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Listen to the secrets of your Heart

by Naomi

Listen to the secrets of your heart!
You are rich beyond your
dreams in the treasures
hidden in your chest,
flowing through
your heart.

Hear the drumbeats of the jungle,
the breath of warriors,
and feel the salty tears dampen
your hair,
bringing remembrance
of the singing
of the sea.

Trace the circling stars
in solar winds
that wrap you in the warmth
of the sun
in the silence of space
and shine from
your heart.

Breathe in the scent
of opening buds
setting free
a fragrance
that will
set you dreaming.
where you walk

Feel the arms of the river
flowing around you
softly embracing and exploring
the curves and lines
that lead
to your heart.

Let your stillness draw from
the well of secrets
of the great ones
and drink deeply
of the elixir
of love
hidden in all

Let your heart whisper
what words
cannot say and
let your
sighs offer a
pillow of softness
for your rest.

Perhaps the divine clues
are found in the dust
of falling stars
and sparks from flares
start the fires
that light
up the night skies.

The light of your face
will blind you
so stay close to
your heart
where love has the vision
to see a glory
the eyes cannot

Your heart is an
intimate friend ever
and poised
to answer your every
longing for


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