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Lord Jesus, My Savior and My Guide

by Alejandre A.
(Orange County, California USA)

O My Lord Jesus,
You are indeed, my Savior and my Guide.
With your sacrifice on the cross, You opened the gates of heaven to sinners like me.

With your unwavering obedience to the Will of The Father, You showed me how to live my life according to God's Will.
By enduring all the pains inflicted by all our sins, You have given me the example of how I can bear the pains and burdens of my own life,
By forgiving your tormentors You have shown me how to love and forgive those who trespass against me,
By your falling down and rising up on the way to Your crucifixion, You have given me the strength to overcome my own failures and difficulties,
By your instant forgiveness and invitation to Paradise to an unworthy but repentant thief, You have given me an open invitation to also be with You in Paradise.
By your dying and glorious resurrection, You have assured me that I too can overcome death and experience my own resurrection.
By returning and showing Yourself to your Disciples after your crucifixion, You are telling me that You will not leave me behind and will always be there for me when I need You.

Through all of these, You have shown me that
You, My Lord Jesus, are truly My Savior and My Guide.
Please forgive me of my sins, and
bless me with your guidance that I may faithfully follow You ...
O Lord Jesus, My Savior and My Guide.

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