010
Please help
by: Anonymous

God, Thank you for all you have done for us. I know that you are here for us every day. I have made a pledge to our marriage 13 years ago and love my husband so much but don't trust him. Please have him be the man that I need for our marriage to last forever. He is sick, I'm not sure if it's medical or an addiction and I need you to hold him tight to you to make him well. Either way it needs to be fixed and I can not fix it. Our daughter doesn't need to go through this heartache of possibly losing her father in a divorce. Please help our family. Please tell me what to do. Please show me the way.
I don't know anymore.
I pray for someone to help.

Apr 18, 2010
please forgive me lord
by: Kelly

I'm a 45yr old woman and I suffer from bipolar depression, I have two sons and they both suffer from some form of illness, I feel I am being punished for falling in love with my first cousin at the age of twelve, we hid our relationship for six years until I got pregnant and my mother did not leave me alone until I had an abortion at seven months, we have not been together since then but we do talk like every blue moon and my problem is that we still love each other. my sons are not his, I had them afterward. My life is a living hell. Problems, troubles, pain, unhappiness comes in all shapes and forms knocking at my door. I do not think I have done anything else for my life to be the way it is, and if this is the reason I can not help how I feel, so lord please have mercy on me and please forgive me, I am sorry.

Apr 21, 2010
Stay strong in the Lord
by: blessuknow

We all go threw tough time and i going through some tough times now, some problems are worst than other, but keep the faith and know the Lord is always there for you, think positive and not negative because if you think negative the devil won, but if you stay faithful no matter how hard it get the Lord will shine his light on you.
God Bless
and stay strong and know that GOD's favor is coming soon!!!!

Apr 22, 2010
Oh Jesus my Lord, Please deliver me
by: Anonymous

I am going through a reaping of what I've sowed over the years..past and present. I've known the Lord since I was young and I walked in his glorious light for many years until i succumbed to peer pressure and gave into the world of sin. Since then my life has been a downward spiral, always trying to fight back up but never getting there. Sexual sin has destroyed my life. My heart is a constant wasteland of pain because of it and it never seems to end. Lord Jesus I pray that you look upon me your broken servant and grant me your mercy and heal the festering wounds in my heart which make me want to die every minute of everyday. even as I type this my wounds caused by my foolishness continue to suck the life and the will to live completely out of me. I feel like nothing but an empty shell of painful death. Oh the pain Lord, Oh the pain. Please Lord save me from this living hell I have brought upon myself. Heal those who my foolishness has harmed along the way, and forgive me for harming them. Rescue me from satan's web so that I may feel joy again and walk in your beautiful light once and forevermore.

In Jesus name I pray

Apr 25, 2010
help the homless on there journey
by: nunu

lord help the homeless while they're on their journey help children learn how to stay off the streets hear a song for this;help me and those on the streets help those and me help the people on this earth and take a trip with everyone i need the lord to help me when i fall i know every thing going to be alright tell me how can i walk with his goodness and how can i.............................talk the end i am 9 years old i want to be a pastor when i go to college about it i believe in the lord jesus christ my grandmother's church burned down they're rebuilding it it might take two years but when you trust the lord like that it would be faster god is good all the time

Apr 26, 2010
God Is still working miracles
by: Anonymous

I am an old prayer warrior/ I have been at death's door twice/ god pulled me back/ I am now sitting on a foreclosure notice/ I am ill and unable to work / but still have hope in GOD/ he is going to help everyone on this page out of their problems. Just keep the faith. He is still on his throne and working miracles.

Apr 29, 2010
I need help lord!
by: Anonymous

I am a single mom of two, I was married and he left the home because the family responsibility was too much for him. now am alon with babies. I am tired.... I need strength to go on for my kids and self. i feel like leaving it all behind. but i know i can't. but i feel so weak and all i do is work, take care of my kids and bills and i feel overwhelmed. how do i continue to go on when all i see is pain in my heart and want to give up?I AM TIRED....

Apr 30, 2010
by: Anonymous

Why did He do it? Why did He create a perfect world when He knew -because he's all knowing- that we would not be strong enough to overcome the devil's temptations He knew we would steal, rape, and murder each other. He knew the world would become so perverted, so then why did He make it!!! I don't understand why He would make a world that would cause Him and His creation so much suffering? It just doesn't make sense...

Apr 30, 2010
it is never gonna change
by: Bonnie

I have used drugs and alcohol to run from the pain and issues of my life. I will be forty this year. i have no relations with my children( Jazmin 21 Justice 11)or my parents. I am living with a family i grew up with and all i keep telling myself is that god is wasting his time with me, i will disappoint these two lovely people and they will have to throw me out too. I am done packing AND I WANT THE PAIN TO STOP.
The pattern has been the same for so long.Only god has the power to change this worthless life.

May 02, 2010
You are never alone
by: KG

I wish I could help you all.

I wish I could ease you pain.

I wish I could help you understand that your trials now will be explained in time.

I wish I had the strength to take all your burdens from you.

I am a stranger, merely passing by, but I will leave you this. A simple song that will shake the fear from your heart and give you strength to carry on. I can't explain it really, but there is something about this song that will let you know that you are not alone.

Play it loudly, close your eyes, and know help surrounds you.

Promise Keepers, The Awakening-In Christ Alone

May 03, 2010
financial blessing
by: eva

God please help me im in debt and about to lose my house. Please send me a blessing from above to pay it.

May 03, 2010
Lord I need your help, blessing,everything..
by: Tasha

Father GOD I thank you for all your blessing...I thank you for letting me still be here today and my family as well. Dear GOD I ask if you can please continue to watch over me and the little one that's growing in my belly. GOD please let this be a well pregnancy I know I'm only with children already and at times I may struggle but I'm pregnant already and very excited so I praying and asking you if u can please let this be a healthy pregnancy. God I ask if you can bless my husband Oral, father he is going threw ruff times right now and I just ask if you can please let things get better for him, cause it seems like everyday something else is going wrong.Please bless my home and children. Continue to bless my mother by helping her go down the right path. Bless my sisters dear GOD Danielle and Rhonda they may do something positive with there lives. I ask if you can please bless my grandmother as well, all my love one's, family, friends, poor, sick, hungry and my enemies dear GOD.Thank you for life health and strength.Please hear my prayer oh LORD. Thank you in JESUS name AMEN. LOVE YOU more then anything..

May 04, 2010
So empty
by: kikig

Dear God, I AM SO EMPTY, my marriage feels so dead , I dont think I even love him anymore, so fruitless , so empty, why Am I here, I cant take it anymore !! Please Help me, please show me why I should even be in this marriage . my heart is broken , no babies , no family life. They were the desires of my heart. please lord God Help me , Please Help me !

May 11, 2010
o!!!!lord i need you.......
by: sunrise

oh lord i need your help to live up to expectations of my parents.........i am nothing on this earth but i really wanna give mom n dad all d happiness of this world..........you know everything lord.nothing is hidden from you..........then why you never answer...........love you lord!!!!!!

May 14, 2010
God's Miracle
by: Anonymous

Lord please provide a miracle. My wife and I have been struggling to be debt free. We keep getting ambushed. Please use my faith in your wonderfulness and make it happen. I pray this to honor your son, Jesus Christ who said if I prayed it in his name you would grant it to me. Help me be honest with my wife in all financial and other matters. Thank you God and your glorious son, Jesus, my savior, Christ

May 16, 2010
I came for help
by: Jon T

I came for help, and i am leaving with it. Thank you Lord, for inspiring this comment by another user in turmoil, i pray it too helps the many others on here looking for answers. I Need You Now
by: S.D.H.

God, I know you are there... I need you. The tears won't stop. The thoughts won't go away. I am lost and hurt. Help me find my way back to you. It has been so long since I opened myself to you and I now know that I can't carry this load by myself.. I am seeking you.. Are you there? Do you see my tears? Do you feel this pain? I am tired.. I want to be new. Make me over. Make me the person that you wanted me to be.. I am open to your will. Guide my steps even when they go astray. Bring me back to you.. I know that my life is worthy... Worthy of happiness.. Worthy of prosperity. Worthy of your blessings. Pull me from this fetal position. Guide me to my knees. Help me pray the prayer that leads me to your feet.. Have mercy on me. Have mercy on me..

May 17, 2010
grief relief
by: gentry atkins

help me get over the death of florence ann mcelmurray. please stop her brother robert stephen mcelmurray from the hate he has for me. i would like to have the grave beside florence ann mcelmurray. god your will be done. thanks for your son jesus christ .he has paid the sin debt for my life. gentry g. atkins

May 20, 2010
Lord I need your help!
by: Anonymous


I come to you on my knees searching for your grace! I need you to take over my lost soul and make it yours again. I feel lost, unhappy and unfulfilled. Let your will take over and lead me to where you would have me go! I feel like a lost sheep wandering in the wilderness. Please send the holy spirit to awaken my lost soul and find the light and happiness in my life through you. I love and miss you!

May 21, 2010
A Prayer to the Father
by: Standing in Need of a Blessing

Dearest Father in heaven, I come to you today, thanking you for grace and mercy. I thank you for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Lord God, I thank you for life, help, and strength. Father I thank you for all things, the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, but most of all, I thank you for your Son,Jesus. I thank you that he was obedient, even to the death of the cross. I thank you Lord God, that we have an advocate, that sits on the right hand of you. As he sits, he intercedes on our behalf, and for that, we say, thank you! Lord you know our wants and desires, and you fulfill our every need. I come to you today seeking you for guidance in my quest for a husband. Lord I do get lonely and desires to have a mate, but you already know all of that. Keep me Lord God in all of my ways, and let all of my ways please you. Father, please help me to hold fast that I may bring glory to you. Let me not settle because I am lonely and lonesome, but let me wait on you. Lord God I reverence you and praise you, I ask that you lead me by your Spirit, and in all my ways I will acknowledge you. Thank you Lord God for answering prayers! I love you, in Jesus name I pray, Amen !

May 21, 2010
Lord turn my life around
by: Anonymous

It's been 9 straight years that we been facing such crisis in our family at the age of 17 my father left my mother for another women we had to pick up the pieces for my mom and also be head of household.. when i was 20 i got pregnant and had a miscarriage.. little after that my grandparent's suffer a horrific car accident and we almost spend a whole year in and out of the hospital.. My brother had finally open a realty company and it ended sour after the first year in a half it closed down and now he owes more that 2 million in debt.. soon after both of my grandfathers passed away one year apart of each other.. now lord my grandmother has cancer and im so heartbroken why us? 4 days ago we had purchase a car and it got stolen our finances are so bad my husband is been without a job for 3 years... why lord? what are we doing so wrong? i wish this bad curse would end and be out of our lives.. please help us we are so desperate and in need of you..

May 22, 2010
why God always ignore me?
by: phia

i love GOd in all my life i asked Him to guide me.i'm suffering financial difficulties for many years...i'm trying to strive to regain all my losses,i'm asking Him to help me and bless me in my business but still everything is not getting better... i mortgage all my vehicles and even my home to pay all my debts ...and expecting that He will bless me with good business but still..God never help me. time comes when i learned to give up everything..and find me jobs abroad i'm asking Him to guide me to come up in a right decision but then he sent plenty of harvest..i thought that was it..a new start and an answered prayer but a month after the problem still exist .everything is getting worse. i think God never listen to my heart! i'm afraid whom to ask for help. ...i feel so neglected by Him.i've been suffering this problem for a long time...the only thing i'm so thankful to Him is my family but my family is affected when problem arise. i"m confused now if He really listen to me,i'm not asking for great things i just want him to give me a little time and help me ...i feel so neglected by Him i feel so alone,i feel soo bad because i'm not special to HIM but still he's my GOD.

May 24, 2010
I Believe that God will make a way for me
by: Marcel

Praise and Glory to God in all the things i do. Because of my situation today that i became more prayerful to Almighty God. I have a financial burden that really stresses me out. So far i have survived but not for long. It is really difficult to balance my money when there is not enough to pay all the bills. I know my situation right now is out of reach for me to handle it. I can't even save a dollar because there are immediate expenses and bills to prioritize. But i just keep praying and believing in God to help me out from my problems. Tomorrow is the 25th and it will be the due date for my consolidation debts but the balance i have in my checking is not even enough. I know how pathetic i am now. All i can do now is to trust that God make a way for me. Rather than keep stressing out my life i will give thanks to the Lord and Praise God for wonderful things He has done for me. If i was a selfish person this would not happen now and i know that i have to get the blame too. Although my bank doesn't have enough money to pay all my bills i took 10 percent of salary yesterday for the tithe. I know this amount of money would have help me pay my other bills but i trust the word of God. My God is bigger than my problems. Deep inside of me i know that God put me in this trial that i may know what is in my heart and help me grow spiritually mature. This trial helps me build a strong relationship with God and trusting Him more and more and most of all accepting my redeemer Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
Heavenly Father, Holy is your name, your will be done in all the things that i do. I know that i am sinner but i thank you Lord for your son Jesus whom you sent to die in the cross for the sake of my sins. Lord Almighty, i know in my heart that you are a faithful, loving and merciful God and i know that you will never abandon me from my troubles and i know you want me to have a best life that is pleasing to you. Lord, i surrender to you my will and my life now. Jesus i ask you to come into my life and be my Lord and Savior. Amen... Praise to God who created me.

May 26, 2010
by: MRS. B

Lord please help me to love my husband. He is a man with no back bone. He allowed his family to be very ignorant and rude towards me and he will not speak up or stand up to them to defend me.He turns a deaf ear like he hears nothing or he puts on blind folds like he sees nothing. His mother and daughter control him and he says nothing. I married him and moved in his house... He takes care of other family members. He bought his mother a car... me, as his wife, have to wait till he gets his extra money...

May 29, 2010
by: Anonymous

What happens when you keep failing

Jun 01, 2010
Keep your eyes on Him!
by: Anonymous

Hang in there everybody! God always provides and sees what is in our hearts and knows our pain. He will make things better and the sun will shine through again, just trust in Him, don't give up.

Jun 02, 2010
by: Anonymous

i try not to ask for too much but i need a little help now before I lose everything i keep face and help others and forgive all i can i know im not perfect but im not the worst by any means please just help me to keep my family going and not have to worry about money as much as we do thanks.always.

Jun 04, 2010
Keep the Faith
by: Anonymous

Everyone, if our faith fails us then we have nothing else to go on. Your faith in God is going to see you thru. It may seems hard right now, or it may even seems like you can't go on but remember that God is good and every word he speaks is true. If you have faith that you gonna come out of whatever you going thru pray and believe.

Jun 04, 2010
never alone
by: Anonymous

i am not a big bible person but i do know a few stories and in the bible it says that when you are at your lowest,to not fear for god will lift you up.the exact story is called foot prints,i also feel alone and that everything is falling down around me but it will get better have faith,god bless all.

Jun 11, 2010
I need your help Father GOD
by: Anonymous

In all my difficult times...I always felt your presence
You are always there with me to comfort and guide me...I love you LORD...
I need you at this very moment in my life...
I feel so heavy LORD...I felt I am losing hope...
I dont know what to do....
I surrender everything to you LORD GOD...
I cannot do it alone...I need you now...i need you now... hold my hand LORD... carry me.... It hurts so bad...it cuts like a knife in my heart..... I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO LORD...PLease answer me... I'm so bothered....I'm so hurt

Jun 12, 2010
I just need prayer
by: Anonymous

I know my problems are not as bad as most people, and I know it could always be worse, but I still feel alone, and abandoned, my family grew up christian, but we have had one trial after another, I myself need prayer for personal addictions, that I cannot seem to stop, my dad was taken away from us and stuck in prison for something he did not even do, my family went bankrupt because we had to pay for a lawyer, but in the end it didn't even matter, I had an abusive girlfriend, and I was a wimp, and just took it, I still have extreme hatred for her, my family got tore apart, and my sisters taken from me by their mother, my 2 friends who were with me when he left and when I needed someone, are both gone now, they both moved far away, and one completely ignores me now. It's so hard trying to make it through high school, and soon college, without a father. So please anyone who reads this, please pray for me and what's left of my family. Thank you, and lord please be with me. I feel so alone :(

Jun 12, 2010
for: i just need prayer
by: Anonymous

You are not alone, everyone goes thru trials in their life but just keep praying for strength and that is what you will receive. You have more strength now than you know, you have endured more than most of us could ever handle. I will be praying for you to make it thru and have the life that God plans for you to have.
God please bless your child to know that you are God alone and you will never leave them or forsake them. And to know that their best is yet to come, to have faith and believe in you always because you are always with them even in the mist of their trials. Amen

Jun 13, 2010
Alway failing God
by: Woman seek God's Face

Dear father God'
Am am at Your presence, a great sinner and weakness of the flesh, that's what I am.
Everyday my heart cries out to you cause it seem like I can't get of this flesh pressure I get into.
I know it is wrong and you hate it. You said in your word that those that sin are children of the devil. Oh God, have mercy upon me.
I need your support, help me fight this desire of my flesh. I hate it, I don't want it! It was better for me not to be born, but who am I to fight that with you?
But has I have come to this earth without me requesting it, I need for full power and strength upon me. Please, don;t take Your Holy Spirit from me. Clean me and make me whiter then snow, let me have the power of saying NO to wrong choices.
If you are not with me, then I am in trouble, but if you are with me, who can be against me?
I need, you Father, I truly need you.
I pray and request for help to you Father, In Jesus Christ name, AMEN

Jun 14, 2010
I give it all to the lord
by: jimmy d

I am here today because I am on the verge of losing everything, I separated from the person i was with, we had a son ,this woman has tried to make my life hell,she has put me in jail, she has made so many false claims about me ,I am going to loose both of my jobs because of her, I havent seen my son in two weeks ,I have no control over the situation,I feel helpless ,since I have been gone I have spent over 10,000 dollars on attorneys fees with no end in sight,an offer was made to me but i dont want to take it because i have done nothing wrong,I love my son so much!!!He is my life ,I have a court hearing on thursday because I wont take her offer,I am a practicing christian and have decided to leave it all to the lord,I dont know what the outcome will be ,but I have no control, this woman does not want me in my sons life an will do anything to keep me from him I have done everything by the book,I dont understand why all a woman has to do is cry wolf and the courts will believe what ever they say..lord I will accept whatever happens I will take the higher road even if it means me losing my son, my job ,all I ask is you give me the strength to do this , thank you lord

Jun 16, 2010
my side of the story
by: Believer

i am only 15 years old, but i realize how much god has blessed my life. I've cussed, ive used his name in vain.. ive lied, cheated.. ive broke almost every commandment, yet i know that god forgives me though il never deserve it. God is there. He always will be. It says in the bible, "search for me with your whole heart and you will find me."

as an early christian, i didnt really believe. i went to church, i prayed, i did all the basic christian things, but i didnt feel god in my heart. It took until i was about 12 to find him. I was at a church camp in summer, and everyone was singing christian songs around a camp fire. But the crazy thing was.. I could Feel God sitting next to me. I felt his love, his forgivness, his mercy running through my entire heart and soul. Ever since then, i have God Moments every now and then. But i truly sought him and found him. DONT GIVE UP.

