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Comments for Feeling like I don't matter and I'm angry

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Dec 15, 2008
God Hears your Cry
by: B. NASH

Kimberly sometimes when things don't go our way its only a Test a TEST of our faith. Continue crying out to the Lord and he will answer by and by.I will lift you up in the name of JESUS in prayer. "WEEPING MAY ENDURE FOR A NIGHT BUT JOY COMES IN THE MORNING"! Remember God Loves YOU!


Dec 17, 2008
Me, too; but I had to lose the anger
by: Anonymous

I have been born again for 34 years. I have always served the Lord. But I have never been so down and out in all of my life. My car is in repo, I have no job (probably too old) unable to collect unemployment; creditors call constantly; I live in a hotel and this has been going on for months now.But each time I complain and throw a temper tantrum asking God why doesn't he do something for me; He gives me Job and Paul. Nothing is suppose to separate me from the love of Christ Jesus. And you won't know that something can separate you if you don't have a trial. God's promises are true or we would not have salvation. It's tough for me, I know it is tough for you and now you know you are not alone.Seek God's righteousness and seek what he wants you to know about him. I promise you, He will answer. I love you. a lover of Jesus Christ

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