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Comments for Jesus Help Me Now

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Sep 05, 2009
Be patient and trust in Him
by: Julie

Dearest Sonya, I will join you in prayer for your sons and your mother.

In reference to your sons, you are praying and God hears your prayers. Trust that He does. However, because there are still stumbling blocks in the way of their "freedom" may be a sign that it is not the right time for them to be released just yet. Please know, that there is nothing that God wants most for us than to be happy, at peace and be filled with love, light and joy. So we know that if it is the right time, God's time, with your continued prayer and faith and trust in Him, there will be nothing to stop their release.

Please, be patient. Continue to pray. Keep the faith, and do what you can to bring your sons to the Light of God, as well as bringing the light of God to them through your prayers. God knows what's best for us and will grant our requests if it is good for our souls.

Pray to ask God, through His angels and saints, to help in the purification and clearing of your sons. Through your prayers, your intent, your faith, everything is possible with God.

In regards to your mother. Pray for her. Use the different healing prayers, clearing prayers, healing resources and articles in this website to assist in her purification. And again, be prayerful. Hope and trust in God. And, be patient. Wait on God because He never abandons His children.

Father Almighty, Lord Jesus Christ, love and light of all, merciful, kind and forgiving, please hear the plea of my sister, Sonya, and fill her heart with peace, contentment and love. Strengthen her in faith and perseverence through this very trying time. And send your angels and saints to assist her during this time of trial and suffering. Purify the hearts, mind, soul and spirits of her sons and her mother, that all negative forces, negative spirits, negative energy be removed from their interior and exterior, their whole, all illness, all that is "blocking" the release of her sons. I offer these to you to be transformed into positive energy, love, peace, joy, contentment and abundance to be showered upon the earth and all your people on earth. I trust in You. I love You. Thank You for love, family, friends, for all that you have given us. Thank you for your love and divine providence over our lives, Amen.

Sep 25, 2009
by: Anonymous

plz help poor children

my name: jason

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