Jun 18, 2010
by: Anonymous

i use to walk in the lords path, i changed paths and now i'm lost and i can't find my way back, i feel like the lord has vomit me because i was look warm. now i've sinned my addiction is one of the worst infidelity in every way. i've tried to change but i'ts like i'm drown to it. i know the lord forgives if i ask but i just can't forgive myself. please pray for me

Jun 21, 2010
Lord Please Hear our cry
by: Anonymous

Lord, i need you no matter what, i face,my life seems empty, and i pretend thats its ok,i wish all of these sorrows would go away for these people, but i know the only true way to go is to give my life to you and let you guide it, to surrender, to accept, to move on with you,please Lord work these trials for good, not for me but for my brothers and sisters who have posted these sad sad things, and yes Lord for me too, I need You.............Please Lord Help Us, You Have the power, And always the Glory......I love You

Jun 22, 2010
How strong is my Faith in the Lord?
by: Anonymous

Lord, My Father,
I am desperate for your touch. I need you in so many ways. Most of all, I hope you feel my love for You and for those I pray for. I ask for the forgivness which I need badly. Please know that I am wanting to seek your way of fellowship with others and to understand the real sight of being a Christian. I have a way to go. I need you. Please give me the knowledge to complete this work in saving our home. I am sometimes scared that there will be a barrier so high for me to climb that I might tumble. I know that I am to never worry when I place my faith onto you. I pray that my faith is as strong as it should be. Thank you, Lord.

Jun 23, 2010
lord help me
by: Anonymous

yes i really need your help i know that you know what im going through,trying to live right ,my son and daughters our going off to school and we have no money we have to move in 3 months, so if you dont make away or open another door i dont know what im going to do but no matter what i will still say thank you,and praise your name.

Jun 25, 2010
GOD Forgive ME
by: Anonymous

I am emotionally distress today. I had a big fight with my husband last night. Well, I am married for just a year, I have 6mos daughter and I have a job. My husband resigns from his work for the intention of applying abroad. Currently, I am financially ill. My daughter was left to my sister because I cant support her daily needs. I am spending all my income for my husbands expenses. We had a terrible fight last night because we dont have enough money and my need it for her immunization. I cried all night and it seems almost everyday we have a quarrel with my husband. Definitely, there is no peace at home. We end up having a break and need to partways. I am in the office now with all my tears. I do not know what to do and my heart is full of hurt and hatred. I want to let it lose. Today is my husband's graduation on culinary arts but I never attended. My dream of seeing him achieved his goal was lost. I regretted a lot. But my heart is full of pain. I just need help someone who will tell what I need to do. I just find this because I'm too depressed that I want to die just not to feel any pain anymore.

Jun 26, 2010
Lord Please Help Me
by: Anonymous

Lord I need your help. I have been a horrible person. I turned my back on you when I thought life was okay and stopped going to church and paying my tithes. everything just got worse. I realize that I need you every day of my life. Sometimes I am resentful because I don't know my father but you are my father and you can do more for me and love me more than any human father. Lord I have prayed for relationships in the past. It seems like I was just desperate for attention from a man and I settled and have been emotionally abused. Now the perfect man has found me. He treats me like a queen. I prayed for him. but I've been so awful to him. angry, jealous, mean, physically ans emotionally abusive etc because its too good to be true and I am so insecure. Lord I realize I have acted like the devil this past yr. Plz forgive me and save my relationship. I love this man and I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to him. I want to marry him Lord. I need you to take everything bad in me out and show me how to love him unconditionally. I want to do things the right way. Plz Lord am I worthy of one more chance. I love you and I love him and I'm so sorry.

Jun 26, 2010
Give it to God
by: Anonymous

Just give all your pains and worries to God and leave it with him. God can fix anything. God knew what you were going to go threw before you were formed in your mother's womb surely he can bring you out of it. Pray about your situtation and leave it in God's hands.

Jun 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

lord please help me . I know i've have made a mistake but please help me not to get pregnant, i'm not ready for the responsibility and i'm truly sorry for not thinking clearly about the consequences of my actions. please help not to conceive i'm really scared and remorseful..lord please help me.

Jun 27, 2010
Please help me today
by: Vernice

Deat God,
Please help me make the right decision for Jacob and myself. Please show me your will regarding his going to Boston and Nigeria. I want to do the best for him and of course I want to do Your will in every aspect of our lives. I need to hear from you. Please hear my prayer in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ I pray and so it is...

Jun 28, 2010
Psalms 37
by: Anonymous

1 Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.
3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
4 Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
6 And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.
7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.
8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.
9 For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth.

Jun 29, 2010
by: Anonymous

i want to do better than i have been. my inner man is so up and down and i don't seem to have much -or any - control over it.

Lord, pleaSE help me and everyone else who posts here.

Jun 30, 2010
Psalms 37
by: Anonymous

Ecclesiastes 9:11 I returned, and saw that under the sun, the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding, nor favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all.

James 1:12 Blessed is the man that endures temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that love him.

Jul 09, 2010
Lord, please help me to be strong
by: Anonymous

Lord, I feel so much pain right now. It's killing me inside. I have a very strong feeling that my husband whose abroad, is cheating on me. I dont know what to do. He doesn't want me to be with him in that country. I have so many questions to him, he doesn't know how to answer. Lord, why is that so? We have two kids, a 1 and a 7 yr old. Pls Lord, lead him away from temptations. Let him realize that we are his family. That we love him so much. Lord give him lots of patience of me, if its my fault. Give him courage to tell me the truth. Lord, I feel a lot, I feel strong instinct as a wife.

These I ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Mama Mary, please pray for us.

Jul 12, 2010
Psalms 37
by: Anonymous

Psalms 4

3 But know that the LORD has set the godly apart for himself: the LORD will hear when I call to him.

4 Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.

5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD.

Jul 14, 2010
by: Anonymous

It has been a over a year and half since I had a job. We are losing our house and the drugs and crime are increasing in our city. I want to leave this area and go somewhere else but I can't. I feel like I'm walking in quicksand.

Please pray for us.

Jul 14, 2010
Psalms 37
by: Anonymous

Matthew 6:8 Don?t be like them: your Father knows what things you need before you ask him.

Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find it; knock, and it shall be opened to you:
Matthew 7:8 For every one that asks, receives; and he that seeks, finds; and it shall be opened to him that knocks.

Matthew 7:11 If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father, which is in heaven, give good things to them that ask him?

Matthew 7:24 Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
Matthew 7:25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it didn?t fall: for its foundation was a rock.

Matthew 7:26 And every one that hears these sayings of mine and doesn?t do them, is a fool, which built his house on sand:
Matthew 7:27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and the fall was great.

Luke 18:18 And a certain ruler asked him, ?Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life??
Luke 18:19 And Jesus answered him, ?Why do you call me good? No one is good, except God.

Jul 14, 2010
lord please help me
by: hopeless


Jul 15, 2010
God hears your cry for help
by: Empathetic One

I am prying for ALL of you crying for help to the Lord. I know He hears your cries, but we must be patient and endure. It is His will, not ours. If we endure, He will reward us. Do not ask to have God take away your trials. Ask God to help you through it. Thank God every day for what He has given you. I struggle along with all of you with trials of my own. It is really hard to be patient with the Lord, but He knows how much you can handle. Keep your faith strong! It is OK to cry and be mad at times while you go through your trials. Jesus wepped at the Garden of Yesemite and was angry when the Jews were gambling in the House of God. These are human emotions that we all have. God will come through for ALL of US. His Word is true and He will never leave or fail a TRUE believer. Focus on where you are going for eternity and not the short time we are here on this earth........God Bless you ALL.

Jul 24, 2010
bless my daughter jesus
by: ms. a byrd

father jesus touch my daughter and make her strong to get out of this terrible situation shes in bless her father to become the suscessful nurse she want to be heal her heart lord let her walk in a plain path let her be happy healthy and strong to take care of her three beautiful children shes come to far to be knocked down pick her up lord and let her have the happiness she deserve.in your loving name i pray amen.

Jul 24, 2010
Lord, pls help me to do what i have to do
by: Anonymous

Lord, I am weak now, I can't control my emotions, I dont wanna feel so much depression Lord, I have two kids to take care of. Pls help me to be calm and let me think and make the best decision for my kids' future. Lord please lead me to the way you want me to follow. Hope I can bear all the implications of that way Lord. I need your help so badly. I know you're watching over me and my kids.

I humbly admit all my faults, and I also know that you totally understand about those doings. Lord, pls ease my pain, lighten my burdens. Thank You dear Lord. Thank YOU.

Jul 27, 2010
Help me
by: Anonymous

Dear God,
I have lost the battle to make our lives right.
I'm lost. I fear that I will end up alone and on the street. My husband is ill and he is the main provider in the family. People at work are evil and don't care about their workers. No one wants me around. I work hard and it goes un-noticed. I cry out to you Lord and you do not answer me. I know that I am a sinner and I want to be a good person. I try to be and I keep on failing. I have no one to love me or care about me. Please help me straighten out the life you gave me. I don't want to disapoint you Lord, but I am a failure. Please help me. I don't know what to do. Life has always been a burden to me. I cry day and night. I don't know why I am on this earth. I don't deserve to live. Please, please, please, help me. I have no one to turn to.

Jul 27, 2010
Psalms 37
by: Anonymous

Leviticus 20:7 Therefore, sanctify yourselves, and be holy: for I am the LORD, your God.

Leviticus 20:8 And you shall keep my statutes, and do them: I am the LORD, which sanctifies you.

Jeremiah 32:27 Behold, I am the LORD; the God of all flesh: is there any thing that is too hard for me?

Aug 05, 2010
I"m sad Father
by: Will Harmis

Father I know You can feel my sadness, being still, patient and forgiving is clashing with emotions of betrayal. I've felt them all. Bit-
terness's sharp claws are tearing away. Losing
my job after 22 years turned the world as I
understand it upside down. Father Your will is
my ultimate desire I'm just frightened of the
unknown, I get my strenth from You, this is why
we're having the conversation right now. The
Holy Spirit is healing the hurts and You have
better plans for my life. I know it in my heart
however You noticed sometimes that is the longest 2 feet we humans have to travel, from
our hearts to our brains! Gracious Father, the
loneliness is leaving. You already knew that,

Aug 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

lord plz help and guide us in everything we do I'm so sorry for the wrong doings that i made though I'm not perfect I'm so sorry for everything ..may u guide us spiritually together with my family my mama, papa my sisters ,esp my Lola who is with u now..may u comfort us whenever we are down and lost help me lord not to think bad ..grant us good health, serenity, joy, love, and peace within our selves and to others help us to overcome our fears and hoping that my sister will graduate in college and high school guide us in our problems esp my parents who are in need financially hope they will not quarrel and to my sisters hope we will have peace, love and no quarreling guide us to the right path o lord help me o lord to have a right thinking that i cannot say or think bad to myself and to others hoping that i could have positive outlook in life , to have good sincere friends who could accept me for who i am and not to judge me.and being humble always to anybody,may u god bless us all for everything we do and pardon us for the wrong doings that we may done may we be success in our life and may we be away from danger..god bless our home and esp my love ones who are their for me in times of difficulty and trials in life hope we can overcome our stressful in our lives.may u guide u us in darkness to see the light. hope u will enlighten our mind to see the good things in life.may we be away from sickness and pain. hope we can be contented in our life..may your presence be with us o lord.. thank u for everything o lord..this we ask through Jesus Christ our lord amen..god bless ..

Aug 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

Lord. I know you love me. I know everything that you allow in my life will turn out for for good because I love you, I thank you, and I trust you. But I fear the pain you may allow in my life. Pain will turn out for good as long as I trust you, but that does not stop me from worrying about more pain in the future. I know you do not allow things in my life that I cannot handle, but I need to learn to live with faith and focus on you, instead of focusing on my burdens. Lord help me to trust you more.

Sep 01, 2010
I will choose to Believe..
by: Anonymous

Dear God,
You see my situation as you've seen the others too...I know that You're always Good, kind and Loving and Your Words and Promises are true..Reading through Your Word and Your Promises, i gather that there are reasons to our sufferings: 1) that we've deliberately sinned or are sinning against you 2)We might not be sinning, but problems arise that You may show Your Great Power of deliverance 3)that You're working to change our hearts so we might be completely conformed to the image of Your Son,Jesus.
I will choose to believe that my suffering is for a good purpose. When i've repented of my sins you heard me and you've enabled me to walk in freedom..Now that i'm bent into doing full time church ministry and bible sharing,i choose to believe that this thorn in the flesh will be removed by You in Your Time..It's here now that You might increase my faith and trust in You and mold me into the quiet & submissive person that i ought to be,full of hope & rejoicing even in the midst of adversity..This thorn in the flesh will soon be removed so that others might see how it is when a person fully puts her faith and trust in You..Deliverance does come when a person chooses to wait and be still and while waiting, to abide in Your ways; keeping Your commandments and knowing that You are the God who delights in lovingkindness, justice, mercy & righteousness...
Love You much,
Your child

Sep 03, 2010
Father God please help me
by: Anonymous

Father God, I come to you in the name of Jesus, and I ask for your help with a very evil situation. I am asking you for protection against adversaries and slander. Father God, I am asking you for help with my life.

Sep 07, 2010
by: Sinner saved by grace.

It Pays to Pray a song by Greater Vision......most wonderful advice NEVER give up. God is right there and He is GOOD! He takes the mistakes and messes we make and makes them miracles. You may think things are bad but what you can't see is all the worse things that were before you and HE moved them. He loved you so much HE gave HIS SON! Love is a gift a gift is given to you with nothing to be expected in return. Just let HIM love you!!!! Look back over your years and get some honey from your battles HE has won for you! I've been thru the fire and never been burned, I've had more gains than losses and He's always been by my side I just chose during the dark times to turn away from him. Trust is hard and the devil lies really good too. Just remember GOD's word hide it in your heart so when devil comes a knockin knock him down and away with the word of GOD just like Jesus when HE was tempted. I love you all as brothers and sisters in Christ....if we never meet here I hope to Rejoice and Praise His Name with you in Heaven. KEEP THE FAITH LIKE PAUL.

Sep 08, 2010
re: sinner saved by grace
by: Anonymous

It is so good to hear some praises in the midst of hard times. God is good and even though we may not be where we want to be at this time, we are still here saved by the blood of the lamb. God is a awesome God and is worhty to be praised each and everyday. Thank you Jesus for everything and everyone.

Sep 13, 2010
love i want
by: JEFF

dear god
pls help me i am in seriously need oh god and you know the situation pls help me

Sep 14, 2010
My Lord and my God
by: Anonymous

Lord please help me I am in dire need of your help. My Lord and my God please help me. Please

Sep 21, 2010
please help me i dont no if i can handle anymore
by: trish

My faith has been tested after my youngest son was conceived I met a tall handsome man who was teaching a special ed class we dated for a year n decided we get engaged n plan r son I had two other kids at the time I thought I had things going on the rite track I was in a nursing program we had talked about my previous pregnancy n that o was a high risk pregnancy n could never have a natural birth I had been working at the time and so it was final we decided to get pregnant I forgot to mention it was a long distance relationship n had planned to move down anyway cuz his mother had colon cancer ....we got pregnant n the nightmare began he had a problem with strippers he cheated on me my whole pregnancya and was abusive I never seen it coming n maybe because my mom was abusive and my dad was never around I have lost custody of my other two kids I finished a lvn program n still haven't been to get my license due to the school not releasing my affidavit to state boards I ve got so use to failure but the most thing I want in my life are my beautiful sweet kids in the same roof I need help a sponsor or a motivate I have no friends or family ii love my kids so much n am willing to do anything or change whatever to get them back .. I need help

Sep 25, 2010
please help me get through
by: Anonymous

I am scared Lord I dont know what will happen when I get home I just want out safely with my children so we may find happniess they dont know what is going on and I want it that way please Lord make a way for us to get out.

Sep 27, 2010
Dear God please help us to see the light..
by: Angel

Gracious, merciful and loving God we thank you for Thy great love to each one us.Though we are sinners you still love us. Thank you Lord for Thy patience to us..We prayed for Thy continuous guidance for all of us. Pls help us to see the light for all the things that we are experiencing. I know that in Your own time You will reveal us Thy reasons for everything. As we wait for that time pls help us to wait patiently, help us to walk faithfully and be a good living example of being a Christian-having faith that no matter what happened You will never forsake each and everyone of us..that you will lead us to the path that You specially planned for us - a better place for everyone.

Dear God I know that this afternoon I never thanked Thee for the salary increased that I have received but instead I was so frustrated as I am not expecting it to be that way. My colleague which I regarded as inferior than I am got a higher % of increase than mine. I humbly asked for Thy forgiveness Oh Lord..pls help me to focus on good things rather than thinking of unfairness in this world. Help me to forgive my boss for such..Gracious I humbly pray that may Your wisdom be with us and please by Thy grace and mercy help us to recognize and feel Thy love to us..in every circumstances, anyway, anywhere pls help us to be humble, not regarding ourselves better than others and live a life pleasing to thy sight. Help us Lord not to get envy for the worldly things around us.. Please forgive us all for all the sins that we have comitted against Thee..I prayed to pls heal each and everyone of us who are sick including our whole family members.pls extend Thy healing hands to us.. We prayed for the good health of everyone and help us by Thy mercy to be thankful for Thy goodness and bountiful blessings every moment of ourlives including our whole family members. Thank You Lord. Amen

Sep 28, 2010
god i miss you i need you . I sense demons within me help me.foot leave me behind. Please lord remember me.
by: joel hagg Anonymou

Please remember me lord please take me i cant do this any more

Oct 01, 2010
i can control my mind
by: Anonymous

pls help me im feeling guilty because my mind resist god but my heart is searching god..what would i do? please pray for me sometimes i want to end my life because i can stop my mind...dear Lord plz help.....

Oct 06, 2010
Light at the end of the tunnel
by: Anonymous

I thank God for directing me to this page.
I pray that God will be merciful to us all, forgive us our sins and deliver us from evil.
Sometimes it is hard for us to make sense of the trials and tribulations we go through. But may God help us to go through and to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I pray that the Lord will strengthen all of us and may we find peace as we put our trust in him.

Oct 07, 2010
Lord, pls give me signs
by: Anonymous

Lord, give me a clear sign that, what's happening in my life at this moment is really what's best for me, my husband and my kids. I can feel severe and clear instinct that my husband has other woman in Dubai. He's been cold to me, but at times he could say He love me and the kids.

Lord why am I feeling like this?

I want to know the truth but I cant move, because I have little kids.

Lord, pls let me know the truth and if there's still a chance for him to stay away from that temptation, pls let him realize that he should keep his family and ignore those temptations.

Lord, pls I want to live in peace, for my kids to be happy, as I love with full happiness.

Thank you Lord for understanding. I am very weak right now. Pls help me to accept even the most painful truth.

Oct 07, 2010
In Repentance and Rest is My Salvation
by: Blessed

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the forgiveness of my sins..Thankyou for a renewed life in you. Temptations abound but i know that by your grace, i will always be able to pull through. I stand amazed at the day to day miracles i receive since i last went down on my knees. Truly your Word came alive! " In repentance and rest is your salvation..In quietness and trust is your strength.."Isaiah 30:15.

I continue to ask that you guide me in everything that i do..in all the work of my hands.. in all the decisions that i make..every thought.. Be glorified dear God! I love you so much and i pray for every soul that cried and is crying out to you..Speak to them dear Lord and let them hear your sweet voice...and hearing, may they get up to obey you..

