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I know I have a serious mission ahead of me

by Lilla
(Northern Ireland)

I know I have a serious mission ahead of me in Northern Ireland its like a wild horse need to get it together...

I just cannot get started, I pray that I grow to believe in myself, I lose fear of failure and that I find a good starting point of focus
I want to incorporate all I have learned to date and use my talents to help others. i am going through loads of heavy and deep emotions and feel lost. Like walking in the desert.
I just want my real life to begin and for the right people who understand what I need to do and with the right intentions and talents to help me in my quest.
i need the strength to carry this all out so thats why i am putting this out

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May 15, 2008
God bless

May you be guided dearest Lilla towards the fulfillment of your soul's mission and purpose. With much love.

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