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Letting Go of Roles

By GurujiMa of Light Omega

Many people are afraid to let go of roles. Roles create a comfort zone of how to respond to situations, people, and expectations. At the same time, they limit the depth of encounter with life and its possibilities.

Not being in a role is a choice that can be made by each heart. It is a choice one makes in service to life and love, not out of the personal ego. Such a movement places you in unknown territory where your love and desire to connect, embrace, and support others may be met with indifference or fear. It may be misunderstood and turned away from.

Nevertheless, the choice to live beyond roles is a calling of the heart, as deep as any other that God awakens. It only takes one heart to respond to this calling. That heart will seize every opportunity, look for every opening, and experience gratitude for every possibility that steps beyond the limits of the pre-conceived and the stereotyped.

Led by love, this heart will make a deliberate choice to remain open when others are closed and to remain fearless, when others are fearful. It will do this not out of a desire to break down defenses, but out of a desire to uphold, to liberate, and to bring the joy of self-expression and true being to others.

At a certain point in time, the choice to step beyond roles is not even a choice but an inevitability. For the flow of life that is God engages the heart, body, and soul to such a degree that something less than complete presence and complete availability to love's purposes is no longer possible. Then, only love remains, and the myriad ways in which it can come into being.

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