Blessed exceedingly by thee,
Your daughter

Oct 22, 2010
I am a house wife for now i work when i was13 years old till 5 mounths ago i quit my job i got robe i was a pizza driver i need help thank you god bless
by: Star

Star moomand

Oct 25, 2010
Please help my family
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,
Thank you for my beautiful family and friends that love me so much. Please watch over them and protect them. Please help my wonderful, kind husband find a decent job, we have struggled for so long. And our beautiful 5 year old just doesnt understand the stress her parents are under. Please help me to be more understanding and patient with her little 5 year old requests, she deserves so much better than I could ever give her. I trust in You and have faith that even now things will turn around for us. Please help me to be closer to You and Your plan for me and my family. Thank you

Oct 26, 2010
please Lord I need help!
by: Anonymous

I lost my job in 08/2010, I am going though depression, I am afraid to lose my nursing license because i was convicted of a misdemeanor, last 2009. I find it really difficult to find a job, I am also losing my house it on foreclosure.

Oct 27, 2010
Thank You Lord
by: Anonymous


I really thank YOU, for the continuous understanding of my siblings regarding the current status of my married life. Hope they will continue to give me respect despite of the things that I'm going through at present. I pray that I can surpass from all of these trials.

Pls, bless my whole family, may we continue to be healthy as long as we live.

This we ask in the name of Jesus, Your son, Mary, our Mother. Amen.

Oct 28, 2010
I Am Forgiven
by: Big Mama

Dear Lord,
Thank you for helping me to remember I am forgiven. Thank you for forgiving me and helping me to forgive myself. What an all-powerful thing to do! I love you God!

Oct 30, 2010
Lord God,
by: Anonymous

I ask for help all the people here whom are crying out for your help. I also ask for your help for my family and myself.

In the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Nov 02, 2010
A response to another post
by: one beggar telling another beggar where to find some bread

Wow! I was reading through the terrible things that a man and his family are going through. One of the first few posts on the page. Toward the end he quoted Jesus saying that "if you have the faith of a mustard seed..."

I remember our Lord also saying: "In this world you WILL have tribulation, BUT be of good cheer (in another translation "take heart") for I (Jesus) have overcome the world. This world offers us nothing to hold on to. In His presence is fullness of joy, not in our trials and circumstances. Paul wrote: Rejoice always while he was stuck in a Roman prison. He was certainly not rejoicing in being locked up, but in His Savior and Lord who was accomplishing His will through it. If you read this I encourage you to buy or get from someone you know a movie called: "The Case for faith." In it you will find testimonies of other people who have endured and are currently enduring the effects of our fallen world. It is no doubt that times are tough. We as Christians are always being tested. Not for the Lord to show us that we are right or wrong. But the word testing meaning becoming more pure. That the genuiness of our faith being much more precious than gold might be found to praise and honor HIM at His coming. Hold on dear brother, there are others in the world that are going through the same, pray for them also. Our King understands our suffering, He also had to live among the terrors of this world. Remember that He loves you and your family and everyone that might read this and me also as He is with me reminding me of that.
-In the name of the One who can sympathize with your suffering and weaknesses, the one called Jehovah Rophi. May He heal your family, in the way that He pleases.

Nov 17, 2010
Lord Help Me!
by: Anonymous

Lord Help Me, I just doint know where to turn.... Relationship, finances, children, health, everything seems to be failing.....I need emergency help with finances, about to loose my house, car, everything......I take responsibility for not managing it the way I should have...Please help me to get it right. Show me what I need to do.

Thanks for your many blessings!

Brown Eyez

Nov 18, 2010
by: Greg

REQUEST YOUR HELP PLEASE TODAY! I am in desperate need to quickly restore my finances to pay off debt and been going through tough times; searched and saturated all financial possibilities to get a personal loan. I have worked at the same job for 23 years at government job and have a stable, reliable income – will not be laid off. I am urgently seeking a personal loan for $6,000 - $10,000 to pay off debt I am living my parents house I owe my parent $4,000 IRS taxes, $1,700 state taxes, $500 payday loans $5,000 to fly my wife is $2,500 from Canada. The power and internet has been cancled. I have been struggling daily since my wife has went to Canada to take care of her mother but now since her mother has passed away I do not have to money to get her back down here to Utah since I am in debit went instantly from two incomes to one income trying to pay debt. I have also been working hard trying to restore my credit. Greatly appreciate your mercy in considering my devastating financial situation for help. I will respect and will honor your loan offer. I welling to pay how every helps me back with in two months or less Thank you, sincerely!

Nov 20, 2010
Help me and my family Lord...
by: Baba

My entire family are so down lately, my mother had been searching for a new job but had not found one yet,My sister is working as a call center agent but her salary cannot pay for our monthly house rental, electricity bill and water bill, we barely eat twice each day,I am not worried for my self but for my 6 years old niece,A month from now we will be evicted from this house we are living right now because we cannot pay the monthly rental anymore,we have nowhere to live, we are doing our best to make ends meet but luck seems to elude us lately...we pray the rosary everyday even the divine chaplet of mercy, why are these things happening to us? i sometimes think that maybe my family is not worthy of the lord's love,I feel like giving up especially every time i see my mother cry her heart out, it breaks me because i cannot do anything as of now,help me pray more for my family.I have pray to God to take my life as an exchange for my families well being, I am more than willing to give up my life for my family if it means that they wont be in this kind of situation again. We don't know what to do anymore..please help us pray so God can hear us clearly, maybe he is just busy helping other people in need.

Dec 02, 2010
Take it
by: Jeanette

Dear God. Thank you for my family and my job and a warm place to sleep at night and food and everything you have given me. You have given me so much and I want to give me back to You. My life is Yours and Yours alone. I have tried to stop smoking, but I keep going back to it. For some reason I am unable to stop filling my body with stuff that isn't good for me. All my plans to take control seem void. So God please take control of me. I'm week and heavy laden and You are strong and able to take away my addictions. Let me see Your glory in my body, so that I can praise You. I'm giving this to You and this is the last I'm going to struggle with it. Let me be able to say to my children, my friends, my mom and dad "Look what the Lord has done for me?" Just as You can give me bread to eat You can take it away. Just as You gave me two healthy children You can take them away. All is in Your hands. Your will be done. Amen.

Dec 04, 2010
I'm Ruined
by: Anonymous

I have nothing left. No gas or food money left and it's just the 4th. I see no hope in sight. This will be the most horrific Xmas season of my entire life. I would never wish this type of situation on anyone. The things that have taken place in the last year financially have been unbelievable. It feels as if someone put a huge curse on me. I'm so exhausted with worry at what the next day holds and how the inevitable is just a few weeks away. I'll have absolutely nothing left in just a few days. I am stunned this has happened. I was robbed of so much. I feel like I'm being forced to take my own life. I have two choices left. Walk around aimlessly void of any emotion while life eats me alive or end my misery. My biggest fear in life was bottoming out and I worked so hard to avoid that and now it's here and there is nothing I can do but just sit and watch it happen.

Dec 06, 2010
Please Help me God
by: john musembi

I used to be a church goin man and also very prayerful.God has been good to me then and now because am still alive and in good health. But now, i have really do need him because i feel like he has abandoned me since i also did the same. I am in alot of debts that only a miracle can remove me from these debts. I have tried all i can i broking for sales of variouse comodities like sugar, maize and most recent, solar bulbs that i have. All of them flop at the eleventh hour. I pray for them to go through so that i pay my debts but in vain. I feel like giving up but deep down, i cant. I feel like am deing torcherd. I dont have peace of mind. My wife and kids have no idea what am goin through and i brought it on my self, i cant stand seeing them suffer for my mistakes. If its Gods way of lerning a lesson, i truly have. Please God, HELP ME.....

Dec 07, 2010
descition to do
by: Lisette

Lord I ask in Jesus Name to help me. As a widower I feel so along somtime. Please Lord send be a good christian man to love and be love, and to do your work Father God.

Please Father I have faith in you, I ask that it will be very soon. If it`s your will Lord for this man I`m asking you.

Love you Lord, your daughter;

Please brothers and sisters in the Jesus pray to the Father that it will be done.

Thank you to you all

Dec 08, 2010
This is for Shaken Mike
by: Anonymous

Mike, my brother, do not lose faith. Yes what you are going through is tough, however GOD is great. If you need something then Pray to GOD and also read the book of Job. He lost everything and was taken down to the bottom. Yet he still praised the LORD. In the end he gained back more than he lost. This is a time of test. I know you wrote this two years ago. I only hope that you are still having faith and did not give up because GOD will not give up on you. I hope that all is well.


Dec 10, 2010
please God help me save my house and my family
by: Anonymous

please Lord please help me save my house and my family. i have worked so hard to build a home for my daughter. im now so afraid that in the next few weeks we will have to leave our house. i know that i took your blessings for granted. i now have learned my lessons. please dont let my family suffer for my mistakes and sins. please Lord help us.

Dec 16, 2010
by: Lesley Marselle van Staden

Dear Lord,

I need you r help every decision I have ever made has been a bad one.
Every person I have tried to help I have, upset or almost destroyed their lives.
What ever I do, turns out wrong.
No I am not feeling sorry for myself, but for those people in my life, which I keep on disappointing.
What ever I try my hand at blows up in my face.
I myself on my own am a demolition Derby all by myself
Please help me, to save my daughters home and her business? I do not have to go into the details, as I know that you know my problem
Thank you for listening and helping if you can

Dec 17, 2010
Lord i need you now
by: Anonymous

Lord you know what im feeling right now.How hurt i am.I dont understand Lord.I dont know what to do.Im lost.Please show me Your love...please tell me what to do,i will try my very best to obey what you want me to do,just take this pain away Lord...im hurting so much.I know You are ABLE..all things are possible with You,And i believe that You love me so much.Please Lord have mercy on me...please...

Dec 18, 2010
Lord You Know
by: Anonymous

Father, Help me, I need a Word from you. I have ran my life for so long, to say it is jacked up is being nice. I need you Lord, why do folks take my love for granted. I truly don't understand. I love you, yet do I. I need you, yet do I. God You are my life, why do I try to have a life without you. Why am I so unhappy, so unfulfilled, so unloved, so unneeded, so so. How is it Lord that people are all around me but can't hear my cry, do they see me Lord, do they see the tears I shed, do they care. Help me Lord. Help me. Hear my cry o'Lord attend unto my plea, my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to that rock that is higher than I, that is truly higher than I. HELP ME FATHER, You said you'd never leave me nor forsake me. Where are you Lord, Help me. Please help me.

Dec 20, 2010
don,t let me faul
by: Anonymous

lord please don,t let me fauil i know i,m save in your winks save guaid me always what gose up must come down please don,t let me fauil

Dec 22, 2010
my purpose on earth
by: Anonymous

it is said that before we are born we are angels in heaven who seek earthly desires. since the gift of life is short we plan ahead in heaven what we want to do in our new life. what experiences do we want to face, do we want love and happiness, or do we want hate and loneliness? but once we arrive to this world we dont remember any thing. i believe that my purpose on earth is to become a new musician. i practice hours on end but with minimal results and im slowly becoming frustrated and loosing hope in my self. i pray to you my lord. please oh dear lord please help me get better. guide me in my journey. please oh lord please our divine father in the heavens. please

Dec 25, 2010
by: Rebecca

To Mike the man with Shaken Faith. It is 2010. I wonder what has happened in your life the last 2 yrs.? Just continue to hold to God's hand. Daily praise the Lord and give him Thanks. What I can say is "get down on your knees and pour out your heart to God." Do this daily and continually until you hear from heaven and until you get real intervention from God." There is nothing else to do but this.

Dec 30, 2010
help me and my family
by: p j

i am a father of 4 wolud like to buy a house for me and my family i wash h g t v for 3year now i am praying for a blessing to buy it the cost is 900,000 its a nice house for me and the family. i grow up from a family how come from h town it was so had for us we sleep in bushes to get by so my mom did not get send back to h town but now i need help with my family.my mom in 2003 the hades day of my life some time i cry but do not let my kids see me at all. as you can tel i need a blessing. i get up today looking for and angel hopeing to call oprah today but how is me to do so but hope god listing to my pray one day.

Dec 30, 2010
god you my children are in bad place rite now i hood like a little money to get them out
by: beverley

lord god you my children are liveing in a bad place rite now i need a little money to help them out of that part of the world in a nice part of town that i cansleep in peace at night and rest my mine

Dec 30, 2010
Tests are allowed by God!
by: Anonymous

Dear anonymous,Im still searching,but have been bought up in "religion",I beeive the testemony of Job,,,I agree u must be special,or Gods plans are diffrent 2 what u may have expected?? Im only adding to this as Ive been making myself watch?listen to something spiritual each day...bizzarely Joyce M has been talking about "tests",as I turned away from God for many,many years,as I used to think He was allowing Satan to attack me,always knowing I was to weak,know I now its not true!As its soo easy to sit & hear the words,though,I beleive this is where the Great Battle is on us now,& many will turn from God,not running to him!Allow Him to help u in His Time!We all care for u,pls don't lose faith & heart!From some-one who's been on drugs more than she's lived,& is having her personal battle...I pray he takes the urge to have something daily from me....Ive gotta be patient!Pls allow Him to direct u!

Dec 31, 2010
God Will Never Keave You
by: Rev. Kathleen

Please hang on to God and Remember that God is always with you and when you think that he is not, it is because he is carring you through your situation. Remember to talk to him as if you were talking to your Best Friend. For he has said" He will never leave you nor forsake you. He died for our sins so that we could be with out sins.He took all of our sins to the cross and gave his Life up for us so that we could live. By his stripes we are healed today. By his Blood we are healed today. May the Lord keep that Special Place in your heart. Blessings.Rev. Kathleen

Jan 03, 2011
by: breon

lord please help me im 11 and im really nervous and dont want to go to school i know its wrong but im just scared please help me please i actually pray every night that it will come true but it doesnt please help me

Jan 03, 2011
by: Scott

Dear God,

Please help me save my business. I pray for your help not for me, but for my family, employees, and their families.

If I don't get financial help quickly, we will go under and all of these good deserving people will lose their jobs. Please lord, please grant me peace in my days and financial freedom to keep my business going.

In Jesus name I pray.......Amen

Jan 05, 2011
God's Love
by: Anonymous

I pray our Faithful wonderful God in Heaven will touch every hurt that I have just read here. I was going to write all my troubles and realized how blessed I am to be alive.... God is faithful. Please, Please, Please my brothers and sisters. Do not GIVE UP! He will come to your pain, he will deliver you and provide.....

God is LOVE.

Jan 16, 2011
lord please help me
by: Anonymous

lord please help me i needyou lord to over come fear of everything. the greatest ofthem wich is rejecton, even by my own parents. please lord i need you, ineed a blessing.

lord i have been suffering sinceas a child please help lord, ineed you.ineed love,didnt get it as a child lese end a comoanion lord,i need you lord hank you lord.

Jan 16, 2011
Lord, I Need You Like Never Before
by: Karroll

I found you once, then I let go. It is so hard to get back to that moment. There was a time when you would talk with me and answer my prayers and questions. I want to get that relationship back. I pray, and I pray and I pray. I need you, Lord. I need to know that You're here and that You hear me. I know that
1)God, the Father is real, 2)Jesus, the Son is real, and 3)The Holy Spirit is real. If I know and believe these truths, why can't I get that relationship back. I need you Lord. I don't want to just plead for myself, we all need You. Please, Lord hear our cry, our plead, and our prayer. Lord, I ask this in Your Son, Jesus Name.

Jan 16, 2011
Dont let me fall
by: Anonymous

God we never let any one fall. WE fall when we are unstable, may be slippery place. Seek unto God he gives you the Holy Spirit which gives you the guidance and obey it. may from a bible verse, may be from a friend, may be a relative, may be froma minister, but tune upto it. God is always trying to talk to us,provided we have time. God will not let you fall dear. Seek His face, his kingdom and rightousness.

Jan 16, 2011
by: L Abraham

Dear child when you are nervous God is there to strengthen you. You can talk to your parents about it, or you can talk to your teacher about it or you can talk to your pastor about it. Is there really anything specific you are afraid of. Are you new to the school? Are you afraid of being bullied? Are you having trouble with learning? Do you have any trouble at home- your parents or siblings? Pray about it and you need to talk to some one about this. Do not let it go without addressing. God is on your side and there are many children out there like you. So speak up.

Jan 16, 2011
Help me lord
by: oliver vanhoesen

Oooooooooo Lord please help me as i have not been a good man of GOD and need your grace and help in a job to support my kids and family!
Im going under and need your help!every where i turn my past is shutting me down and need your mercy to help in my my time of need!
I need to be let go of all this pain and no job!

help help help


Jan 18, 2011
wish to die
by: michael noyes age65

god could you please let me die

Jan 19, 2011
please forgive my faithlessness
by: Anonymous

so much has been taken from me; my house, my relationship with my husband, my good job. i don't want to live anymore but would never kill myself because my son needs me. i hope for a better future. i pray for aa better life. i know the lord is there and can hear me. i love him and want his plan for my life. i know its a plan for good and not harm. i just want the pain and fear to stop.

Jan 21, 2011
Divine Intervention
by: Anonymous

Lord I need Your divine intervention and I know You are able, in Jesus' Holy name.


Jan 21, 2011
Divine Intervention
by: Anonymous

Lord I need Your divine intervention and I know You are able, in Jesus' Holy name.


Jan 28, 2011
Please Help
by: Dale

Every night I lie awake thinking of how I can kill myself, I'm stressed out completely and it is all I can do to keep functioning some days. Please God help me get over these thoughts and help me to find a peaceful way of life. THis job is killing me, I know I can't go on much longer.

Jan 28, 2011
Gods Grace , My weakness
by: Anonymous

Every day I ask God to help me and guide me. Today I just keyed it into the search and found this sight. Ive had to take a path not by choice that I didn't want go through. But I know Gods Grace will see me through. Ive read alot of the prayers, heard and felt the heart felt pain in each one. I've been there too. Just know that God's word is truth, read it and quote it as often as possible. By doing this your faith is increased, you become strenthen and your mind will be set upon the true sorce of our successes in life, God. He will provide every need that we will be faced with, he will give us mental, physical and finacial means to go through any and all trials that come our way. Its hard to receive trails with joy, even though the word tells us to, know that we are growing and changing by existing in them. That others are also influenced in Godly ways as well. Know that all things work to the good for those who believe. He is the beginning, the end and the author and finisher of our faith. He will help us overcome any and all things. He will heal the broken hearts, he will give us knew hearts and knew spirits to freely whorship him. Do not give up, be an overcomer and lets all whorship him together in heaven one day. Love and Prayers for each of you.

Jan 31, 2011
Dear God
by: Anonymous

I thought it a joke, that i put help me God and fell on this webpage. You know that we have gone through alot,after losing my Dad,my whole family all of sudden turned against us.Mom came into a great deal of money and now shes broke.Funny how all sublings came out of the wood work,,and we were no longer able to talk to her,they controled her till there was nothing more. We are talking again but the hurt will always be there.I feel it would have been easier had she died then what she did.I know we are toforgive but it hard.
we went through many more things,too many to count,now we have to face the fact that we will nolonger see our kids all moving away,we have always loved our family, and will and have done any thing we can for them,hate the fact that there is a strong possibility that we will never see grandkids again..bad divorce,who knows whats going to happen to them,only you know....to many changes all that you know lord that has happened the hurt,pain,betrayal only you can heal,please help,.I thank u lord my husband just receive a raise,praise you,that like Job all things are going to turn around,all that was lost will return,but going through all the things is whats so hard.

