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Comments for God Bless Me with a Fulltime Job

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Sep 25, 2009
Winged Heart
by: Anonymous

Winging blessings your way, and asking God to accompany you and lead you to fruitful avenues.
May you be blessed with full time employment and the opportunity to do as much good as you are capable.

I ask these blessings for you in Christ's name, and am going to remember you in my future prayers.

Be at peace in your Heart and Mind.

Sep 26, 2009
Needing a job
by: jay in Louisiana

I too have been out of work for two months. I have applied to more than 30 jobs and nothing yet. I am prayerful and faithful that God has my job already in line. Its just the waiting and not knowing that gets to me-as I am sure it can for all. I am divorced with children, a mortgage car note and many expenses. I have also sought out food stamps and assistance from a church for my utilities. But I declare in the name of Jesus that I will have a job very soon and that it will be the right one. I must admit that while being close to losing my mind with having no job, I have learned a lot of things. How to be humble, patient, loving towards others who don't have as much as I do, respectful to the poor, appreciative, loving and I have done kind things for people I don't even know. BUT it was during this time that I am able to realize that He needs me to be this way for His purpose. I am confident that God is here for me at all times. I talk to Him more than I ever have. I am also confident that all of what we go through is for a bigger reason. I have thought of it this way:
Our Setbacks are only a Setup for a Greater Comeback. I may not be employed at the moment, BUT as long as we thank God for All and praise Him, our Breakthrough is literally right there. I also believe that God interferes with what we want to learn what he needs us to know before moving forward. So my dear online friends, just keep pushing forward, reading the bible and trusting in Him that this to will pass. After applying for the jobs, I realized that it is not up to people to call us back for a job-It is up to God to allow them to call us back because God has the ultimate key. I will remain prayerful in His word...So shall you. Don't give up!

Jan 25, 2010
God's love and plans for His hildren
by: Regine

I have been looking for a job for months. Unfortunately, nothing yet. Sometimes I get extremely sad and nervous, but when I think of The great I AM, Jehovah Shalom, The Alpha, The Omega, The Beginning and The End, The most Powerful God, I gain courage. For those of us out there who are in the same situation, don't be discouraged, don't give up hope. For the scriptures tell us that God loves us. He had made great plans for us, plans to bless us and to provide a bright future for his children. He who starts a great work in us is FAITHFUL to complete it. Lastly, the favor of God is on his children. We will get a job soon in the name of Jesus. I claim the blood of Jesus on everyone who is suffering right now and in need of a job.

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