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Comments for Forgiveness.

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Dec 07, 2010
breaking soul ties
by: Anonymous

You NEED to repent & ask God to BREAK the soul ties that were formed by sleeping with those men. The BLOOD OF JESUS will make you renewed,as a virgin.
"Father HWHY-Elohim, in Jesus Christ?s name, I humbly ask you to forgive me and cleanse me of the sin of fornication. I acknowledge it as sin and ask you to help me forsake in completely. I thank you for your forgiveness, in Jesus Christ?s name. "Lord HWHY-Elohim, I come before your throne of grace boldly, and covered in the shed blood of your Son. In Jesus Christ?s mighty name, I ask you to cut any and all un Godly soul ties between myself and anyone else [say NAME or NAMES if appropriate and remembered] created by sexual acts or any other relationship, known or unknown, remembered or forgotten. Please Father, take the Sword of the Holy Spirit and separate my human spirit with the human spirits of anyone with whom I have un Godly sexual contact. In Jesus Christ?s name, I ask You to cleanse those ties by the blood of Jesus Christ of any possible access through which Satan can trouble me or my family. "By the authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break the power of any and all covenants, contracts, dedications or commissions made over me [or my children, if any]. In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, I now command any and all demons which may have come into me by un Godly soul ties or any other sin to leave me at once, never to return. I bind you all together as one, and I weaken you with the Blood of Calvary. I command you to go where the Lord Jesus Christ tells you to go by the voice of His Holy Spirit.

"Abba Father, in Jesus Christ?s mighty name, I ask you to shut any doorways of demonic access opened into my life by un Godly soul ties or any other sort of sexual sin, and I ask you to seal those doorways forever with the Blood of the Lamb, shed on the cross of Calvary. I thank you for doing this, in Jesus Christ?s name, Amen."

Nov 23, 2010
accept of forgiveness
by: Anonymous

God forgives if provided you change your ways to live life. And sinning is normal only if you show Genuine love to all forever. when we express love we make the world a better place.

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