Jan 31, 2011
Finally Here
by: Someone different

Dear everyone,
Alot of people keep reiterating how much God loves us, that's a good thing. I just wanted to put out there the idea that while even I dom't know what i am doing most of the time, I fell lost, uncertain, and mostly angrey at myself, I am grateful for people like you all out there who have problems to and who can try and reach out for support. WHether you realize it or not you are going to get support, that's why God gave you brothers and sisters. We love you, hang in there.

Feb 01, 2011
Help Us Lord, Give Me Strength
by: Anonymous

Lord I not only come to you about what I am going through but also with what others that have posted on this page are going through. Lord you know all and see all and give us the strength we need to get through our storms. Lord deliver my husband and I. Help my husband to see that divorce is not in your plan and that our family is worth saving and our marriage is not over. Restore our marriage and bring us closer to you and each other. Lord I pray that he will read your word for himself. I pray that our marriage be filled with unconditional love, unity, peace, appreciation for one another, respect, romance, properity, communication, friendship and with you as the center. Lord the only one who wants this divorce is him.

The kids and I want to keep our family together so I pray in the name of Jesus that all thoughts of divorce will be cleansed from my husband's mind and that our marriage be restored. Lord I'm trying to stay sane and hang in there but it's hard living in the same house with a husband who is determined to live a separate life. This is crazy when we are still in the same house and see each other everyday. It's embarrasing that our kids see us sleeping in separate rooms and that my husband insists on alternating time with the kids on the weekends. I don't want my kids to grow up believing that what is going on in our house is normal but due to our financial situation I'm forced to put up with this craziness. Lord the issues we have are not reasons for divorce. Please help us Lord and give me the strength I need to make it through. If we are meant to be together restore our relationship, marriage and finances and if not please make a way for us to live on our own in separate houses. I don't like straddling the fence because sometimes the pain is too much to bear. I'm praying that it is in your plan to keep us together and married. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Feb 03, 2011
Faith is not helping. What next?
by: No longer myself

I have read some of your comments and I feel for you all. I wish I could help. If I had money, I would send it, If you lived nearby I'd try to do something, and I would PRAY for you BUT IT DOES NOT HELP. I went from being a successful workaholic and parent who worked through the chronic pain of fibromyalgia, to being less than a person at all.

I was brutally raped, tortured and strangled by one of my employees in my work parking lot in 2007. I was left with injuries to my neck, throat, back and shoulder. With that, my emotional and physical health became what I thought were unbearable. I made it through with professional help, and moved a thousand miles away to start over when I finally felt ready to do so. I took a job and moved into a house provided by my employer, supposedly a truly God-fearing man.

4 months after my move, a stranger broke into my home and raped me. I was too terrified to fight, as I'd lost that battle before. Rape was his sole intent, as he took nothing my my emotional well-being, already shaky. I did not sleep for months but I did not miss an hour of work for the next three months. My boss/landlord REFUSED to allow me to install a security system at my own cost. When I finally started to suffer from lack of rest and my incredible anxiety (collapsing at work, nothing happening with the dna), I asked to be moved to a part time schedule, taking a substantial paycut as his business was slow through the winter anyway. This would benefit both of us. Not only did he refuse, he gave me the option to work full time with an $11,000.00 PAY CUT in salary, or resign. That was the last straw, as I had done my job above taking care of myself.

Yes, I have lost faith. I am now disabled to the point where I can't be upright or my blood pressure bottoms out, I cannot drive due to seizures, I am in agony, I can't think or remember things, and yes, I cut myself for distraction from pain an anxiety and failure, and have attempted suicide on more than one occasion. HOW CAN I BELIEVE in faith anymore when I now have no income, severely bad health, PTSD and no justice for the wrongs inflicted on me, and have lost everything, even the close relationship with my adult children?

Does anyone else feel that every time they try to climb out of the emotional and financial pit they are in, someone is there above to SLAM that shovel down on their head, landing them even deeper in that hole? Every. Single. Time?

Feb 06, 2011
The Blessings He Has Given Me
by: Annyomus

Dear Lord, God the Father of Abraham, Issac and Jacob thank you for the Blessings and Miracles
you have given and keep giving me. Please stay within my heart, mind, body and soul through the Missions and until I arrive to the Journey. Thank you for all of your humble Blessings.
Love Always and Forever,

Feb 06, 2011
The Blessings He Has Given Me
by: Annoyomus

Dear Lord, God the Father of Abraham, Issac and Jacob thank you for the Blessings and Miracles
you have given and keep giving me. Please stay within my heart, mind, body and soul through the Missions and until I arrive to the Journey. Thank you for all of your humble Blessings.
Love Always and Forever,

Feb 06, 2011
The Blessings He Has Given Me
by: Annoyomus

Dear Lord, God the Father of Abraham, Issac and Jacob thank you for the Blessings and Miracles
you have given and keep giving me. Please stay within my heart, mind, body and soul through the Missions and until I arrive to the Journey. Thank you for all of your humble Blessings.
Love Always and Forever,

Feb 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

miraclechange@yahoo.com I was touched by your comments, in bit of hurray but Happy Valentines day!
I too have faced loss and feel for you. Hope talk later love deb!

Feb 21, 2011
Lord thank you
by: iban

thank you lord for this trials and needs .I know Lord that , you will not forsake us in times or our needs ,Help us with our finances , You know O Lord how much we need Your help, You are the God Almighty and You our refuge and Savior ,Thank You Lord for answering Our prayers.We love you

In Jesus name I Pray ..

Feb 23, 2011
by: Anonymous

God please please i cant hold on any longer..

Mar 01, 2011
Lost and Broken
by: Anonymous

I typed in God please help ME, and this page popped up!! I read some of the testimonies on this page and I call them testimonies because thats what they are. I was feeling so low and unworthy of God's Love. I am re-married. I lost my husband of 13yrs to colon cancer. Re-married and this man is very selfish AND SNEAKY AND i DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO i FEEL SO LOST AND ALL ALONE. The sad thing is I Love God Almighty but I feel like I just can't get out of this horrible saddness. :( God Bless every one and help us on this journey called LIFE... AMEN

Mar 07, 2011
thank you for what i DO have
by: Anonymous

WOW, i was feeling lost,bitter,and just plain exhasted, i typed in, LORD HELP ME PLEASE, and here you all are. we will all do good to read isaih 40:31" but those who HOPE in the lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles , they will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not grow faint." another one of my favorites is isaiah 41:13 "for i am the lord your god who takes hold of your right hand and says to you "DO NOT FEAR ;I WILL HELP YOU " PRAISE be to GOD AMEN

Mar 07, 2011
thank you for what i DO have
by: Anonymous

WOW, i was feeling lost,bitter,and just plain exhasted, i typed in, LORD HELP ME PLEASE, and here you all are. we will all do good to read isaih 40:31" but those who HOPE in the lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles , they will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not grow faint." another one of my favorites is isaiah 41:13 "for i am the lord your god who takes hold of your right hand and says to you "DO NOT FEAR ;I WILL HELP YOU " PRAISE be to GOD AMEN

Mar 09, 2011
hang on,help is on the wayP
by: Anonymous

Please,hang in there.Been in a battle for my life x2 yrs.Docs are puzzled.Many days are thought was my last.It is hard not only mentally,physically and finances.God is still keeping me.Hold on.My prayers are for all on this site

Mar 13, 2011
I miss my son so much
by: Anonymous

I had seeral miricals in my life. I had a weid alergy that the Dr. told my patents would take my life before I was 18. I beet that. Then I was told I would never have children. I beet that. My mirical life and my mirical son have all come crashing down. My son passed away on March 3rd. I am trying to hang in there but I miss my son so much.

Mar 18, 2011
by: JAY: I gotta say this

It's early morning and I awoke. Is this a sign? I pray to the LORD and HE led me to this site.I KNOW that our LORD is aware of our circumstances and will NOT forsake us all! I have lamented about the loss of a job, possibly due to attrition (a new word that I had learned from a staff member at Va. Empl. Comm.),and have been blessed by aquiring odd jobs. But now, currently, they have seemed to have dried up. And we, as so-o-o many others, have fallen behind in our payments. But fortunately,by the GRACE OF GOD, we have never succombed to the use of credit! We feel so blessed!
We have had to ask our church members, and they have come to our aid. Yes, I realize that this our LORD at work for us! HE has blessed us in so-o-o many ways! However, if I could ask for more blessing, it would be that HE lead me to a place of suitable employment...so that I may provide, instead of having to be provided for.
I have been an ambitious, industrious sort thru my adult life and the inactivity of no job prospects is really causing stress( to the point of physical). GOD has bestowed many talents to me, and I have always thanked HIM for them. My prayer is that I am able, as I am capable, to re-enter the workforce,real soon! I know that I am unable to put a time frame on HIS good works, though...
As one fine lady from church puts it " I guess that GOD hasn't found the right job for you, yet. HE WILL!" I just have to be patient! Just look at the prayers and letters!
My wife has said that if we lay our burdens at HIS feet in faith, and to be patiently waiting upon HIM, our burdens would be lifted. I do agree with her, however, my stubbornness kind of impedes the process!
Our prayer is for GOD to fulfill HIS will thru us!
AS I scanned thru the prayers this morning, there have been references made to Job in the old testament... his life and how it was.
Then fast-forward ( can I say that?) to the life that JESUS CHRIST led as HE came to earth to dwell among us!
I'm kind of rambling on, but, as I do this, I must ask myself,"as I am typing this out, am I feeling more at ease? Is this our LORD GOD telling us that HE in HIS infinite way,that we are not forsaken?" MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!!
This is the HOLY SPIRIT allowing me to print this.

Mar 20, 2011
Please Protect Me
by: Anonymous

Dearest Lord

I am nothing without you Lord Jesus. I beg You to help me in this my hour of need. Please Lord do not turn from me please protect me.


Mar 21, 2011
Help me please God
by: Anonymous

Thank you Lord for all you have done in my life and I love and reverence you. Have your way today, lead me, guide me, and show me the way to have peace in you. Lord please help me to hold on and not give up in the place that I am at right now. Father God I need a miracle and you are the only one that can do it. Lord I need a job with benefits, a place to live that I can afford , and just a clean place for my daughter and I. Help me please, I am so tired and lonely and don't know what to do. Thank you for Jesus and being my all in all.

Mar 21, 2011
You are my LORD and I thank YOU so much
by: Anonymous

Lord, I am deeply grateful in YOU, for the great works you did for me. I know it was a long process. Thank you for making me feel and realize that you granted all my requests and prayers from the time i had hesitations in my marriage. I know you never left me and my kids. You are so kind, and merciful. I praise you GOD. I LOVE you LORD. Thank you so much.

I pray that my kids will grow normally, with great love for you, and trust, faith, respect and love to you most importantly, as well as to me, their parent and to others.

Lord, may your work for me will continue still, until I will re establish myself, from the misery I'm still struggling to surpass.

Pls Lord give me more strenght.

Hope I will do well in this forthcoming job interview. Pls guide me Lord. May I give my full confidence in this opportunity. This is a very wanted chance for me, I will give my all to get this job Lord. I need this, for me to start my life again, for myself and my kids.

I surrender to you Lord, my husband. Your supreme power, I trust, to make him realize what he did.

This all I ask in the name of JESUS CHRIST, AMEN.

Mar 21, 2011
thank you
by: Anonymous

Heavenly Father,thank you for my sanity,that i can still remember that you love me,that you keep your promises,that you will never leave me nor forsake me.I thank you for my bro.and sis.that are asking you for help,believe it or not that says that they are aware that the answers are in our mouths.Help us to use our connection to you which is our breath to speak your promises and to praise you for the answers as if we have already received.We call you our FATHER!!!because you love us,we love you!!!We can rest in that because you are not a man that he should lie.Life is a test,i woke up to find my husband dead,banks trying to take my home,m.s. is trying to take over my body,my husband doctors are having a hard time in finding it in their hearts to give me his pathology report that says he had cancer.Father,hep me to count it all joy!I trust that joy will guide me.If you can give me a phone no. to send my support or address.Thank you for having this spiritual support available. Creator of this big beautiful universe,thank you for hearing your children petitions,LOVE thank you,for sharing to children in Japan,just wherever LOVE is needed.ONE LOVE!

Mar 28, 2011





Mar 28, 2011





Mar 30, 2011
by: Anonymous


Apr 04, 2011
by: Anonymous

I came on here looking for help. After reading, I realized there are many people looking for help. I am now here to offer up my own prayers.

Lord, although I am not worthy, only say the word and I shall be healed.

Lord, I pray for the people on this site. While I am hurting too, I realize there are people hurting as bad and worse. I ask you Lord to help these people with whatever it is they need. You are my Lord and Savior and I ask these things in your name Jesus. Praise you Father and praise you Jesus.


Apr 05, 2011
Bless us all
by: Anonymous

Lord I pray that you bless each and every person who has written about what weighs heavy on their hearts and minds. I ask that you bless those who had not the courage to, but still cries out for your help. Give them all strength Lord where they are weak. Bless the world Lord...bless us all. You know the desires of our hearts -- our wants and needs. We thank you Lord for everything because without you, there would be no me...there would be no one and nothing. All these things I ask in Jesus' name and for his sake. Amen.

Apr 06, 2011
Help me i'em weak.
by: scootertramp

Dear Lord Jesus, I'm asking you again to please help me fight these personal demons that have been tormenting me since i was a little kid,i have an addiction to porn.I ask you for help an then i go right back too it.Jesus i need your help Father.I hate being weak.You have taking the addiction of booze,cigaretes and drugs out of my life.(Thank You JESUS for that)but these demons of porn just dont stop.I love in the Bible where Paul sounds just like me in Romans 7-19 when i want to do good,i dont,and when i try not to do wrong,i do it anyway.(sin still has me in its evil grasp.)Dear Father God and Lord JESUS please help me, i know im a sinner an im asking again to please forgive me.I know you said that when we are weak we are strong so im asking you Lord JESUS to please make me strong in JESUS mighty name i pray amen.

Apr 06, 2011
Help me i'em weak.
by: scootertramp

Dear Lord Jesus, I'm asking you again to please help me fight these personal demons that have been tormenting me since i was a little kid,i have an addiction to porn.I ask you for help an then i go right back too it.Jesus i need your help Father.I hate being weak.You have taking the addiction of booze,cigaretes and drugs out of my life.(Thank You JESUS for that)but these demons of porn just dont stop.I love in the Bible where Paul sounds just like me in Romans 7-19 when i want to do good,i dont,and when i try not to do wrong,i do it anyway.(sin still has me in its evil grasp.)Dear Father God and Lord JESUS please help me, i know im a sinner an im asking again to please forgive me.I know you said that when we are weak we are strong so im asking you Lord JESUS to please make me strong in JESUS mighty name i pray amen.

Apr 06, 2011
Help me i'em weak.
by: scootertramp

Dear Lord Jesus, I'm asking you again to please help me fight these personal demons that have been tormenting me since i was a little kid,i have an addiction to porn.I ask you for help an then i go right back too it.Jesus i need your help Father.I hate being weak.You have taking the addiction of booze,cigaretes and drugs out of my life.(Thank You JESUS for that)but these demons of porn just dont stop.I love in the Bible where Paul sounds just like me in Romans 7-19 when i want to do good,i dont,and when i try not to do wrong,i do it anyway.(sin still has me in its evil grasp.)Dear Father God and Lord JESUS please help me, i know im a sinner an im asking again to please forgive me.I know you said that when we are weak we are strong so im asking you Lord JESUS to please make me strong in JESUS mighty name i pray amen.

Apr 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord. Depression surrounds me. Fear surrounds me. I seek solace and help. I seek peace. However, I just don't seem to be able to find it. I love you and I serve you. You have blessed me so much in so many ways. However, I still feel like I need mercy. I need help. I want to cry but I am too weary to cry. I am afraid of being a disappointment so I seek to be perfect. Help me learn to be perfect in your eyes because that is what matters. My heart is heavy and I feel afraid most of the time. Free floating fear of just any little thing. I need somewhere to turn. I need someone to talk to. Do you hear me? Are you there?

Apr 12, 2011
Please Father hear me
by: Jvj

Dear Lord i am thankful for the life you have given me . I may not have much but I know with your guidance i will see and gain more I will ever expect. Please Help Arthur Eugene Elliot to find peace , love and healing. Lord lift him up to guide to know I am not his enemy I loved him dear and he betrayed me. I still found love in my heart despite what he has done . i pray dear Lord have mercy on us and his children May he reconcile with all his children. i wish him nothing but the best. May the people of Japan know that you are with them May feel your guiding hand on them as they rebuild. May the never lose faith. Dear Lord heal my uncle Dennis may you healing hand touch for by your stripes he is healed in Jesus name Amen.

Apr 13, 2011
The Lord is my portion
by: Anonymous

I found this site coz I asked the Lord for help. However, having read the sharing of others has humbled me and opened my eyes. "The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him." Lam 3:24. Some of us may be going through losing either health, finance and loved ones and some are having it really bad but no matter how much we are going to lose or have already lost, God has promised us that we will never lose God as our portion. God is our all; therefore if we lose everything except God, we still have our left all, since God is all. God has the whole portion of our spirits. All the riches of our hearts are concentrated in Him. His Word says, "When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee." Isa 43:2. God will never leave nor forsake us. God is also always good to all who seek Him. "The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him" Lam 3:25. This is true for everyone who seeks Him. "All things work together for good to them that love God" Rom 8:28. Night would end in day, the sun would come out after the rain, spring and summer would come after winter. So does Hope in the Lord, will shine even more brighter than before. Lord, please continue to keep all your children in Your love and grace. Preserve us for now and forever more. Thank you Lord.

Apr 13, 2011
The Lord is my portion
by: Anonymous

I found this site coz I asked the Lord for help. However, having read the sharing of others has humbled me and opened my eyes. "The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him." Lam 3:24. Some of us may be going through losing either health, finance and loved ones and some are having it really bad but no matter how much we are going to lose or have already lost, God has promised us that we will never lose God as our portion. God is our all; therefore if we lose everything except God, we still have our left all, since God is all. God has the whole portion of our spirits. All the riches of our hearts are concentrated in Him. His Word says, "When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee." Isa 43:2. God will never leave nor forsake us. God is also always good to all who seek Him. "The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him" Lam 3:25. This is true for everyone who seeks Him. "All things work together for good to them that love God" Rom 8:28. Night would end in day, the sun would come out after the rain, spring and summer would come after winter. So does Hope in the Lord, will shine even more brighter than before. Lord, please continue to keep all your children in Your love and grace. Preserve us for now and forever more. Thank you Lord.

Apr 29, 2011
by: Anonymous

I lost my job , families,home & son because of my drinking. and now I am depress ,can`t find a way to handle this life I`m going thru all by myself

May 14, 2011
prety please
by: Anonymous

let me win just ones Thank You

May 14, 2011
prety please
by: Anonymous

let me win just ones Thank You

May 14, 2011
prety please
by: Anonymous

let me win just ones Thank You

May 15, 2011
Lord Help Me
by: Monica


Help me confront all that I have done before I knew You, Help me stepup and step out, Help me to know that You are with me when these hard things present themselves before me, I am the weakest of them all but You choose to show me, teach me, to have me confront all of lifes hard and scarey steps. I don't understand all that You do and I dont pretend to but, I know You are near because you promised to be here. Like You there when I pulled out the razors to slice my wrists, You interveined and even still in dispair and hurt, I beleive You, I beleive that You will direct me in where you want me to be.

Help Me Lord.

