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by Roy K Austin
(Dorset England)
Imagine if you will, that your true essence
is like dark infinite space, which represents
your true self and is also the biological expression
of your forgetfulness of life, prior to your birth. In
short, your being in the world, but not knowing, what
or who you are. It would not be long before the words
of adults, events and happenings would brush against
you, as your thinking patterns began to develop and
turn inward, so as to construct your memory. Like
grains of dust in your infinite dark space, would these
memories gravitate to form a ball, until you began to see
and feel yourself as that ball, that body. Of course, all
such memories build your sense of selfhood, and the
world you find yourself in does little or nothing to
discourage this. What has happened then ?
To extend the metaphor, have you not exchanged your
infinite dark space - your true self, your true ' I ' ness which
contains the universe, for a pathetic accretion of memories,
grains of dust to a ball, adrift, floating and hopelessly lost,
within what turns out to be, your true infinite self ? In
exchanging your infinite nature for a finite nature, you
inherited all the concomitant problems of this world.
On top of that your true nature is also timeless but it has
also lost the quality of the 'eternal now '. Taking refuge in
the past, where all memories, by definition, reside. In effect,
feeding on what is dead and gone, and projecting all of this
into a future tense which never comes.
Standing back from all of this, finding stillness within as a
discipline, discovering the fruitfulness of learning how to
quiet the mind, discarding by degree, patterns of thought
until thought almost ceases. In other words coming to know
pure meditation, gradually rediscovering your true centre,
your true self, which is commensurate with our metaphor-
that infinite dark space. - Look within without thought and
you can accommodate all the stars you perceive at a glance,
quite easily. You are not ' in ' the universe, the universe is
' in ' you. This diminishment of the true self to the pseudo,
through birth to demise, with its inherent amnesia, may be
a prerequisite for ' the divine drama' but rest assured,
keeping in mind your true essence, that you are not
only the actor on stage but the author as well. The
enlightenment of the Buddha, for example, should it be
realised in each one of us, would bring the curtain down.
Heaven is not location but a state of consciousness. That
consciousness is what we truly are, pre birth and post demise.
From the mysticseed series.