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Getting out and Spreading the Word

by Fiona

I'm slowing moving out of my chrysalis to present a new way of leadership in my business community. I have been fearful of doing this but I am facing the fear and doing it anyway. Set a date for the talk and I am starting to prepare the presentation. Engaging the role model within. The message is a new type of leadership is required based on love not fear. Love inspires.

Thanks for your inspiration and support.

Comments for Getting out and Spreading the Word

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by: Mashubi

Dearest Fiona, may God bless your work, your courage and your commitment to sharing God's love. You are sharing a beautiful message whose time has come. Thank you so much for doing this!

by: Fiona

It is so lovely to read your response.

I've got such wonderful heavenly support around me giving love

And I am blessed to now have a cabin in the garden where I can go to be with god.

Whilst challenges come along, I go into my sacred space and ask for comfort. It is always available but sometimes we get sucked in with the false evidence appearing real.

This site is helping me so much.

Blessings to you all

Spreading the Word
by: Deb

Dear Fiona...I just want to add my love and support for your newest venture...that you have such courage is uplifting to me and I pray that you are carried on the wings of love that surround you..thank you for being YOU!

Update I did it
by: Fiona

Hello everyone,

I did my first talk on Thursday evening,I felt myself tranforming as the evening progressed, I shed my skin and shared my vulnerablity. It was very difficult but I had lots of love and support and as you said Deb's when I was able to let go of control and be me it transformed the energy.

Thank you all for your continued love and support.

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