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Guidance Needed, Comfort Longed For

by Denise Kramer
(Los Angeles, California)

I am feeling lost and alone in this world. I am going through a trial in my relationship, and I need Gods guidance. I love my man, but we hurt each other too much. We are going through a hard financial time, and I am the only breadwinner right now. I need to know that God will protect me through this tricky time. I feel his love while writing this and I know the answer will manifest itself shortly. I am just in the middle of it now and it is painful. Thank you for praying for me!!

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Apr 07, 2008
Guidance Needed, Comfort Longed For
by: Naomi

Denise, I was touched by your openness to reach out and to express so honestly the feelings you are having in the midst of the estrangement you are experiencing. I can also hear your faith underlying your feelings of standing alone, trusting, and knowing that God will help guide you toward peace as you live through this uncertain time.

You know, I continue to discover how we never truly stand alone, even though it feels like it. Our spirits when lifted in prayer touch across the distance, and we find a heart to heart stream through the divine energy of God hearing and being present to us both when we pray. I can reach out and offer my hand in friendship and love and let you know that I hear you, and I have had my own experience of feeling very alone.
It sometimes acts as a catalyst to draw us closer to God, and we touch a larger energy, and we experience arms that have opened out to us. When I close my eyes, I can feel myself in the arms of Love. While people may disappoint us in many ways, I find the presence of Love, the creative power of love, and the beauty of it in my life becomes a constant and wonderful companion.
God has placed His Light and Spirit within every heart, and you need only open to it to feel it begin to stir and move within you.
It is a wonderfully intimate awareness for those times when you feel the emptiness. You let God fill it, and allow Love to spiral and circle within you.
May you be comforted and strengthened and feel that blessed assurance you long for in your heart.

Sending you Love
and the hand of friendship.


Apr 16, 2008
Continud prayers
by: Mashubi

Dearest Denise, I continue to hold you in my prayers. I am so touched by your prayer, and Naomi's beautiful response. Love and blessings to you.

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