Our Open Path newsletter can help you stay aligned in today's changing world. Yes, Please!
God is our Shepherd, Way, Friend, Wisdom, Hope, Security, Life, Protector, Shelter, Guide, Strength, Joy, Provider, Shield, Help, Defender, Peace, Counselor..All He is He is for U!
God’s words are Encouraging words, Healing words, Life-Giving words, Renewing words, and Refreshing words! When God speaks to us out of His heart He is meeting a need in ours. May He speak to you today nad be just what you need to hear.
Just think you are not here by chance but by God’s choosing. His hand formed you and made you the person you are. He compares you to no one else for He created you as one of a kind and He created you at just the right time and place for many special reasons but the one that means so much to others is that He created you to be my special to so many others. You lack nothing that His grace can’t give you. He has allowed you to be here at this time in history to fulfill His special purpose for this generation. God’s wisdom is perfect. Each day I am thinking of you in my heart remembering you in my prayers and asking the Lord to bring you so much strength,love, peace and hope.
God never has to ask us what we’re thinking about for He knows our hopes and desires our aspirations and dreams. When joy is deep within us we will walk through this life with a lifted heart soul and mind. God cares about every detail of our lives.
He collects every tear in a bottle. (Psalm 56:8)
He numbers every hair on our head. (Luke 12:7)
He knows every hurt in our hearts. (Psalm 34:18)
He knows our laughter, tears, joys and fears.....There isn’t a part of your life that God doesn’t share or a part of us that He doesn’t love!
What do we do when we face challenges make us wonder what’s ahead. The answers are not always easy and the direction is not always clear. In these circumstances our hope is in God alone. Our lives and our times are in His hands and He assures us that He is the rock that we can stand upon through the storm. Believing with you and in the wisdom of Gods ways, the goodness of His love and in the assurance of His presence as He keeps us all going in every step of the way for at no time are we alone in all that we experience in our everyday lives.
God Wants You To Remember...
He is for you.
He loves you.
He believes in you.
He will not fail you.
He will be with you.
He will provide for you.
He will bless you.
He will give you rest.
He will strengthen you.
He will answer you.
In Happy moments...Praise God.
In Difficult moments...Seek God.
In Quiet moments...Worship God.
In Painful moments...Trust God.
In Every moment...Thank God.
From Gods Heart 2 Ours