May 18, 2011
Seeking a Clear Mind
by: Rick

God,You told us that we live in this world but we are not of this world, we are spirits that live in a human body. You told us to find friend(s)so if we ever fall there will be someone their to pick us up. But its so hard Lord. The older u get the more people take advantage of u.Even belonging 2 a church doesn't guarantee u friendship. Life is just 2 busy 4 friends.How can there b billions of people on this earth but no friends 4 me? Mayb I'm selfish 4 wanting this prayer 2 b answered but I do give and I try 2 b friendly. I don't have the answer.I do have some things that other don't and my health is good. That should b blessings enough? Lord I ask You 2 give me a clear mind so I can understand Your ways.Please bless all that seek You and give them an understanding mind. If its in your will I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

May 19, 2011
The Power of His Love
by: mommy

I'm in great trouble just like yours, though some of your stories, I must admit it frightens me, but then I beleive that GOd will not allow any pains and troubles beyond what we can bear.

I believed that its divine intervention that I landed on this site.

I'm a single mom of a 4 year old wonderful daughter, despite the complications of my pregnancy, got pregnant of a married man who doesnt really care of what he did, known for a reputation of being conservative, i take heart in giving life to my child. Life for me is an everday struggle, trying to make both ends meet just to provide for my child. Now im in deep debts, just got rejected from someone I supposed will fill the void in my heart, I already lost friends, comfortable living, because of this financial troubles that i've been dealing with for the longest time. My family likewise is in difficult situation. Now i'm living away from my child that leave me with no choice though its terribly hurting me because shes my life..without her I could just end my life because I can no longer take the pain, but because of her I will go on, expectant that God will not leave me in this time of trouble.

Now I know the very reason why he gave me my daughter, coz she is God's unfailing love for me, I see God in her..my life! my miracle!

I pray for each one of us here that God deliver and free us all from troubles. He is God of the Impossible, he works best in the impossibilites of our situation. Right now i have urgent needs for his help and miracles though I cant see a single touch of solutions to my problems, i'm looking at it in the eyes of faith. Hold on & believe for the power of his love will sustain us..just like the power of my love for my daughter that sustaining me right now.

I love you God and I still believe!

May 19, 2011
The Power of His Love
by: mommy

I'm in great trouble just like yours, though some of your stories, I must admit it frightens me, but then I beleive that GOd will not allow any pains and troubles beyond what we can bear.

I believed that its divine intervention that I landed on this site.

I'm a single mom of a 4 year old wonderful daughter, despite the complications of my pregnancy, got pregnant of a married man who doesnt really care of what he did, known for a reputation of being conservative, i take heart in giving life to my child. Life for me is an everday struggle, trying to make both ends meet just to provide for my child. Now im in deep debts, just got rejected from someone I supposed will fill the void in my heart, I already lost friends, comfortable living, because of this financial troubles that i've been dealing with for the longest time. My family likewise is in difficult situation. Now i'm living away from my child that leave me with no choice though its terribly hurting me because shes my life..without her I could just end my life because I can no longer take the pain, but because of her I will go on, expectant that God will not leave me in this time of trouble.

Now I know the very reason why he gave me my daughter, coz she is God's unfailing love for me, I see God in her..my life! my miracle!

I pray for each one of us here that God deliver and free us all from troubles. He is God of the Impossible, he works best in the impossibilites of our situation. Right now i have urgent needs for his help and miracles though I cant see a single touch of solutions to my problems, i'm looking at it in the eyes of faith. Hold on & believe for the power of his love will sustain us..just like the power of my love for my daughter that sustaining me right now.

I love you God and I still believe!

May 19, 2011
The Power of His Love
by: mommy

I'm in great trouble just like yours, though some of your stories, I must admit it frightens me, but then I beleive that GOd will not allow any pains and troubles beyond what we can bear.

I believed that its divine intervention that I landed on this site.

I'm a single mom of a 4 year old wonderful daughter, despite the complications of my pregnancy, got pregnant of a married man who doesnt really care of what he did, known for a reputation of being conservative, i take heart in giving life to my child. Life for me is an everday struggle, trying to make both ends meet just to provide for my child. Now im in deep debts, just got rejected from someone I supposed will fill the void in my heart, I already lost friends, comfortable living, because of this financial troubles that i've been dealing with for the longest time. My family likewise is in difficult situation. Now i'm living away from my child that leave me with no choice though its terribly hurting me because shes my life..without her I could just end my life because I can no longer take the pain, but because of her I will go on, expectant that God will not leave me in this time of trouble.

Now I know the very reason why he gave me my daughter, coz she is God's unfailing love for me, I see God in her..my life! my miracle!

I pray for each one of us here that God deliver and free us all from troubles. He is God of the Impossible, he works best in the impossibilites of our situation. Right now i have urgent needs for his help and miracles though I cant see a single touch of solutions to my problems, i'm looking at it in the eyes of faith. Hold on & believe for the power of his love will sustain us..just like the power of my love for my daughter that sustaining me right now.

I love you God and I still believe!

May 19, 2011
The Power of His Love
by: mommy

I'm in great trouble just like yours, though some of your stories, I must admit it frightens me, but then I beleive that GOd will not allow any pains and troubles beyond what we can bear.

I believed that its divine intervention that I landed on this site.

I'm a single mom of a 4 year old wonderful daughter, despite the complications of my pregnancy, got pregnant of a married man who doesnt really care of what he did, known for a reputation of being conservative, i take heart in giving life to my child. Life for me is an everday struggle, trying to make both ends meet just to provide for my child. Now im in deep debts, just got rejected from someone I supposed will fill the void in my heart, I already lost friends, comfortable living, because of this financial troubles that i've been dealing with for the longest time. My family likewise is in difficult situation. Now i'm living away from my child that leave me with no choice though its terribly hurting me because shes my life..without her I could just end my life because I can no longer take the pain, but because of her I will go on, expectant that God will not leave me in this time of trouble.

Now I know the very reason why he gave me my daughter, coz she is God's unfailing love for me, I see God in her..my life! my miracle!

I pray for each one of us here that God deliver and free us all from troubles. He is God of the Impossible, he works best in the impossibilites of our situation. Right now i have urgent needs for his help and miracles though I cant see a single touch of solutions to my problems, i'm looking at it in the eyes of faith. Hold on & believe for the power of his love will sustain us..just like the power of my love for my daughter that sustaining me right now.

I love you God and I still believe!

May 22, 2011
Help When Needed
by: Anonymous

How should we live our lives and deal with problems and stress? Please see here

May 23, 2011
lord please help me
by: jerry

Lord god please help me, i am going home to my home country this coming 30th of May 2011, Please help to be in my family with out any problem. You know all my problem lord jesus. Please give me another chance and forgive all my sins. I totally and fully gave my full life to you lord jesus, i want to start a new life with my family through your help and forgiveness lord. Please help me. AMEN!!!

May 24, 2011
One happy day
by: Anonymous

Lord I ask for a sign that you do care and that you have a plan. I do not have problems such as these poor souls I have seen here but do ask for guidance. A life Of sorrow due to speech problems. A life of abandonment never have met my birth father and having a stepfather who was my main enemy most of my life. Being betrayed by almost everyone I've ever been close to in one way or the other. I went against A doctors advise and got hairplugs at 21 and it has ruined most of my life. I have a wonderful wife, a beautiful happy son & one on the way but I can only feel happiness through them and can't find any in my own life. I can't laugh, I am a robot sometimes when I know that's not who I am. I need a miracle to help me right this ship before it's too late! I am blessed in many ways but I truly want to be someone who makes a difference and help make the world better but need to start by making myself better but I lack the faith and hope

May 25, 2011
Pls help me
by: shobi80

Hi every one , how are u all , i lost my whole family in earthquake in 2005, my whole village destroyed , no one and nothing left , just 3 people left from whole village. my situation is so bad now.
pls pray for me and help me.

May 26, 2011
financial distress
by: Anonymous

Like others, i too has a big problem right now and i need the divine intervention about it. My family is in a big financial problem. I need to enroll my daughter in college (4th yr) and my son in high school (4th yr). At the same time, I have an overdue account with my officemates, 23,000, 12,000, 20,000 etc. i need at least 100thou to pay all my obligations.

i have no other means to obtain money to pay them because even my salary is in mortgage. You may call it mismanagement of finances but honestly all of these happen because i have used majority of my borrowed money for my family. if some were used for personal wants and needs it is very minimal as compared to the amount that i spent for my love ones.

i am constantly praying to the LORD to help me resolve this problem. my deadline falls due, my son and daughter is waiting for cash to pay for their tuition fees. They haven't enrolled yet.

Through this letter, i am expressing my dire need to acquire the amount required to settle, even partially, the accounts aforementioned.

LORD PLEASE HELP ME. YOU ARE THE FIRST AND THE LAST RESORT that I believe could make miracles to overcome all of these constraints.


Jun 03, 2011
by: help

Never give up, never be dissapointed. Our prayers are large and we always ask alot. And yet we never see the results immediatly because prayers are answered in small incriments. Never directly to the end result. It might be just the first thing that sets off a chain reaction or that first nudge to set you or a loved one in the right direction. Sometimes its a ray of light a smell a sound that comfort you in a time of distress. Never stop praying never stop believing.

Jun 04, 2011
It's a miracle
by: Anonymous

Wow!!! Just last week when I wake in the morning, an idea flashed in my mind to secure money so that I could pay my obligations. I hurried to the particular place where i can obtain such money. On the first, second and third try my attempts were not accepted. But when i was about to give up, somebody from the institution came and I asked her to assist me. With her help, my transactions in the machine became successful and I was able to obtain some fund to at least pay my accounts.

I consider the occurrence a big miracle from God. Although the fund that i got is still insufficient to cover up all my present obligations,the fact is is it lessened the thorns that were buried in my heart. It salvaged me from a big embarassment from the one who lend me.

Really God is so helpful, kind and have lots of mercy for those who asked him of assistance. This time I still anticipate another miracle from him because there are other things to settle. He knows everything, and his timing is superb.

Salamat po Panginoon sa lahat.

I always pray to God " TO PROVIDE OUR NEEDS"

Jun 06, 2011
Lord i need a money blessing .
by: Anonymous

Lord help me to holdout until my change come bill are due and dont know where the money is coming from so can you please help get some right now in the of Jesus thank you for all that you allready done in the name of J esus.

Jun 08, 2011
broken hearted
by: Anonymous

lord i feel so broken hearted and tired , i have tax to pay back , my beatiful girlfriend has left me ,i have massive self esteem issues and as much as i try to have faith i cant stop the heartache ,i look older than my years cause of my worries and feel like my flame for life has gone out . please lord lift my spirit and help me believe the impossible is possible through your loving kindness and faithful love. eventhough we are faithless you are forever faithful i cant get through this without you.

Jun 08, 2011
losing faith
by: Anonymous

lord please help me... i am lost in the dark and only you can shine the light and show me the way i need to know that you are listening to me great god please i beg of you to show me my crys are not falling on deaf ears.... please lord i beg of you

Jun 10, 2011
No more ENOUGH
by: Anonymous

Lord my life is such a mess, I constantly ask for forgiveness, only to turn around and do the same things again, commit ADULTERY, then I drink and smoke, I've been lying to my wife just about my whole marriage, I've been tempted with this sex sin so bad, I realize no one and nothing is to blame but me. I don't want this for my life WHY CAN'T I STOP BEFORE I LOSE EVERYTHING. I'm A leader in the church, MARRIED BUT HAVING A AFFAIR I, thought I was in Love but now I see it's about the intercourse I moved from female to female but all I want is to be in love with one wife and never cheat again. My whole life has been destroyed because of this. I want to stop and obey before it's too late. Please Lord take this desire to rebel against you and my marriage away. I'm so tired of the lies, we don't sit together or do anything publicly. The ministry is suffering because of my actions I just want things to be the way they should. Why can't I tell her (the other woman) no more? We all go to the same church. I can't do this anymore it's killing me!!!!!

Jun 10, 2011
No more ENOUGH
by: Anonymous

Lord my life is such a mess, I constantly ask for forgiveness, only to turn around and do the same things again, commit ADULTERY, then I drink and smoke, I've been lying to my wife just about my whole marriage, I've been tempted with this sex sin so bad, I realize no one and nothing is to blame but me. I don't want this for my life WHY CAN'T I STOP BEFORE I LOSE EVERYTHING. I'm A leader in the church, MARRIED BUT HAVING A AFFAIR I, thought I was in Love but now I see it's about the intercourse I moved from female to female but all I want is to be in love with one wife and never cheat again. My whole life has been destroyed because of this. I want to stop and obey before it's too late. Please Lord take this desire to rebel against you and my marriage away. I'm so tired of the lies, we don't sit together or do anything publicly. The ministry is suffering because of my actions I just want things to be the way they should. Why can't I tell her (the other woman) no more? We all go to the same church. I can't do this anymore it's killing me!!!!!

Jun 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

God please help me. I need you right now. I feel so lonely

Jun 20, 2011
going nut's
by: Anonymous

Lost my wife,home,job and now Im tking care of my father-inlaw who is very elderly and I have to live with him because he can not live on his own. I am not that young eather but I would like to try to get my life back. He asked me four times to move in with him, but the last time he asked me he had tears in his eyes. So here I am. My wife was ill for a long time and had to take care of her and I would do it over and over again. The man is driving me nut's. I need a break. The man is a good man. please help

Jun 23, 2011
Pray to forgive my sister
by: Anonymous

I hope God will hear me now, I need big heart to put my sister in. She been looking down on me for years and treating me like I am low life. I know that she is better than me, she is clever than me, more beautiful, got very success career with good paid. She got everything.
I did sacrifice my studies in cheap place so that she can go further up there, coz i know my parent wont be able to pay both of us for studies.
I am not asking for anything toward her...I just want big heart so that I could forgive her.
I dont know what to do, I even thinking to move away far away from my family so that I never meet her again ever in my life.

Jun 27, 2011
I am very low in spirit
by: Anonymous

Lord help me to overcome my problems. I am doing everything I could to raise my kids and my sibling's kids but nobody seems to realise that. But Lord I feel like a failure but I know if I am with you Jesus the storm will go down. Help my Lord. I truly cry on to you my Lord help me to raise this kids with the same love and they must realise it and feel it and know that they are at home. Lord strengthen me so that I shouldn't give up on them I must continue until I win. My goal in life is to help deserted kids and those who does not have their homes more especially in my country, please Lord help me achieve my goal.

Jun 30, 2011
Family in Turmoil
by: Galilaeo

Lord please bless my family. Even though I am seperated from my children my heart is with them. Please bless thier mother because she doesn't understand what she has done and now anger comsumes her. She is in a dark place and only views me as her enemy. Please help the healing process so that we both can move on and work together for the sake of the kids. We don't have to be together but we must work together. In Jesus name.


Jun 30, 2011
trying to encourage myself
by: his child

after looking at so many prayers of other i begin to see my request is not even the one to fret over i am now encourage and stand on what i believe i know the lord will deliver and he no shorter than his word he owns ten thosand cattles upon the hill he told me to look to the hill from where my help comes and i now trust that thanks for the reminder praise god i wamnt loose my house and and will have a job and my health i will regain by the bloood of jesus right noe aman thank u thamnk u

Jun 30, 2011
trying to encourage myself
by: his child

after looking at so many prayers of other i begin to see my request is not even the one to fret over i am now encourage and stand on what i believe i know the lord will deliver and he no shorter than his word he owns ten thosand cattles upon the hill he told me to look to the hill from where my help comes and i now trust that thanks for the reminder praise god i wamnt loose my house and and will have a job and my health i will regain by the bloood of jesus right noe aman thank u thamnk u

Jun 30, 2011
trying to encourage myself
by: his child

after looking at so many prayers of other i begin to see my request is not even the one to fret over i am now encourage and stand on what i believe i know the lord will deliver and he no shorter than his word he owns ten thosand cattles upon the hill he told me to look to the hill from where my help comes and i now trust that thanks for the reminder praise god i wamnt loose my house and and will have a job and my health i will regain by the bloood of jesus right noe aman thank u thamnk u

Jun 30, 2011
trying to encourage myself
by: his child

after looking at so many prayers of other i begin to see my request is not even the one to fret over i am now encourage and stand on what i believe i know the lord will deliver and he no shorter than his word he owns ten thosand cattles upon the hill he told me to look to the hill from where my help comes and i now trust that thanks for the reminder praise god i wamnt loose my house and and will have a job and my health i will regain by the bloood of jesus right noe aman thank u thamnk u

Jun 30, 2011
re: need my walk revived
by: Kim

God, please forgive me for my lukewarmness toward the Word and your way. I have allowed disappointments in my marriage and just in my financial situation to get in the way of my relationship with you. I want that fire back that I once had for You. I have watched my daughters grow lukewarm in their walk as well and I know I am responsible for that and I ask you forgiveness and to help me get back on track with you and doing our daily studies like we once used to do. Revive my children hearts for you. Help me to right everything that is wrong and get it lined up with Your way. I just want to serve you the right way because this is what you deserve after all you have done for me. Please help me to do that. All that is out there please pray for me and my family.

Jun 30, 2011
I miss you lord
by: heartbroken

Dear Heavenly Father, I need you. My heart is heavy and I am guilty of not walking in your light. My family is broken in spirit and my sons do not believe in you. I am guilty of doubting you and my soul is weary. I need your healing touch and your spiritual guidance. I can not forgive myself of numerous sins. I question your existence sometimes and wonder why you allow children and babies to be hurt. I would give my soul if no other children were hurt. I feel you do not hear my prayers at times. Lord, I am ready for you to come and take us home. Please help me lord. In Jesus' name i pray. Amen

Jul 07, 2011
Lord, Make a Way Out of No Way For Us All
by: Cinnamon Role

Lord, I ask that you hear each and every one of us, Lord. For we are your children and we are suffering, Lord. Some of us have been suffering for a long time. We need You, Jesus. We need You right now. Some of us are in a hurry, but the only thing we can do is put in a request and wait on You for an answer. Father God, Your word said there is no other living God, so Father we come to You asking for help. All these people need You. I need You too, Lord. I pray that You will honor our requests and let the answer be YES. Thank you, Lord. I've been searching for a long time. There are things in my life I want to do and get done down here on earth before I am called HOME. God, please honor everyone who have come to You at this site with the answer You know is good for us. Whether the answer is Yah or Nay, just let us know that the answer is from You. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Jul 10, 2011
Jesus, help us
by: Peter

My beautiful, wonderful wife has decided to leave me. I have only been married a year and a half, but we have kept Christ at the center of our marriage. I don't know what happened. I am currently in Iraq serving with the Army. One day she just changed. 1 June to be exact. Now she won't even talk to me. I think she has moved and gotten her own place and changed her phone number. Jesus, why? I have been a good husband, I love her so much! I believe that God can change her heart and bring back my sweet, loving, God-fearing Ashley. I don't know why I can't see any sign of it. Abba, You can do all things! I plead the blood of Jesus Christ on our marriage. I truly believe we are one flesh. How can that be broken?? Jesus please PLEASE HELP US! I would give anything.

Jul 11, 2011
I feel so alone....
by: Dennis

Dear God, I broke up with my girlfriend a year ago and even though she loved me and said that she never understood the saying "you have to let the person you love go", she finally did and she let me go. I was devasted because I had just proposed to her a month ago. The reason we broke up was because her family didn't seem to like me. I accepted the fact that she wanted to break up and I have respected her privacy all this time...except I still miss her. I miss her alot! Oh Lord, she still has a big place in my heart and I wish that you would lead her back to me someday. I have tried dating other people and I know I'm not supposed to do this but I keep thinking about her and how happy we made each other. Now, I feel so alone and ashamed for letting her go...I feel so anxious that I will never find anyone to share my heart again...please help me Lord Jesus...

