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Just a little confirmation...

by Miss Independent

Ok. I am a single mother of two. God provides everything for us, and we are never lacking. I have been separated from my ex for about three years now; I have dated, but nothing serious. I started praying for a husband someone that shared my values and would serve God with me and love me and my children. I have recently met a wonderful man, he also has two children my children’s ages. He treats me with respect, he is a God fearing man, and he is very honest. The only problem is he has made it very clear he does not and will not ever get into a relationship again. He says he spent 8 or 9 years in a very terrible relationship and that I wouldn’t understand. I want what God wants for me, so if this isn’t part of his plan I will understand. I have had two dreams in the past couple of months. Once where I was going to talk to him but there were lots of people in the way…and a bunch of junk I had to move to get to him. Then when I did get to him I told him I wanted to be with him…he said it would happen..it was coming..that I should wait and be patient. Last night I had another dream where I was going to see him, but I was stuck in a traffic jam. He is telling me he will never be in a relationship..but in God’s word it says to walk by faith and not by sight..and Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. I really just need guidance from the lord…I really like this man..and would like to get to know him more..as long as it is part of God’s plan…I don’t know what to pray or where to start..or if I should even be perusing it when he made it clear he never wants to be in a relationship again.. but he makes me feel good about myself..he respects me and my babies…he is different from any man I have ever been interested in..

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G-d Knows Everything
by: Nelda CM

Miss Independent,
Jesus Christ Loves You and Your Children; also Jesus Christ Loves this Man You Met.
God has been taking care of you and your children for the past 3 years; you'd like someone that serves God and marry you and respect your children. When God brings into your life for what you have faith in, there will be no jams, like your dream shows. Jam's means that there is trouble and it means that this man is not the one from God to you and your children. Usually, when praying to God, for something like this or many other things; the enemy can also send you someone or something which is very similar even identical towhat you want, althouh it is not the one you want totally Nor from God to you. Also, He has already mentioned to you that he does not want a stable relationship that means he is not willing to do what you want not now nor later. When serving
G-d, there has to be a very clear distinction first with G-d and with the other person on what you really want, not only from your lips, or needs, but from your heart and what kind of life you want for first G-d, your children, husband and you. G-d has to be the first one always. The person that wants to serve G-d, will be the right person. If there are any dreams jams, or any other blockages, it means that person is not for you nor from G-d to you and your children. The best is to keep praying to G-d and Wait on G-d for the right time that he has for you and what he has for you; If you've given your life to G-d, it may be that you may be only with your childre; though if you've given your life to G-d and also want a husband, G-d knows and he will make it clear to you when that comes from him; there will be no confusions whatsoever, but things will just flow and you will be happy and your children will be happy, and that other person will also be happy. Love-in-Christ.

similar situation
by: Anonymous

Hello there,
I am in the same boat as you,everything same except I am divorced for 8 years.
I wasn't looking to get married, but as you mentioned someone walk in to my life(very god fearing, gentle person), and I even started to think about remarriage.He mentioned marriage too.
Then now, he is kind of quiet, I now doubt
whether he is serious or not.
I am depressed at the same time holding on to god. I am not sure what the future holds for me, but I am just praying Jesus to have the courage to face either ways.
I know I cannot do this alone as I love him so very much and moving on is heart breaking.
But at the same time, I leave it to God and praying for his grace to sustain if he is not the right person for me

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