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Just Suppose

by Milton Lopez Delgado
(Moscow Pennsylvania)


Suppose the winds were never again to blow?
Suppose there were no seeds to sow?
Suppose we'd never see another spring?
Suppose a robin could no longer sing?
Just suppose. Just suppose.

Suppose flowers could no longer bloom?
Suppose there was no light or moon?
Suppose all the trees were rooted from the ground?
Suppose the world stopped spinning around?
Just suppose. Just suppose.

Suppose the oceans and rivers dried?
Suppose eagles could no longer fly?
Suppose the sun would no longer rise?
Suppose the stars fell from the sky?
Just suppose. Just suppose.

Suppose no longer could we hope for peace?
Suppose the rains decided to cease?
Suppose love was suddenly lost?
Suppose we are left to suffer the cost?
Just suppose. Just suppose.

By Milton L. Delgado
October 28, 2001

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