Judy Beebe, G.E.M. Technologies
by Judy Beebe
(Lakeside, Montana)
Thank you for making this forum available to those who are trying to make a difference.
My story is one of SPIRIT. I was raised in a metaphysical environment and have always had a hunger inside of me for God. In December of 1994, I had an out-of-body experience. I was taken out to the cosmos and shown the harmony of that which God has made. I saw the tone of the planets in our solar system, the colors which were unlike anything on this planet, and ultimately all the shapes and movements.
The last 13 years have been putting it all together. Ultimately, I was given the answer to our energy crisis and the global warming crisis. I am working on getting this out to the world. Unfortunately, I must work with a disbelieving scientific community who is in such a square box they can't climb themselves out of it, however we are making progress.
You may go to both my websites to find out more. www.language-of-light.com and www.omegaenergycell.com.
Please pray for us that we can achieve the task which God has set before us.