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I Need Prayers for Financial Blessing

I need prayers for a financial Blessing I need money to get my car worked on, I want to help my church and give my tithes pray for me to be bless with money. I need to find a house. Am getting married soon and I need money to buy clothes and everything.

Comments for I Need Prayers for Financial Blessing

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Oct 04, 2008
I need many blessings
by: Anonymous

Hello, I am a single mom of two children, one a man who takes care of himself and another 9-years-old who looks to me for his needs and guidance. I live with my mother and I have been running a small business from her (our) home. The business has been sucessful for the past 15 years; however, lately the many hurricanes and the high cost of food and gas has more or less halted the operations of my business. I havev prepared myself for an Executive position within a business firm. I received my MBA a few months ago; however, finding a job has been nex to impossible! I asked for prayers for not only a job, but also a high paying job! At present I have less than $4 in my business bank account, and I honestly dont know where my next dollar will come from. Because of the good Lord blessing my Mom, My son and I have food and shelter. I have been praying for a financial blessing and a high paying job, and I do know that my Father in Heaven can and will give me these things in do time, but I am human and becoming very desperate! Please pray that God received my prayers and answer them...Amen!!

Nov 04, 2008
Pray for A Home
by: Anonymous

Please pray for God to supply the funds for me to finish my duplex.

May 04, 2009
Financial Blessing
by: Anonymous

I am going through somethings that I would like to move on I want a divorce I been separated for 15 years and I am just tried I want to be closer than most with jesus and I am raising one of my grand children we living with a friend and it's just not working out I need my own place and a divorce and a peace of mind. I do belong to a church but sometime it's better to ask others for pray and help. All I am asking is to put my mind in clear though of direction and go on I am in school also I am trying to make it for me and my grandchild and whatever the future hold for me and my grand we on I'll way with jesus to stay and not look back to bad times

Mar 24, 2010
i need a money blessings
by: keli

hi my name is keli and i am 30 years old i have two kids my kids ages are 2 years old and 8 years old i need money so i can pay my rent and other stuff for my son's birthday.please help me god

Jul 14, 2010
its time
by: robert gonzalez sr.

im in desperate need of a nlessing tonight i have taken near bout as much as i can with life and near poor living!
i need rent paid lights paid restituion for when i was a younger dumber me! please pray for me im a lost soul needing some kind of understanding in life!

Aug 02, 2010
financial to start a church
by: Mattew

pryer for me for blessing for financial to start a church.

Aug 09, 2010
Standing in the Need.....
by: Anonymous

At this time in my life I am facing so many difficulties, too many to name/type...however I do ask that those reading this, pray that God meets my need and blesses me with the desires of my heart.


Dec 12, 2010
by: Anonymous

i have relocated to provide a better life for my family.blessed to recieve a job offering that begin monday but at this moment i have financial expenses that is causing my belongs that i have invested in to be repoed. i know that god will not put more on me than i can bear.

Dec 17, 2010
by: antionetta

i need money to bless my grandkids for christmas

Jan 18, 2011
Need peace of mind
by: Anonymous

Bless our health, fiancial outlook, and this world.

Feb 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

i need a blessing for financialy every time a step a step forward .i take two back i have many problems with family and work and my wife. please pray for me .

Feb 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

i need a blessing for financialy every time a step a step forward .i take two back i have many problems with family and work and my wife. please pray for me .

Feb 25, 2011
Need Prayer
by: Anonymous

I need prayer for money: I Love God with my whole heart.God knows that. I pray every day read my bible go to church give my tites. I try to live the way God wants me to live..

I need prayer that this one job would come in
for me for phlebotomy: God knows I can use it

I need tieres for my car.

Thank you:

Apr 10, 2011
I need a financial blessing
by: BJ

I desparately need a large financial blessing to help my immediate and distant family members. My spouse and I are now both retired. I had to. I have had atleast 5 major health problems in the last 20 years and just didn't have the energy to work any longer! Our incomes are not meeting our needs and family needs. I don't know what to do. Money is expected, but our ages may not allow us to reap the benefits of it if it does ever come. There are no guarantees that money will come from the few settlements that are pending! I am just waiting on the Lord, but it's hard to keep waiting for would br a miracle to get as much money as we need for our survival.

Apr 17, 2011
At the end of my rope
by: Savannah

I am a single mom of two my husband is in prison and I am in a financial crisis I have a total of .65 cents in my checking account. I have been praying for months for the lord to bless me just enough to get on my feet and day after day, I am starting to wonder if he is even hearing my cries? My children have lost their father to prison and their about to loose their mother to an emotional breakdown. I do not have anyone to turn for financial help so I wait day in day out hoping my electric is not turned off and hoping I can spare one more meal a night for them. I am about at the end of my rope and do not want to give up on the lord but it gets harder and harder and to have faith in him. Please pray for me I can not take the cards life has thrown my way much longer.

May 16, 2011
52,000 dollars in debt
by: Anonymous

I have been the soul provider for family for four months now and it is way to difficult. I am to the point of a nervous breakdown. I need help now. In all my life I have never seen it this bad. I have faith and I know God hears my cry, but I need him to move it if it be his will. I am under so much stress and pain in my chest. Worrying about how I am going to get the bills paid. I NEED HELP 52000.00 WORTH OF IT. Please pray for me, because I believe in the supernatural because I know that what has been getting me through thus far. PLEASE PRAY WITH ME AND FOR ME. THANKS, LOVE YOU ALICIA DESPERATE

Jul 13, 2011
I need a car and a job
by: Anonymous veronica

I need a lot i need the lord to bless me i love the lord .my marriage is on the rocks .i have three kids and no job or a car.i'm not complaining and i'm greatful for what i do have but i begging the lord to bless me and also pray for me.i love my husband to death and the thought of us seperating makes me sick to my stomach.HELP ME LORD!!!!

Aug 30, 2011
Blessing to help me and family
by: Anonymous

I recently got married, and it seem as if things are gettin worser with my finances, my husband, try so hard,Lord just step in and help me and my family!

Mar 27, 2012
Need money to get my home home a car and to raise three of my babies girl
by: Anonymous

For three years i been lookin for job and i been turned down because my hearing disability. Im looking forward to win my case to recieve disability check. My babies are age one age two and age six months old. I raise them by myself n need a home n car but jobs wouldnt hire me i been praying and hoping god help me now before i gives up

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