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Little Prayer for my Best Friend's soul

by Anna Tsen

My God, who create heaven and earth and its creation, You send us to this world and You have the right to take back.Thank you for giving me chance to live a moment with my best friend brother.My God have mercy on his soul do give him a beautiful place according to Your will.God he is very very good to me i owe him love much, now i want to pay back with my little prayer.GOD i love him and miss him send my love to him.Thank you God.I love You..

Comments for Little Prayer for my Best Friend's soul

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Jun 16, 2010
Rest In Peace
by: Anonymous

God hear our prayer,may his soul rest in peace.Amen

Sep 12, 2011
Prayer for my friend's soul
by: Anonymous

Dear Father God. All powerful and ever loving. I thank you for the life of my friend Gladys. I thank you for the beautiful times we spent together and all her thoughtfulness and truthfullness.I pray that your eternal light will shine upon her path and journey back to you. I pray that she should enjoy everlasting bliss with you now and forever until we meet to part no more. If she is not home yet, please release your angels, archangles and all the saints through the guidiance of our Lord Jesus, to meet her and bring her to you. Purify her lord and make her our angel. Thank you lord.Amen

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