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Comments for Financial help and good health and extension on my deferral at University

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Jul 21, 2010
Students' Spiritual and Financial Prosperity
by: Nelda CM

Our Father areth in Heaven, HOLY BE THY NAME, THY KINGDOM COME THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, I come to you i the name of your precious son Jesus Christ, praying to you for m.s. first thanking you for placing a heart to look for you to m. s. and for all youve done in regards to attending the university to the present time, also, to keep touching the heart so that there be more of you in her life and career; i place m.s. on your HOLY hands for her continued success in the university, for all the needs a student has, Salvation of their souls, an intimate relationship with our Creator, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for shelter, food, water, and finances, for wisdom, spiritual divine knowledge, intellegince and understanding of the things of GOD and of secular education, of protection from everything that is out in the world that would harm them, to give them peace, strength and a purpose in life, for them to be able to know which career they will be studying and graduating in in which would be one that they would also be serving you at your will God, for all drugs to be blocked from them, for vehicles for them to go to school, for full time or part time jobs for them to help them in assisting them in the time being suitable to their school schedules, and for continued success in their lifes, and their families, for angels, archangels, divine principalities, virtues, dominions, powers, cherubims, seraphims and thrones to camp around all students in all the universities and colleges around the world, them whereever they are 24 hours a day;(also for all other students going to universities and colleges around the world, I place them on your HOLY hands as well for this); also, all of this for my son Will, I place him on your HOLY hands who is attending uta university and acc college in Austin, Texas; May Our Heavenly Father, father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, father of Jesus Christ, my father, give them peace, be gracious to them, prosper them and keep them always, in the precious name of his beloved son Jesus Christ I pray. Ameyn.

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