Jul 14, 2011
Help Me Lord....
by: Richard

I have been angry these past 4 years, and it has caused me to lose the one person I ever truly loved. I finished college and thought I would get a career away. That never happened and I have had to stay at this job in school that I hate. This situation of not finding a career and having to stay at a "job" has made me a horrible person. I treated everyone poorly. Instead of telling the woman I loved how I felt I always waited and waited to get the Career instead. I treated her like dirt calling her names and telling her how I did not want to be with her and for her to find someone else. Of course, I never meant any of this,it was just my frustrations from not getting anywhere with my life. I was forced to tell her how I truly felt about her when I saw her showing an interest in another person. Of course now she believes that the feelings that she had for me are gone, I can't blame her of course she took so much pain from me in 4 years of trying to make me love her. I guess she just got tired of waiting, my effort to get her back has not been going well, I yelled at her as usual and gave her an ultimatum essentially saying that if she does not want to be with me don't contact me at all. She said she wouldn't. Now I am just a shell of myself without her, she means everything to me, its all my fault that she left me, I drove her to it with 4 years of maltreatment. I feel like an insect for just driving the love out of the poor girl's heart. If I had just made a little effort I know I would have been in a wonderful relationship with love that would have always been there. I am just so devastated, lord please give me the strength to go on. If you feel that it is right, please bring her back to me, you know the pain that I am in. I just hope she has not fallen in love with someone else and reconsiders being with me, this time to a changed person. The most wonderful moments of my life I have spent with her, I love her with all my being.
Please lord I need a miracle....

Jul 14, 2011
Help Me Lord....
by: Richard

I have been angry these past 4 years, and it has caused me to lose the one person I ever truly loved. I finished college and thought I would get a career away. That never happened and I have had to stay at this job in school that I hate. This situation of not finding a career and having to stay at a "job" has made me a horrible person. I treated everyone poorly. Instead of telling the woman I loved how I felt I always waited and waited to get the Career instead. I treated her like dirt calling her names and telling her how I did not want to be with her and for her to find someone else. Of course, I never meant any of this,it was just my frustrations from not getting anywhere with my life. I was forced to tell her how I truly felt about her when I saw her showing an interest in another person. Of course now she believes that the feelings that she had for me are gone, I can't blame her of course she took so much pain from me in 4 years of trying to make me love her. I guess she just got tired of waiting, my effort to get her back has not been going well, I yelled at her as usual and gave her an ultimatum essentially saying that if she does not want to be with me don't contact me at all. She said she wouldn't. Now I am just a shell of myself without her, she means everything to me, its all my fault that she left me, I drove her to it with 4 years of maltreatment. I feel like an insect for just driving the love out of the poor girl's heart. If I had just made a little effort I know I would have been in a wonderful relationship with love that would have always been there. I am just so devastated, lord please give me the strength to go on. If you feel that it is right, please bring her back to me, you know the pain that I am in. I just hope she has not fallen in love with someone else and reconsiders being with me, this time to a changed person. The most wonderful moments of my life I have spent with her, I love her with all my being.
Please lord I need a miracle....

Jul 15, 2011
Lord I need your help!
by: Anonymous

Lord hear my cry please help you know my needs Lord I will continue to love and trust in you

Jul 15, 2011
help me lord god for i need help
by: Anonymous

help dear lord for i need your guidance and help i am about to lose it all and i dont know what to do. I have tried to keep everything right but i always have temptation to do the wrong thing i am sorry lord i will keep my word from this day forward i will not continue down the path i am on god please get me through this day and let me keep my home and family togther. please have mercy on me.

Jul 15, 2011
help me lord god for i need help
by: Anonymous

help dear lord for i need your guidance and help i am about to lose it all and i dont know what to do. I have tried to keep everything right but i always have temptation to do the wrong thing i am sorry lord i will keep my word from this day forward i will not continue down the path i am on god please get me through this day and let me keep my home and family togther. please have mercy on me.

Jul 15, 2011
help me lord god for i need help
by: Anonymous

help dear lord for i need your guidance and help i am about to lose it all and i dont know what to do. I have tried to keep everything right but i always have temptation to do the wrong thing i am sorry lord i will keep my word from this day forward i will not continue down the path i am on god please get me through this day and let me keep my home and family togther. please have mercy on me.

Jul 15, 2011
help me lord god for i need help
by: Anonymous

help dear lord for i need your guidance and help i am about to lose it all and i dont know what to do. I have tried to keep everything right but i always have temptation to do the wrong thing i am sorry lord i will keep my word from this day forward i will not continue down the path i am on god please get me through this day and let me keep my home and family togther. please have mercy on me.

Jul 15, 2011
help me lord god for i need help
by: Anonymous

help dear lord for i need your guidance and help i am about to lose it all and i dont know what to do. I have tried to keep everything right but i always have temptation to do the wrong thing i am sorry lord i will keep my word from this day forward i will not continue down the path i am on god please get me through this day and let me keep my home and family togther. please have mercy on me.

Jul 15, 2011
help me lord god for i need help
by: Anonymous

help dear lord for i need your guidance and help i am about to lose it all and i dont know what to do. I have tried to keep everything right but i always have temptation to do the wrong thing i am sorry lord i will keep my word from this day forward i will not continue down the path i am on god please get me through this day and let me keep my home and family togther. please have mercy on me.

Jul 16, 2011
i beg of you
by: Anonymous

lord why is this so dificult??? plese help me, be there fo me, andguide me alondthis difficult path i have chosen, i know that with ur halp everything is possible, but please i need your help, without you i cannot, please give me the strength and inteligence, but also prudence i need lord.

Jul 16, 2011
i beg of you
by: Anonymous

lord why is this so dificult??? plese help me, be there fo me, andguide me alondthis difficult path i have chosen, i know that with ur halp everything is possible, but please i need your help, without you i cannot, please give me the strength and inteligence, but also prudence i need lord.

Jul 16, 2011
i beg of you
by: Anonymous

lord why is this so dificult??? plese help me, be there fo me, andguide me alondthis difficult path i have chosen, i know that with ur halp everything is possible, but please i need your help, without you i cannot, please give me the strength and inteligence, but also prudence i need lord.

Jul 16, 2011
Does the Lord Hear My Cry
by: Cree

I want so badly to know if God hear my prayers and pleas each and every moment. I have been carrying a mental load since 1985. My husband of 27 years has an addiction to crack. During the course of years we seen christian counselors, therapist etc. I have been praying to God to change his mind, soul to be cleansed from this demonic control. He stopped using in 1993 for 14 years until 2007. The only reason I know he used again he had a massive stroke in February 2007. and I actually found the stuff. The stoke has caused severe brain damage with limited left side movement and feeling. At this point again in the marriage I am so so angry at him. I feel he misguided our only son and me again. I asked the Lord the please protect and guide him over the years to keep him clean and sober, but I just don't know if he heard me or not. I have to take care of him now and I myself was already disabled with heart failure. It's so hard financially now.
Oh Lord please help me I'm dying inside, so confused each and every moment of the day. I need guidance, encouragement, peace. Will the lord hear my cries for help

Jul 16, 2011
LORD, We ALL Need YOU, Right Now, LORD
by: Jamee

Heavenly Father, we all come to You today, Lord because we need You, Lord. We need You right now, Lord, at this very moment. I am asking that You help me with my neighbors. Lord, I was being harassed by the neighbors(and still is). Lord, I'm asking that you dissolve this problem. I know if You take care of this, it is done, and I won't have to worry about them again. Lord, these people are treturous. They don't care about people being old, they still harass us. They act like demons, Lord. I have to bind them in the name of Jesus everytime. Lord, I just want this problem to stop, completely. Only the neighbors, God and myself know what goes on in this house because they try to intimidate me from the outside. Please God, go into their hearts and soften their hearts. In Jesus' Name. Amen

Jul 19, 2011
iv lost everthing
by: mathew

hi there. 2 weeks ago today my house burned down and i lost everything. i have nothing, 6 months ago i lost my mum and my sister to canser aswell. i have no fernitre left atall. i just dont know what to do. please help me out with a small amount of money... my adress. MATHEW OSBORNE 21a kathleavon street plymouth PL51QA

Jul 25, 2011
Waiting for you Lord
by: Lawrence

Lord, As your word says that I am to be strong and of good courage. I am trying God. Trying to focus on what is pure and right. I back slide often. I am so afraid. We are on the verge of bankruptcy. I NEED YOU GOD. Help me so I may be a blessing to my family and all others that you lead me to. For me family GOD for my family.

Praise and Glory to the Lamb of GOD


Jul 26, 2011
have mercy on me
by: Anonymous


Aug 01, 2011
Rescue me from financial Difficulties
by: Mpnica Naibaei

I have been telling God that, if He can open a door to immagrate to USA. Why cann't He then
provide the money to do the interview for visa.
Actually, we need Kshs.500,000 for five of us as
a family to do the interview. we have only to weeks left. Therefore, if you are a vessel that
can be used by God to answer our prayers, please
do not hestitate to come for our help. Our telephone number is 0728814140, 0723687700, email m_chepkemoi2000@yahoo.com, rmuyera@yahoo.com. We are from Eldoret Kenya.

Aug 01, 2011
Order My Steps
by: Anonymous

Lord God, I come before you today to pray for the unsaved, the lost, the heartbroken, the down and out, and those needing financial blessings. Lord God, I ask you to save, heal, deliver, and set free on today. Father we all stand in the need of something from you and ask that you hear our cries.
Look on my situation and guide me in the right direction. I thank you that this too shall pass, but Lord as I wait for it to pass, I need for you to comfort and reassure that I am doing the right thing. Strengthen me Lord and please give me the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to do everything that is required of me. Thank you for my husband, business, home, obedient children, and the financial blessing that you are sending my way. I love you Lord God and thank you for your Son Jesus and all he did so that I may be here today!

Aug 04, 2011
Broken heart. You can but I dont know how. Praise G od I can talk to you. help me to deal with the pain.
by: Anonymous

Lord I want this marraige to work. but he does not help me Lord I am hurting please put this marraige together.

Aug 08, 2011
Thank You God A million Times
by: Monica Naibei

Father in heaven, I am very greatful for what you have done to me. Thank you for helping me overcome all obstabcles during my fathers death.
You were besides me and you strengthen me a lot.
Right now father, help me to overcome all plots of the evil one, especially from the witches and the wizards. Help me to get financial breakthrough in order to pay for my visa interview to USA. Thanks for answering my prayer.

Aug 09, 2011
I am scared and overwhelmed
by: full of fear

Lord. Please help me. I am scared. I am overwhelmed. I have doubts about whether I am saved. I truly believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins that I might have everlasting life.Is that enough? I pray every day for forgiveness and to give thanks for the blessings you have given me Lord. But I am so scared taht my little family is going to be financially devastated. I watch what we spend, I go to work every day and work hard. But why do I see other, very deserving people go through such hard times? Wouldn't it be prideful and arrogant of me to asume that God is not going to let poor economic times befall me? And why Lord are the people of this country and my state so mean and hateful? Everywhere I turn I see harsh condemnation and violent words. Many times spoken by people who, if you asked them, would call themselves Christians. It makes me want to avoid Christians alltogether, and then of course I feel guilty about that too. I don't want to judge people Lord. But why are people so mean? My little family depends on me so much Lord. Please don't let me fail them. And of course I fall victim to lust and desire almpost on a daily basis. I have not strayed physically in many years, but why do I still talk about it with my wife's friend behind her back? why do I feel this need to possess other women? Even if I don't actually have sex You know my heart Lord. Lord I am such a sinner. I fail you every day. Is there a limit to your patience? Please let me know that you are beside me Lord. Let me feel your presence. I feel so much better and so full of joy when I can feel you beside me. I feel so optimistic. It certainly must be the peace that is beyond all understanding. I felt yoour presence last night in my dream Lord and thank you for that.Lord please enter my heart and make me a different man. make me a better man. make me the man that my wife deserves. Please help me.

Aug 15, 2011
Lord help me to stop online s*x
by: Anonymous

Lord please help me to overcome this weakness of having online sex with strangers, i geton the wagon and do right by God but i have this weakness of having sexual urges and fantacies with strangers on line, i try to j usif it with reasons like its not really sex but i feel to betray God spiritually is just as bad as physucall doing it. Forgive me Lord for i have sinned, i still have the urges and the more i get closer to God the stronger the urges get, my hubby doesnt satisfy me sexually because i have these thoughts of other men, please Lord i pray you intervene i n my life so i can stop this actions to focus fully on you in the name of Jesus i pray , amen.

Aug 16, 2011
God will never leave you, nor forsake you
by: Monica Naibei

For those people who have commented about what they are facing. God in Hebrews 13, has promised to neither leave you nor fasake you. Maybe it could be you that has drifted from God. let me urge you to draw closer to him and he will draw closer to you. He ask from the Jeremiah 32,is there anything too difficult for him? All things are possible to him who believe. Just trust and obey. In number the bible says that God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he repents. Keep on trusting him and he will do it. He is a God of miracle. The only thing you can do is to ask. And it shall be given to you. Be blessed.

Aug 16, 2011
Thank You Lord That You've Heard Our Prayers
by: Ms. CaCHO

Thank You Lord for hearing our prayers. Some prayers may have been answered by now, but many of us are still waiting. Lord, we need You and only You, Lord. For Your word says, there is only One Living God. This I believe. I know there is the Trinity, but the Trinity is considered as One. For those who do not know what the Trinity is, it's GOD the Father, JESUS the Son, and Jesus' Spirit, THE HOLY SPIRIT. These three are considered as the Trinity which is all in One. So when we pray to Jesus, we get plenty of help without knowing it. So, keep the Faith and keep on praying until you get an answer. I have been praying for a specific request from the Lord for a long time, but I'm going to keep the Faith until I get an answer, because that's all I can do is wait, wait on the Lord. Hoping all your prayers are answered, I also pray for everyone on this site hoping you get the answer you're searching for. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Aug 20, 2011
Please pray for our family tobe together once again
by: Anonymous

Please help me! My family is going through crisis right now, please bless us with a miracle prayer so our family can once again be together and happy again. Jesus Jesus Jesus pray for us.

Aug 21, 2011
my rent, 9-10-11 will b a yr,in my apt amen, im 350,behind rent,plus next month
by: rico

live yr worrys to him,and daily i do he has out of no ware,said i got u.i find my work daily @ home depo,im fr usa,im not asking 4 a hand out,i can cook clean'and BELD,im living my worries 2 u and my brothers & sisters,i go 2 theway church,in san bernardino,i dont want 2 lose my place,i really like my nabers,hare@ 4120'this morning,here lord take my worries,then,i went 2 my computer,I PUT 'PLEASE LORD HELP ME WITH MY RENT .COM,AND WORLD BLESSING,CAME UP,THANK YOU' MY INFO,909 494 0520 MAT,6:33 LET IT BE SO !!!

Aug 21, 2011
my rent, 9-10-11 will b a yr,in my apt amen, im 350,behind rent,plus next month
by: rico

live yr worrys to him,and daily i do he has out of no ware,said i got u.i find my work daily @ home depo,im fr usa,im not asking 4 a hand out,i can cook clean'and BELD,im living my worries 2 u and my brothers & sisters,i go 2 theway church,in san bernardino,i dont want 2 lose my place,i really like my nabers,hare@ 4120'this morning,here lord take my worries,then,i went 2 my computer,I PUT 'PLEASE LORD HELP ME WITH MY RENT .COM,AND WORLD BLESSING,CAME UP,THANK YOU' MY INFO,909 494 0520 MAT,6:33 LET IT BE SO !!!

Aug 21, 2011
my rent, 9-10-11 will b a yr,in my apt amen, im 350,behind rent,plus next month
by: rico

live yr worrys to him,and daily i do he has out of no ware,said i got u.i find my work daily @ home depo,im fr usa,im not asking 4 a hand out,i can cook clean'and BELD,im living my worries 2 u and my brothers & sisters,i go 2 theway church,in san bernardino,i dont want 2 lose my place,i really like my nabers,hare@ 4120'this morning,here lord take my worries,then,i went 2 my computer,I PUT 'PLEASE LORD HELP ME WITH MY RENT .COM,AND WORLD BLESSING,CAME UP,THANK YOU' MY INFO,909 494 0520 MAT,6:33 LET IT BE SO !!!

Aug 21, 2011
my rent, 9-10-11 will b a yr,in my apt amen, im 350,behind rent,plus next month
by: rico

live yr worrys to him,and daily i do he has out of no ware,said i got u.i find my work daily @ home depo,im fr usa,im not asking 4 a hand out,i can cook clean'and BELD,im living my worries 2 u and my brothers & sisters,i go 2 theway church,in san bernardino,i dont want 2 lose my place,i really like my nabers,hare@ 4120'this morning,here lord take my worries,then,i went 2 my computer,I PUT 'PLEASE LORD HELP ME WITH MY RENT .COM,AND WORLD BLESSING,CAME UP,THANK YOU' MY INFO,909 494 0520 MAT,6:33 LET IT BE SO !!!

Aug 21, 2011
my rent, 9-10-11 will b a yr,in my apt amen, im 350,behind rent,plus next month
by: rico

live yr worrys to him,and daily i do he has out of no ware,said i got u.i find my work daily @ home depo,im fr usa,im not asking 4 a hand out,i can cook clean'and BELD,im living my worries 2 u and my brothers & sisters,i go 2 theway church,in san bernardino,i dont want 2 lose my place,i really like my nabers,hare@ 4120'this morning,here lord take my worries,then,i went 2 my computer,I PUT 'PLEASE LORD HELP ME WITH MY RENT .COM,AND WORLD BLESSING,CAME UP,THANK YOU' MY INFO,909 494 0520 MAT,6:33 LET IT BE SO !!!

Aug 23, 2011
Light in the Darkness
by: Trixie Natavio

I am such a failure. My sister even said that I am of no value at all. But then when I came in this site and saw that there are lots of people like me--asking God a lot of why's, I came to realize that it is not just I but all of my brothers and sisters in Christ have their own share of warfare. Now I'm praying for strength, and a greater faith and trust in the Lord, my God. To God be the glory forever!

Aug 23, 2011
The Lord is My shephered I shall not Want.
by: Naibei Monica

Psalms 23

The Lord is my shephered I shall not want
He makes me down to lie in green pastures
He leadeth me, the quiet waters by.

Even though I pass through the valley of the shadow of death I shall not fear, coz your
road and staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table in the presence of my
enemies. Surely goodness and mercy shall
follow me the rest of my life and I will
dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Take this to be you verse everyday and you will
see that God will provide and direct you.
He will fight your enemies and set a table for you before them.

Aug 23, 2011
I pray the lord to help me
by: Anonymous

I pray the lord to help me be a good Husband & also to increase me so that my Family may Go wanting. My weakness is Anger, i need to slow to this to anger. Sometimes i hav beaten up my wife & i need help so that i can be what i desire to become: a loving, caring & God Fearing Husband.

Aug 23, 2011
I pray the lord to help me
by: Anonymous

I pray the lord to help me be a good Husband & also to increase me so that my Family may Go wanting. My weakness is Anger, i need to slow to this to anger. Sometimes i hav beaten up my wife & i need help so that i can be what i desire to become: a loving, caring & God Fearing Husband.

