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I Need You Now!!!!

by Brandon Smith
(Chicago Illinois)

Dear God...
My name Is Brandon Smith. But of Course you know that. Life Has not been so great But I would Like to thank you for everything YOu have done for me. I'm not perfect and I know It's not meant for me to be. But sometimes It feels like I am supposed to be. Lord, I have not had a study job for the last two years. The economy is terrible. I may not have done everything that can be done to get a job but i have tried hardest. I know that you will bless me with a job i just have to be patient. Sometimes it's hard being patient. Like when you have two children and a wife to take care of. Your wife can't do everything. And I thank you for the strong black woman that you have sent me. She is truly a gift from you as well as my two sons. I don't know what to do about my frustrations anymore. My car is about to be repossessed, But I thank you for allowing me to have a car to do what needs to be done. I thank you for a supportive family and a mind to want to do right. I thank you for food on our table and clothes on our back. I thank you for keeping us safe and i know it will get Better. I need you Lord, and I need you Now. As always Thank you for listening to my prayer. Your son Brandon

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