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Comments for Healing of/for Jim's Lungs

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Dec 10, 2008
Healing for Lungs
by: Deb

Dear Jim...I add my hearfelt prayer to yours for healing of your lungs...may the doctors be surprised when nothing shows up! May your faith be strong, as you face this circumstance with courage. May you be filled with PEACE knowing that God's got it and is with you every step of the way. To you, Jim...with love...the best for you...the very best!

Dec 11, 2008
by: Anonymous

a strong efficient and healthy lungs is what I pray for you.
In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Jan 14, 2009
Update from Jim
by: Mashubi

I received this update from Jim that he wanted me to share with you...

Today the 30th of December I went to the Center for Advanced Medicine in St. Louis Missouri where I had an hour long Test on my lungs and my Oxygen Saturation, which turned up no problems. Thank you Jesus!

I then had a second X-Ray of my lungs and afterward Dr. Chen looked at a side by side comparison of an earlier Scan. He said there are some spots in my left lung however only one is growing and is the size of a Marble. They do not know what this one “spot” is but because of the continuous growth they want to know more about it. In turn they are Scheduling a procedure which I think they called “Bronchoscopy” at any rate they will slide a pen sized tube down into my lung and attempt to biopsy this one particular spot. He said he wants to make certain that they can say without a doubt that this isn’t Cancer; unfortunately he said that could eventually involve surgery (which I do not want to do).

In keeping you up to date I’m also asking you to keep praying for this spot to die and dry-up. I appreciate you remembering me, a total stranger in your prayers everyday, I in turn am remembering you during my prayer time that the Lord will hear and answer your every need in both your Ministry and your Personal Life. Any prayer God answers gives Him Glory and we reap the benefits.

Thank you again-May the Good Lord richly bless you,
Jim Rutherford

Jan 14, 2009
A January 8 update from Jim
by: Mashubi

On the 8th of January I went back to Barnes in St. Louis to have done a procedure called Bronchoscopy where they slid an Ink Pen size tube down into my lung in order to do a Biopsy on the Spot in/on my lung. The procedure went well and shortly after I was in the recovery room Dr. Chen came in to tell me that ordinarily it would take the Pathologist 2 hours to get a Preliminary Report back however, today they already have a Preliminary Report for you and what they have found on the Preliminary Report is that the Spot has/is Normal Tissue, that is it’s just Ordinary Lung Tissue. He then said that it takes 7 days to get a Full Report so we should be able to call you next Thursday with a complete Analysis of what the Spot is after testing the Tissue from the Spot and comparing it against the X-Ray we took today after the Bronchoscopy but at this time I can tell you that the Pathologist tell me, after testing half the slides I gave them, the Tissue is Normal.

I want to say again how much I appreciate you praying with/for a person you do not know personally. I realize that it’s not as easy to pray for or with someone whom you’ve never known as it is to pray-believe with/for someone you’ve known and/or are kin to and I’m so grateful to you. I’m not alone on this end, my Wife and my Son are here and both are believers. My Daughter is in Texas but her and her family are not saved. So if I could once again ask you to include Ole Jim in your prayers and pray for my Daughters (Becky) Salvation. According to Dr. Chen my Ordeal is not quite over, although I wish it were, he said there could be another round of some sort of test just to make certain they tested the correct Spot and make certain that they can tell me without any doubts that there is nothing there. After all the X-Rays when I looked in the Mirror I’m certain I could see myself glowing! I’m ready for them to be able to find their final Answer. I’m certain we already know it! Dr. Shultz, the Oncologist I’ve seen in the past, doesn’t want to let me go until he feels comfortable there isn’t any Cancer. A [P. E. T.] was mentioned as the possible next round. Let me close this thing out by thanking you again for both the prayers you’ve prayed with/for me as well as your continued prayers.

All for Him,
Bro. Jim

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