Aug 23, 2011
I pray the lord to help me
by: Anonymous

I pray the lord to help me be a good Husband & also to increase me so that my Family may Go wanting. My weakness is Anger, i need to slow to this to anger. Sometimes i hav beaten up my wife & i need help so that i can be what i desire to become: a loving, caring & God Fearing Husband.

Aug 24, 2011
Good Lord Bless all
by: Dee

Dear Lord bless all who come to this site for whatever reason. Keep them in your grace, fullfill there every need. Give them guidance,love and peace so that they may share your counsel with others. Let the Holy Ghost fill there souls while showing the world that YOU ARE GOD!!!! You Lord are bless and my soul is at peace. AMEN

Aug 24, 2011
Good Lord Bless all
by: Dee

Dear Lord bless all who come to this site for whatever reason. Keep them in your grace, fullfill there every need. Give them guidance,love and peace so that they may share your counsel with others. Let the Holy Ghost fill there souls while showing the world that YOU ARE GOD!!!! You Lord are bless and my soul is at peace. AMEN

Aug 24, 2011
Prayer for somebody who wants to become a good hubby
by: Monica Naibei

Dear Brother, you actually desire to be a good husband and father. This cannot happen unless
you allow God to deal with you. First accept Christ as your personal saviour and be forgiven of your sins. Once you are in Christ, you become a new creature, the old will pass away.
Then surrender totally to Him and allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in you. The Holy Spirit will plant the fruit of the Spirit, that is Love, Joy,
Patience, Longsuffering, forgiveness etc. God will deal with the spirit of anger in you. At
times this spirit comes to us from our background. Maybe our own father was a Lion, in that he used to beat his wife and that is our
mother. Then when we ask God to break the generational curse, we will be free from that.
Let me not write more. But please look for someone to lead you to Christ and start reading
his word and I believe that God will change your
life completely. For more, please contact me.
My email is m_chepkemoi2000@yahoo.com

Aug 24, 2011
Harassing Neighbors
by: Karlyn

Please, if anyone out there has any contact with the Lord
through praying, please, please pray for me to have peace. I am an elderly lady who lives alone, and I am being harassed by my neighbor. I pray every day and night for peace. I have no peace within my own walls because of harassment. These neighbors are young and they make all kinds of horendous noises. They come on my property and leave little signs that they've been there whether I'm home or not. They come in my yard all the time when I leave. Someone, please pray for me, maybe God will hear your prayer, also, because I have been praying for a long time now and I am tired of these people. Please say a prayer for me after you read this. Thank you.

Aug 25, 2011
My Dear Karlny
by: Monica Naibei

These people who are harrassing you, God can
transform them. Why? God tells us to love those who oppress us. I am standing with you and I want to command that spirit in them to come out in Jesus Name and be subject to God. Have you ever gone to know who they are and if you can
communicate to them and request them kindly to
give you peace. In God's leading offer an opportunity to accept Christ. try my sister.

Aug 25, 2011
Monica Naibei: Thank You For Your Prayer
by: Karlny

It is no use. These people are criminals. They are people who try to run people out of the neighborhood, not only me, but they try to run others out, also. I believe one of the guys is suffering from Short Man Syndrome. When they are at a certain height, they don't like anyone to tell them what to do. I was shown that he has an evil spirit, and that is why I'm asking for all the praying help I can get. The bible says, "these kinds of spirits come out through Fasting and Praying." If other people read this, please fast and pray also for this spirit to leave the entire neighborhood. It has to be true, because I feel a sense of Great Peace when he leaves, but then I sense Great Evil when he returns. Whether I'm inside or not, he will let me know when he's home by making all types of noises. This guy truely is evil. Again, please pray for me. Thank You.

Sep 06, 2011




Sep 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

Oh Lord forgive me for missing mass. I'm a nursing student and work at weekends. Recently I have become so tired and depressed and I'm really struggling. I feel so lonely. My son has left home to be near his girlfriend. I was in a relationship with a man who texted other woman all the time, I had to end it. My tears are never ending and I struggle to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am starting to doubt my confidence in this nursing course and I'm starting to give up. I have had a hard path to follow most of my life.

Please Lord help me and give me strength to carry my cross.

Sep 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

Oh Lord forgive me for missing mass. I'm a nursing student and work at weekends. Recently I have become so tired and depressed and I'm really struggling. I feel so lonely. My son has left home to be near his girlfriend. I was in a relationship with a man who texted other woman all the time, I had to end it. My tears are never ending and I struggle to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am starting to doubt my confidence in this nursing course and I'm starting to give up. I have had a hard path to follow most of my life.

Please Lord help me and give me strength to carry my cross.

Sep 20, 2011
Needing help
by: Anonymous

Oh lord please hear my prayers, please provide me with the money to pay my bills and keep my family together. I cant deal with the stress and depression i have been going thru. Please send me a angel of mercy to my door to help me thru this horrible time in my life. Please bless me and my husband. I dont know what we are gonna do. I shake so bad all day long and worry so much
that i make myself sick. I cant sleep. I feel and look so bad. Please answer my prayers. I am begging you.

Oct 03, 2011
I need your help...
by: Dennis

Dear Lord,

I want to Thank You for being with me through ever step of my break-up and for lifting my spirits when I was down, for being there when I needed you the most. I believe this is my trial and tribulation and a true test of my faith in You O'Lord. I will not falter, I will not lose faith in you. I will always believe in You and one day you will bring me joy and happiness again. In your name I pray. Amen...

Oct 05, 2011
When Will YOU Help Us, Lord
by: Anonymous for God

We need help right now Lord, please God. I get so tired of asking and begging for help. It seems that no one here on this earth can help me but You, God. I'm asking for help for everyone on this site. We all need you, God. We need YOu right now, God. Please, Please, Please come now God. Please come to my home, God, I need you right now. I desperately need Your help, God. You are the living God, and I am begging for Your help. Thank You in advance, God. In Your Precious Son, Jesus' name. Amen.

Oct 11, 2011
"After all these things, JESUS showed himself again"
by: Billy

Dear GOD,
I do not know how exactly to pray for all the needs and challenges that were expressed on this site. Yet, I believe in a GOD that is living and loving. I believe in a GOD that can and desires to intervene.

So LORD, for everyone I am asking that You would do exactly what You did with Peter and all the disciples while in their most desperate and toughest situation, right after they let You be crucified, right after they thought that everything was over, right when there seemed to be no hope left, right in the midst of the deepest depression, guilt and anxiety. John 21:1 says: "After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself"

So please LORD, show yourself again to all your disciples in this website, your desperate, depressed, needy and wounded flock. For I know that if You'd show yourself again, the disciples that we are will once again catch fishes, and big fishes. If You'd show yourself again, miracles will once again take place in our lives. We will acknowledge You as our savior once again. If You'd show yourself again, all of us will once again find joy and peace, and a purpose in our life. LORD, if You'd show again, we would once again feel comforted and would want to eat and have breakfast with you, right by the beach.

LORD, show yourself once again to all the people who did and will read and write posts on this website.
With much anticipation, I thank you for what You will do LORD. In your saving and loving name JESUS, Amen.

Oct 12, 2011
help me god please
by: george

lord i need you to come into my life give me what i need not what i would like am tyred and i feel lost lord i pray amen.

Oct 16, 2011
I hope everything goes good in your life. God bless you Dear!
by: Anonymous

Just remember, your not alone my friend. Everyone goes through some hard times in life, especially in those times. The greatest thing is, like you said, that God is watching over us. That gives a great hope for a better tomorrow..better future. I know that me, myself, wouldn't be able to go through my problems without believing in God and that all of Us here go through some sort of difficulties in life. I REALLY wish everyone's problems could fade away...and I know they will one day..but till that day we have to stay STRONG together! Fight for what we love, follow our dreams and never give up!
Life is beautiful! But we gotta work hard together to bring it back to life!

With love to everyone! God bless us All.!

Oct 17, 2011
Facebook Addiction is killing me
by: Anonymous

Dear God, please help me to stop making detours on what you have lined out for me to do, during the day. Facebook catches my attention, and even under conviction, I can't let go. Why do I call you Lord! Lord! and I do not do what you want me to do?

Oct 24, 2011
Lord come back to me pleaasee
by: Anonymous

i pray for all my brothers and sisters those who are going through it right now but i pray also for those who arent. sometimes we need hardships to turn to god and i know it shouldnt be that way but its true. many of us take advantage when things are going well for us but i pray that god doesnt let that happen to me but instead increase my faith and love for him.i need to feel his love always through good and bad

Oct 24, 2011
Again, Help US Lord
by: Anonymous

I'm asking again for help from You, Lord. Ok, Lord I'll ask this one last time and leave it alone. I'm putting this situation in Your hands and then, maybe You'll come. And, maybe we all will get some type of answer to our prayers. Lord, please give me a sign that You at least hear my prayer, O God. I need You right now Lord. It is urgent! Lord. I desperately need You right now, Dear Lord. I am still having difficulties with the neighbors. They don't care about me being old, it's like they are hethens. Please, God take care of this situation. Like always, I ask that you not only hear prayer for me, but also answer others on this web-site also. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Oct 25, 2011
Lord, Pacify Me
by: I'm Weak

Dear Lord,
I'm helpless... Every night, I worry about so many things... finances, health, future, debts, broken relationships etc.... I don't know what to do any more. I want to be strong in faith with you.. But no matter how i try to keep that faith in me, I'm always shaken by the things that keep on taunting me... I'm in my early forties, jobless.. but is the sole responsible for my families needs... Eversince I started to work, I have always been providing for my family..I'm still single but it seems that forever married to my family... No matter how much I wanted to enjoy my life, I simply can't for simple reason that they can not stand on their own without me.... Now, I'm jobless, still, i take the responsibility to to look after our needs. I have other needs too. I have debts to pay but I couldn't pay it because I have to prioritize our needs.. Now I'm faced with the fact that sooner or later, i'll be chased after by the people i am indebted to.. i also have a health problem... sooner or later, i know this health condition will bring me into a bigger problem.. I don't think i could land a job in the future.. i know i can't because of my long-time debt and health problems.. Getting a job is easy, but what is not easy is the complications that these completion of requirements would entail me...I know i need to be strong for my family and at least for myself (this is the only thing i can do for myself).. Lord, my worries cloud me... I have no one to turn to but you.. Pacify me Lord and help me with all these concerns, they're getting bigger and bigger each day... I know that many times earlier have I told you that I surrender my life to you.. Lord, take charge of my life... I desperately need your help... Please.... :) I'm pleading.....

Nov 07, 2011
God I Really Need You.....
by: Anonymous

God Pls.help me with my Grades.....i'm a graduating student...and i don't wanna fail now....i need you to guide me...and help me understand my lessons...AMEN:)

Nov 20, 2011
thank you lord
by: Anonymous

You have helped me so much ,thanks for helping my wife .i call to you lord again ,please help my wife wil all the illnesses and the holidays lord you are my savoor !!!! I feel you as I type thank you jesus my family needs you lord please help them ,thank you lord amen

Nov 20, 2011
thank you lord
by: Anonymous

You have helped me so much ,thanks for helping my wife .i call to you lord again ,please help my wife wil all the illnesses and the holidays lord you are my savoor !!!! I feel you as I type thank you jesus my family needs you lord please help them ,thank you lord amen

Nov 20, 2011
thank you lord
by: Anonymous

You have helped me so much ,thanks for helping my wife .i call to you lord again ,please help my wife wil all the illnesses and the holidays lord you are my savoor !!!! I feel you as I type thank you jesus my family needs you lord please help them ,thank you lord amen

Nov 20, 2011
thank you lord
by: Anonymous

You have helped me so much ,thanks for helping my wife .i call to you lord again ,please help my wife wil all the illnesses and the holidays lord you are my savoor !!!! I feel you as I type thank you jesus my family needs you lord please help them ,thank you lord amen

Nov 21, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,

Im so sorry for i am complaining... im so tired lord... all i want is to have a healthy family.... i am married, i have a wonderful two year old son.... our marriage turned out to be mesirable when my husband started to cheat on me... so tired of being cheated... tired of being alone and hoping that we will be ok... help me please.. dont know what to do lord...

Nov 30, 2011
My Heavenly Father I Love You
by: Anonymous

Dear Father,
Thank you for all you have done in my life, you have blessed me with wonderful, humble parents. Extended family that love me dearly. You have given me health, a decent job (2), a blessed home, thank you father.

You never abandoned me yet i abandoned you often please forgive me. You tell me you love me and yet at times i don't feel loved. You shower me with hope and yet at times i question it.

Father forgive me, i don't know what i am doing. Please i beg you. Please stay by my side and don't ever leave me. Remove all my enemies from my path. Keep those who attack my character far away from me. Give me strength, and sustain me. Show me what you want me to do for you and i will do it. Show me, keep me, my family, friends in the palm of your hand. Please forgive me for i have sinned.

I love you father and trust you always.

Dec 02, 2011
Allow me grow closer to YOU my Lord
by: Anonymous

... for separation from YOU is sadness, depression and a life with no hope.

Dec 02, 2011
Please Help Me Oh Lord
by: Anonymous

Lord, please help me in my recent decision to resign my job and move on. My life and ex-marriage has been a mess! She has laid all burden of finance upon me and accrued all. Between court judgments and stress, I am losing will and faith to continue in life. Please watch over me and my lil' dog while we seek happiness. I am so, so, tired Lord! I need your strength to see me through. I beg your forgivness for my sin's and beg you for a new start in life. AMEN.

Dec 05, 2011
i am at the end
by: billy

Please lord forgive me my sins and for thoughts of taking my own life. I have no job and no prospects. In the past 11 years i have battled cancer, addiction, a very painful divorce and now loss of a job and no offers. I want it all to end. Why won't you take me? Why do you insist on keeping me here in this hell?

Dec 06, 2011
hey ram
by: Anonymous

GOD I NEED YOUR HELP I ABOUT TO LOSE SO MUCH i am wanting you clear all all all all my matter by 31st december 2011

Dec 07, 2011
Thank You Lord
by: Anonymous

Lord, thank You for making me feel what i'm feeling right now. I feel and i know i have to Thank You, though I am experiencing all of these trials in my life. I still have so many to thank you for.

Thank You, for i am healthy, no illnesses
Thank You, for my kids are illness-free as well, they are beautifuls kids, they are my wealth. Pls let them stay well and happy, though i am in this situation.

I dont want them to feel what i feel

Thank You for I still have my mother and some of my siblings to support me in this season of my life. Pls Lord, give my mother more strenght and more time in this life for her to experience the beauty of life. I want her to be happy.

Hope I wont cause her any hurt anymore.

Pls bless all the people who deserve it. Let those people realize their faults and they need to repent.

Pls Lord, I am begging You to let me see clearly the path you want me to see. Hope I wll be able to do the things according to Your will.


All these I ask Lord, in the name of Jesus, Your son, AMEN

Dec 09, 2011
I have lost everything, I feel I have nowhere to go...
by: Anonymous

I was once on top of the world, or so I thought. I have reached an all time low. I have lost everything, cant find a job, dont know what to do. Without being able to find a job, I decided to start my own business in healthcare, but its not going anywhere and its been almost 3 months. i have 2 kids and cant even afford food to feed them. i dont know what else to do other than turn to God. Please pray for me and my family and my business.

Dec 12, 2011
by: saddie

Lord, thank you for all the blessings
thank you for keeping my loved ones healthy, safe and away from harm
thank you for this borrowed life
thank you for saving us
thank you for forgiving our sins
thank you for the unconditional love
thank you for the answered prayers
thank you so much, im truly blessed

i need you right now lord, im at my lowest
sometimes im at the brink of giving up, but i know you are at my side, watching over me.i know you will make me strong to face everyday's trials.

though i know you have plans for each and every one of us...
i beg you to hear my prayers and i believe with you nothing is impossible

Dec 12, 2011
Thank You God For Everything
by: Kaston

Father God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Lord, I want to thank you for everything You've done in my life and everything You're going to do. Lord I also give thanks for what you are going to do for all the people on this web-site, Jesus. I just want to let You know that we still praise You. Today, Lord, I come to say Thank You and to say we Praise Your Holy Name. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Dec 15, 2011
doing the wrong thing all the time!
by: Anonymous

Lord I started gambling and I made A lot of mistakes. I owe money to my family members I lied to get them to give me money I've stole money from my mother and I don't know how to get my life back . I know that the Lord is dealing with me because of the way I feel everyday I need help and I don't know what to do I pray and ask for forgivness but I still feel so lost . Please Help me I need you please!

Dec 15, 2011
doing the wrong thing all the time!
by: Anonymous

Lord I started gambling and I made A lot of mistakes. I owe money to my family members I lied to get them to give me money I've stole money from my mother and I don't know how to get my life back . I know that the Lord is dealing with me because of the way I feel everyday I need help and I don't know what to do I pray and ask for forgivness but I still feel so lost . Please Help me I need you please!

Dec 24, 2011
Im belive in your lord
by: Anonymous

Noting going rigth i feel that im going to give up. I have two great kids and two eldry parents that i provide for i just cant take it nomore. Loard please take care of them.

Dec 25, 2011
Help me get rid of all the garbage.
by: Al

Dear Lord, I have been asking for your help for a long time, and just when I feel I am getting over the want to read porn, it comes back and I start reading it again. Please Lord, help me get out of this want. Also Lord, please help me lead your children in the right direction and be a good role model for them and help them know that they are loved by someone.

Dec 26, 2011
thank you so much for the blessings
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord,

Thank you so much for the answered prayers....my husband has return to us... i am so happy.. i love him so much... thank you lord for touching his heart and letting him realized that he has a family already... he has a wonderful child waiting for him to go home.... i hope lord that this happiness and joy may not vanish.. i want a happy family lord... please guide us and lead us to you lord... i hope my husband will not cheat on us anymore... ive given him a second chance... hope this time he will value our family... he will give importance to our family.... i love my husband so much lord god... thank you lord....

Dec 30, 2011
Lord, Please, How Long Do We Wait?
by: ALady

God, I need this next door neighbor problem to go away NOW, Lord. I don't know why some people prayers get answered in an instant and others take months or longer, or don't get answered at all. Please, Sir Lord Jesus, help me, help me, help me, Lord, please. This guy harasses older people and he does not have a conscious. Please Jesus, help, help, help, I'm a good person, God, I don't bother no body and yet, I am been harassed every day and ever night. Please, People on this page, Please pray for me. Maybe God will hear one of you and feel sympthy for me and help me instantly.

Jan 01, 2012
his son
by: Anonymous


I am finding it hard to deal with the issues you have given me to deal with.

Wars in the world, a family and death.

People dont know me, or who i am.

I will not fail you but please give me the direction you gave me as a child as i am lost, dad please help me.


Jan 01, 2012
his son
by: Anonymous


I am finding it hard to deal with the issues you have given me to deal with.

Wars in the world, a family and death.

People dont know me, or who i am.

I will not fail you but please give me the direction you gave me as a child as i am lost, dad please help me.


Jan 01, 2012
his son
by: Anonymous


I am finding it hard to deal with the issues you have given me to deal with.

Wars in the world, a family and death.

People dont know me, or who i am.

I will not fail you but please give me the direction you gave me as a child as i am lost, dad please help me.


