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Comments for I'm Dying on the inside

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Mar 09, 2010
Your not alone....
by: Anonymous

Dying inside, I pray for you to find the light and the word to forgive yourself as God has forgiven you, May you rise from the destruction of your past and go with God on your journey, learn, pray and put all your hope on heart so God can heal it all. I pray for your recovery from darkness and return to the light of God. In Jesus name Amen!

Feb 15, 2010
I'm Dying on the Inside
by: Anonymous

May God in His Mercy, grant you forgiveness and help you pull your life together to be a loving father for your son. May God's sweet Love help you to learn to be grateful for the life you have been given, to appreciate the earth on which we live, and to realize the wonder and beauty that is possible when you turn to God.
May Love open your heart to awaken to the Presence of the Holy Spirit within you, to rely on its guidance, and to lift you to new life. There is a sweetness and joy to life that renews and resurrects the spirit when you truly long for Love that expands and embraces others in your life.

I pray your prayer with you as do many others who are praying with you. Let your dying on the inside, be the end of your old life, and may you find new life in the flow of the Spirit of the Creator.

You have a chance to love someone who needs you, and it is such a beautiful thing to give and to be a presence to another, to walk with them, and to support and help them become all they were created to be. When you can do that, you help yourself as well.

Love and Prayers,
From One who heard your cry

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