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Sometimes we all just need a little reminder to keep us going. A little pep-talk to remind us exactly what we are after. Everyone Needs Encouragement. So many people in this world feel discouraged, pressed in, cornered, unworthy, unlovable, or completely overwhelmed by the circumstances of their lives. You can make a difference in one moment if you will honestly and sincerely encourage them. The word Encourage means to Inspire with Strength, Courage, Spirit or Hope. Encouragement can help someone push forward to accomplish a lifelong dream. Encouragement can be the difference maker. Not everybody can be a leader, but everybody can be a good follower and everyone can be an Encourager! As encouragers can be motivators, but primarily an encourager always sees your full potential. There are many people who do not know their thoughts, words, and actions help create the world they see and experience. Encouragers simply encourage you to think, say, and do the things that feel good and right to you. They know that if you are true to your purpose, you will feel better and your world will also change for the better. You will experience more joy in your life and less pain.
An encouragers words are touching, life-changing and powerful. They have the power to chart new direction in someone’s life. The words that you speak today can offer encouragement and positive thoughts to another human being. Encouraging words build up the lives around us. And as you affirm others you will benefit. I encourage you all to eliminate all the unneeded negative things and people from your lives… Unfortunately many times in life we overlook this simple task to help other people. Many of us have to practice encouragement on a daily basis for ourselves before we would be able to provide encouragement for others. Simple and thoughtful words of encouragement to others can go a long way, more than you probably realize.
I make it my mission daily to be one of God's bright shining lights and offer everyone who crosses my path....Encouragement, Motivation, Strength and Love every day for you may never know when that little boost will be the thing that makes their day. Encouraging somebody can be through words or actions, but it is so important to do. For I too admire courage, and believe that sometimes it is found in the simplest of actions. For anyone to become everything for which they are capable they have to do it. They have the opportunity to embrace a new choice, a new way of being, and they have to walk through it.
Have you ever wanted to be more brave, courageous, and bold? Think of what you could do if you had the courage to Step out on a limb and push yourself beyond your fears and limitations. Be secure In the knowledge that each and every one of us already possess everything necessary to become great. If you want to experience abundance in your life, be generous and share what you can with others. We just have to be willing to take more risks, push beyond your self-imposed limitations, and expand your view of what is possible in life. If you believe in your heart than you can make it then there is nothing that can stop you. As God wants us to lead rich, full lives, and sometimes we need to be encouraged towards the fulfillment of our potential.
We all walk through difficult times in life. We all sit and think about what we are supposed to be doing that will lead us to our destiny. That will make us successful in life. That will help us to have meaning in life. Know this: finding your purpose, your place in life and knowing your human will is a lifelong journey. But hear me my precious friend...I am encouraging you today to keep walking forward. For each of us has a built-in purpose. We were all customized to perform, learn, achieve, and do different things to make this world a better place for ourselves, the ones we love, and for human kind in general.
You are uniquely designed and molded to be the original YOU. We keep seeking everyday to fulfill our dreams and desires that are embedded within us. Be encouraged to know you have a place in life and what you create will make a difference as long as you continue to believe, trust and have faith. Thankfully, God has provided us with spiritual resources to help us survive these "valley experiences" and emerge from them strengthened and better equipped than ever before. As that is your purpose that will allow you to find your place in life. Your success, your dreams, your will to live a full happy and prosperous life that will benefit all whom you touch.
A word or an act of encouragement has the ability to lift our hearts and our spirits. Encouragement is like a lifeline on days we feel we are sinking. Learning to encourage others builds within us a reservoir of hope, which helps hold us when we need a lift in our own heart. I am doing all that I can do to become more mature, wise, spiritual, skilled and prosperous in my walk of life and build the dream inside of me to help others feel inspired, encouraged, motivated and empowered.
Take note of character qualities in people. Watch for courage, strength, wisdom, patience, cheerfulness, honesty, compassion, kindness and gentleness. When you find yourself noticing an admirable quality in another human being take the time to acknowledge it. Be especially ready to polish up these values in those nearest and dearest to you. It will make a difference in your relationship.It is never too late to recognize and honor the character traits you admire. When hard times come and discouragement settles over the soul, a word of hope can keep one pressing on.
Hope in ourselves alone just isn’t enough when the journey of life gets hard. Hope in God and in His power and strength to meet our needs is true encouragement for the soul. Hope in God is the anchor that holds us in the storms of life. If you are looking for happiness, peace, courage and hope, God is there to give it to you. He does not promise a perfect, trouble free life. Yet He does promise He will walk beside you every step of the way. He will help you and strengthen you. Every one of us has the opportunity to experience His perfect grace offered to us for our own life. It’s simple and it’s free. God simply invites us to believe in His Son, Jesus and to receive the forgiveness He extends to each of us.
Praying is simply talking to God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart. Simply let Him know you are tired of directing your own life and you want to receive His forgiveness and walk with Him daily. Here is a suggested prayer...."Lord Jesus, I want to have You in my life. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life to you and ask you to come in as my Savior and Lord. Please direct my life. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Make me the kind of person you want me to be. Amen."
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. If you don't like something change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it! Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strengths. "A life watered by the tears of tragedy and suffering often becomes the most fertile soil for spiritual growth." In order to get wherever you want to go in life, you need some positive words of encouragement from others surrounding you.
Sometimes we need to take the time to listen to what other people have to share about their own lives so that we can get a clear perspective of our own situation. Stay Motivated by offering Yourself the same Encouragement you would Offer to others by letting go of all your fears and embrace life and all that it has to offer in every way. If you think of each day as a blessing....A renewal of your own energy....Then you shall move forward in confidence, realizing what your life can fully be. Something we hold in our heart has more worth than what’s held in the hand. Our heart holds the key of simplicity, kept beautifully polished and bright and turning the key to living life fully with the courage, strength, love, motivation and empowerment of all we are inside, as it can uncover once more pure delight!
Take time to think...It is the source of your power
Take time to play...It is the secret of your perpetual youth
Take time to read...It is the fountain of your wisdom
Take time to pray...It is your greatest power on earth
Take time to laugh...It is the music of your soul
Take time to give...It is too short of a day to ever be selfish
Dare to dream of coloured rainbows
And fine "castles in the air" -
And a Sun that shines so brightly
Making cloudy days seem rare!
When you aim to find a purpose
Then your life becomes worthwhile.
You will dazzle those about you -
When you show your own true style!
Our dreams are not for keeping -
Simply borrowed for a while;
To console us in adversity
And teach us how to smile!
Dream again of coloured rainbows
And of bluebirds flying high.
You will overcome the obstacles
Once you decide to try!
Find ways to encourage someone. Do so sincerely. Receive encouragement yourself. Be open to moments when you can impact someone's life in a positive and gentle manner, or a profound way. Every one of us can be used by God to bring much needed encouragement to those around us. Today is a great day to encourage someone! May you daily have Peace, Love, Happiness, Strength and Encouragement in your day, in your heart, in your life…