Jan 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

Lord Please hear all my pleads for my family, extended family, and the world. I pray that nothing else will come from what has happened and, it is your will that my son will come home soon and live a great life. I pray my son will stay in the presences of all that is good. I pray my brother and family members are in heaven with you. I pray for all the children, seniors, and afflicted of the world. I pray for my daughter, grandchild, and her father.

Dear Lord hear my Pleas.

Jan 02, 2012
God, please help...
by: ryan

God, I am going to lose everything I ever cared about because of my drug problem. I cant even hold a fastfood job. My wife is working so hard and I have squandered our money. i have all but given up. I dont want to give up. please help me... us... so Please provide for my family. Ive wasted our money and need help repairing my marriage. Please help us... please lord, I am begging you. I am sorry... Im trying so hard Lord... Please Strengthen me so that I may be of use once more.

Jan 08, 2012
my brother
by: Anonymous

Lord pleases help my brother James he has been through so much the mental illiness shooting himself in the head and surviving that losing our parents and having to identify our little sister when she got killed and having to live the last 12 yrs in the nursing home he hasnt been feeling well and he is depressed again he wants to walk so bad i my self just want him healthy and happy i feel so blessed that you let us keep him so dear Lord this is for him please make him well please watch over him all he has ask for in 12 yrs is to be healthy and to walk please Dear Lord dont let us lose him.

Jan 08, 2012
my brother
by: Anonymous

Lord pleases help my brother James he has been through so much the mental illiness shooting himself in the head and surviving that losing our parents and having to identify our little sister when she got killed and having to live the last 12 yrs in the nursing home he hasnt been feeling well and he is depressed again he wants to walk so bad i my self just want him healthy and happy i feel so blessed that you let us keep him so dear Lord this is for him please make him well please watch over him all he has ask for in 12 yrs is to be healthy and to walk please Dear Lord dont let us lose him.

Jan 08, 2012
my brother
by: Anonymous

Lord pleases help my brother James he has been through so much the mental illiness shooting himself in the head and surviving that losing our parents and having to identify our little sister when she got killed and having to live the last 12 yrs in the nursing home he hasnt been feeling well and he is depressed again he wants to walk so bad i my self just want him healthy and happy i feel so blessed that you let us keep him so dear Lord this is for him please make him well please watch over him all he has ask for in 12 yrs is to be healthy and to walk please Dear Lord dont let us lose him.

Jan 10, 2012
Speak the word into your life
by: Anonymous

Brothers and Sisters, I have not gone through what most of you have gone through but I read the Secret Power of Speaking God's Word into your life. I will leave this for all of you:
[God] Himself has said, He will not in any way fail me nor give me up nor leave me without support. [He will} not , [He will] not, [He will] not in any degree leave me helpless nor forsake nor let [me] down 9relax his hold on me)[assuredly not!]So I take comfort and am encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be siezed with alarm [ i will not fear or dread or be terrified]. What can man do to me? Hebrews 13:5-6
Thank God and Bless him for the good he has already done your lives. Praise our Father and see the miracle that will change your lives. I speak Goodness and grace into every situation every need and and every circumstance. Lord reveal the fourth man in the man in to oven to my brothers and sisters and see that even though they are in the oven they are not burnt. Cast down but not broken! In Jesus name a blessing upon you all and supernatural healing into your lives right now!

Jan 12, 2012
by: Anonymous Again

Lord, I need Your help now. I have asked over and over, I have believed and believed over and over but no help yet, Lord. This neighbor tries to terrorize me everyday and night. I am a senior citizen and he is a young so-called man. He is no man. No real man will harm older people, Why? Lord help. If I believe in You, God, I should have the help I'm asking for. It's been too long, God. I need help now, Lord, please God, help me, help me, help me, help me, Please Jesus.

Jan 22, 2012
Will Pray 4 U
by: Anonymous

Maybthe Lord bless U n yours. It will be Ok....I will be praying!

Jan 22, 2012
Will Pray 4 U
by: Anonymous

Maybthe Lord bless U n yours. It will be Ok....I will be praying!

Jan 22, 2012
trying to hold on, hold up,
by: Janice D.

but I am close to givng in. I don't know when I have felt so low. I am putting my hand in your God so you can take me with you. I guess it's not enough to just walk in the footprints. maybe the ebb of the ocean has washed them from the sand and I am aimlessly walking in sinking sand...
Please take the hurt and desperation from me and Bless my life from now foward. I am troubled and call on you to fix it for me.
In Jesus name I pray... Amen.

Jan 22, 2012
I am really sorry, pls believe me
by: Anonymous

Lord, you know what's in my heart. Pls, i beg YOU Lord, to give enough wisdom, patience, calmness and understanding, in my husband's heart and mind, to listen to what i am about to tell him later today. I wish he'll believe me that i am really sorry for the wrongdoings i did long time ago.

I wish he will have enough courage to do the same to me. We both had a share in making our marriage about to fall.

I dont know whhat's on his mind. Whatever it is Lord, hope it will be for the best for all of us, HIM, ME and our 2 kids. LORD pls, dont let me give up Lord.

You are the only GOD who can do all things possible. I am very sorry for all my sins, I need UR divine help Lord, to move on.

Thank YOu for letting me live, these past months. I was almost helpless. Thank YOU for my mind stays well. Thank You that I could still think and plan without loosing myself

Pls Lord, again, Dont let me give up. PLs, do my thing possible. Strengthen mu husband's mind, to be able to think the right things to do and give understanding to my undertakings.

Thank you so much LORD, Thank you for my kids' health. Hope me and my husband will always stay in good health as well.


Jan 23, 2012
a request for God's blessings
by: Anonymous

The most important thing in my life is and will always be the health, happiness and safety of my three wonderful daughters. They are a blessing to myself. As well, the same goes for my amazing wife. Sometimes it seems that she is an angel who has come down to this planet just to save me. However, as wonderful as these blessings have been in my life, there are still challenges which I have a hard time with. I find day to day life to be very difficult and as I am now 49 years of age I am very tired of soldiering on through life. I guess what I want is God's blessings in all areas of my life. I really feel that I have experienced enough of life's obstacles and I am now more than ready to realize a happy, healthy, abundant life full of joy and fulfillment. One in which money is not an issue. So I now ask you God to bless me in all of my ways that I may now be able to fall in love with my own life. Thank you.

Jan 23, 2012
by: Just Me

I feel dead inside. It seems as though You are no longer listening, God. I've been praying since I could talk and still you don't answer, the one thing that I have asked for all my life. It feels like your playing games with me. Always getting my hopes up and then crushing them like a bug. Oh please help me.
There was a time when I was little that I would wake up every morning to see if you had answered my prayer. I was always disappointed. When I was seven Grandma died. After that I wanted to die too. I was constantly saying I wish I would die.

When I was nine or ten and still not dead I wanted to run away from home and live alone, far away from people so that they couldn't hurt me. I'm fifteen now and I still want to run away. I still pray, but now it seems that my Faith is not as strong as it used to be.
God, where are you? Please help me. Lord please help me. I am who I am because thats who you made me, I've always believed that and always will. You made so you must have a plan for me, I just hope that I'm not disapointing you.

Jan 23, 2012
by: Just Me

I feel dead inside. It seems as though You are no longer listening, God. I've been praying since I could talk and still you don't answer, the one thing that I have asked for all my life. It feels like your playing games with me. Always getting my hopes up and then crushing them like a bug. Oh please help me.
There was a time when I was little that I would wake up every morning to see if you had answered my prayer. I was always disappointed. When I was seven Grandma died. After that I wanted to die too. I was constantly saying I wish I would die.

When I was nine or ten and still not dead I wanted to run away from home and live alone, far away from people so that they couldn't hurt me. I'm fifteen now and I still want to run away. I still pray, but now it seems that my Faith is not as strong as it used to be.
God, where are you? Please help me. Lord please help me. I am who I am because thats who you made me, I've always believed that and always will. You made so you must have a plan for me, I just hope that I'm not disapointing you.

Jan 23, 2012
by: Just Me

I feel dead inside. It seems as though You are no longer listening, God. I've been praying since I could talk and still you don't answer, the one thing that I have asked for all my life. It feels like your playing games with me. Always getting my hopes up and then crushing them like a bug. Oh please help me.
There was a time when I was little that I would wake up every morning to see if you had answered my prayer. I was always disappointed. When I was seven Grandma died. After that I wanted to die too. I was constantly saying I wish I would die.

When I was nine or ten and still not dead I wanted to run away from home and live alone, far away from people so that they couldn't hurt me. I'm fifteen now and I still want to run away. I still pray, but now it seems that my Faith is not as strong as it used to be.
God, where are you? Please help me. Lord please help me. I am who I am because thats who you made me, I've always believed that and always will. You made so you must have a plan for me, I just hope that I'm not disapointing you.

Jan 24, 2012
Re: Lost
by: Anonymous

I just wanted to let you know that you are blessed, no matter how you maybe feeling right now. God has something wonderful for all that you have gone through. And I pray that God Almighty would Bless you indeed, enlarge you territory deliver and keep you away from All evilness.

Jan 24, 2012
Re: Lost
by: Anonymous

I just wanted to let you know that you are blessed, no matter how you maybe feeling right now. God has something wonderful for all that you have gone through. And I pray that God Almighty would Bless you indeed, enlarge you territory deliver and keep you away from All evilness.

Jan 25, 2012
hElp me plssss
by: Anonymous

hElp mE gOd plsss.......plSsss
I need you d most.....
luVyu toooooo god!!!

Jan 25, 2012
Need the Lord to show up in my life
by: Lydia

Lord, please forgive me of all my sins. I pray for forgiveness. Lord I need guidance and direction over my family and job. Lord I need you to take control over all that I'm faced with any decision any project any encounter and any thing that brings me fears. Lord I pray for protection over my grandchildren, I pray that you take control over my family, I pray for healing and deliverance for my mother and father. My sons need you Lord please do not pass them by. Lord I need a new beginning, you know the desires of my heart, you know my needs. I pray your will be done in my life, I pray for favor over my life, I pray that you show up in everything that I'm involved in, and favor with anyone that I encounter. Lord I bind up anything in my life that is not of you. I bind up any tricks or decietful people that curse my name. Lord please, I have done my best to live my life solely for you. All that I have is because of you Lord, every breath I take is because of you, you are the reason I live. Lord today I pray for peace, I pray for favor, I pray that you keep me from all harm and evil. Lord I pray that you remove anyone in my life that is not of you that means me no good. Father God I pray that you take control of my church situation guide and direct me in this as well. Lord please touch our government, touch the people on this website, I pray that you touch every prayer request today show up and deliver. Father God we need you! Please show us signs. Lord I love you and thank you in Jesus name AMEN

Jan 25, 2012
Please Lord I Need Your Help
by: Ryan

Dear Lord,

Tomorrow I will meet someone who is going to give me an oppurtunity for a job. I know it's going to be very rare chance to get this position. All I am asking is that they give me a chance to hear my side of the story. I Just hope they don't judge about my situation but judge me how can I contribute to the company. I also judge me who I really am. Although I made a mistake, it doesn't define me who I am.


Jan 26, 2012
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Jan 26, 2012
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Best Regards,

Jan 30, 2012
Lord give me strength
by: Anonymous

lord I am going thru a very tough time right now trying to find the strength I need, you have always given me challenges which ive dealt with to the best of my ability I am asasking that you guide me thru this difficult time, so that I can be stronge for my children & husband..i realize how blessed we are and how we must never take things for granted. I ask you in the name of your son and the holy sprite to pls always lead me in the right direction especially in these next few days. Thank you from the bottom of my heart AMEN

Jan 31, 2012
by: Piao

Father, I know I am a lucky guy. But sometimes I'm hurting and I feel lost. Please guide me towards peace. Please guide me towards the right direction. I seek for inner peace. Thank you.

Jan 31, 2012
by: Piao

Father, I know I am a lucky guy. But sometimes I'm hurting and I feel lost. Please guide me towards peace. Please guide me towards the right direction. I seek for inner peace. Thank you.

Feb 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

I feel so bad that I am always praying and there are lots of other people who need it more than me. But, my family is being overwhelmed with debt and I am driving my selve crazy to figure out how to fix it, I have overwhelming school debt from me and my wife can't find a job that will help to pay for the debt, and feeling like there is no end. Please pray for me.

Feb 03, 2012
by: Anonymous

Lord please help me. I need your guidance.
I need to decide, I think I can handle it, but than again I might not be able to do it. All my life I've wanted this and now I don't know if I can handle it. Please help me, I just can't decide. Please give me a sign so that I know I'm doing the right thing. Please I can't do this without you.

Feb 06, 2012
by: Catherine

I know times are hard people.....but are you tithing and serving the Lord by worshiping him
and going to church....I know he will come and
help me and save me financially....he loves me
and will provide....Life is hard but God is good
to the people that are true and serve him...God
Bless you all and do not give up....Jesus did not
give up on us....when he was hanging on the cross......In Jesus name....Amean

Feb 06, 2012
by: Catherine

I know times are hard people.....but are you tithing and serving the Lord by worshiping him
and going to church....I know he will come and
help me and save me financially....he loves me
and will provide....Life is hard but God is good
to the people that are true and serve him...God
Bless you all and do not give up....Jesus did not
give up on us....when he was hanging on the cross......In Jesus name....Amean

Feb 08, 2012
by: Ryan

Dear Lord,

Have you forsaken me? I just wonder because I feel so lonely. I feel abandon and betrayed by the world. Is that purpose of my life? I don't know what I am going to do. I feel sad and depress everyday. I want to be happy again and I don't want to carry this burden anymore. I've been judge is that final answer for me. I am criminal? I don't know what's my life anymore.


Feb 13, 2012
by: Anonymous

dear lord

ive made many mistakes in my life and im bound to make many more but i somtmes wish i wasnt me i am a good mother and a hrd worker but i cat find a job my kids are running out of food i hate standing in line at the food bank i feel guilty borrowing milk for my kids why do my children deserve this.. but im not going to give up lord everyday ill try to find a job and ill continue to go to you for guidence please dont allow this to last very long allow me and my partner to find employment and a good home for the sake of our children allow us to live a happy and furfilling life with you lord i know you are listening ..i can feel your presents as i type this all ddown with all my love dear father

Feb 13, 2012
by: Anonymous

dear lord

ive made many mistakes in my life and im bound to make many more but i somtmes wish i wasnt me i am a good mother and a hrd worker but i cat find a job my kids are running out of food i hate standing in line at the food bank i feel guilty borrowing milk for my kids why do my children deserve this.. but im not going to give up lord everyday ill try to find a job and ill continue to go to you for guidence please dont allow this to last very long allow me and my partner to find employment and a good home for the sake of our children allow us to live a happy and furfilling life with you lord i know you are listening ..i can feel your presents as i type this all ddown with all my love dear father

Feb 13, 2012
by: Anonymous

dear lord

ive made many mistakes in my life and im bound to make many more but i somtmes wish i wasnt me i am a good mother and a hrd worker but i cat find a job my kids are running out of food i hate standing in line at the food bank i feel guilty borrowing milk for my kids why do my children deserve this.. but im not going to give up lord everyday ill try to find a job and ill continue to go to you for guidence please dont allow this to last very long allow me and my partner to find employment and a good home for the sake of our children allow us to live a happy and furfilling life with you lord i know you are listening ..i can feel your presents as i type this all ddown with all my love dear father

Feb 13, 2012
Fallen from Grace
by: Midnitestar

Oh Lord thy GOD, I have fallen from grace, and my faith has been tested, some how some way I need ro believe in my soul life is still presious.

Feb 19, 2012
what Job may have felt
by: Bill

For the past 6 months I feel like Job with one medical situation after another, all so different but the same result. Lord AI feel like giving up - I don't know when I will get through this. What more, Why? I love you Lord and I try to do want I am able but it appears not to be enough. Lord, if it is your desire heal me. Take the heaviness away. Take the hopeless away. Lord let me see the sunrise on a new day. Let me feel whole again. Thank you Jesus - all the glory and honour is yours!!!

Feb 20, 2012
by: Anonymous

I was born with one head, two arms, two legs, ten toes and five fingers. My left hand has a very small thumb with no joint, but it does have a very, very small nail. There is three small bumps where my index, middle and ring finger should be. My pinky is a piece of skin the size of a pinky nail.

When I was little I believed that I could do anything. Then other kids started saying things, Adults would stare at me when I tried to do somthing that normally took two hands.
I began to doubt myself. I would ask God why have you done this to me? I'm not the right person, I'm not strong enough! You must have made a mistake.
When I was twelve or so, a man who had lost his left arm and the fingers on his right hand thought it was amazing that I had no fingers all my life. He couldn't see how I had lived like that all my life.
But the whole time he was saying that I thought to myself, how in the world could you live most of your life with hands and one day lose them, then look at me and think that it must have been hard for me.
I was born this way I have no idea what its like to have fingers. He knew what he had lost.

Now I play the piano and I'm good at drawing. After I graduate I'm going to become a vet assitant.
God is good don't ever doubt him. He will help you through your trouble if you let him. Don't give up even when it seems like he doesn't hear you. He does hear you, he sees every tear you cry. I know its hard.
Sometimes it seems like God isn't listening, but he is. When your crying there is always something that comes along and makes you smile, sometimes it's a animal or a memory or even a song. Whatever it is God sent it to you, to comfort you through the pain and sorrow.

If a blind person can trust a dog to keep them safe, surely you can trust God. Don't give up God will always be there for you. Sometimes he's silent, but that doesn't mean he is not there.


Feb 22, 2012
by: rh

Lord please help me and my family. I need your help. Sorry for being a sinner.


Feb 22, 2012
desperately need you LORD
by: Anonymous

BOTH my son & husband have experienced Drug OverDoses in the past year:-( & I Thank You Lord Jesus that both have survived & are still living & part of my life today!
Son's accidental OD 1/1/11 & Husband's intentional OD 1/3/12 ..
why must I continually be ALONE here in PA. while my husband & children live in N.C.???
I Lost my Dad Oct. 2011, my God-Father Sept. 2011 & my aunt Feb. 2012 :-(
Husband recently LOST his JOB for the 4 x in our 33 yrs of marriage ! We are BOTH professionals (accountant & RN) BUT are losing everything we've ever worked for ...house w/everything in it & car :-( What must we do to have things turn around in lour lives ?? We both are sooo giving & very Faithful to you ! I'm soo confused & keep looking for your guidance & answers to all this distress & sadness in our lives ?? AMEN

Feb 22, 2012
desperately need you LORD
by: Anonymous

BOTH my son & husband have experienced Drug OverDoses in the past year:-( & I Thank You Lord Jesus that both have survived & are still living & part of my life today!
Son's accidental OD 1/1/11 & Husband's intentional OD 1/3/12 ..
why must I continually be ALONE here in PA. while my husband & children live in N.C.???
I Lost my Dad Oct. 2011, my God-Father Sept. 2011 & my aunt Feb. 2012 :-(
Husband recently LOST his JOB for the 4 x in our 33 yrs of marriage ! We are BOTH professionals (accountant & RN) BUT are losing everything we've ever worked for ...house w/everything in it & car :-( What must we do to have things turn around in lour lives ?? We both are sooo giving & very Faithful to you ! I'm soo confused & keep looking for your guidance & answers to all this distress & sadness in our lives ?? AMEN

Feb 27, 2012
im in pain
by: Anonymous

..Lord.. i need you.. im in so much pain right now.. i dont know what to do. im confused. i thought i can ignore this feeling, but i was wrong. now im about to loss so much.. i just want to love and to be love back..Lord help me..

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