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by Partha Roy
(Delhi /Kolkata , India)
Lord Jesus , Holy Mother Mary , Every holy Soul ,
Kindly connect me to astrologically compatible ,healthy, wealthy,perhaps super rich, financially well secure , educated ,open mindset lady from European society /Japanese society who is very keen to create several biological children so that we can together create very large family and raise them together who will serve mankind globally transcending differences.
I'm seeking a relationship based on pure affection, love, understanding based on truth. that create healthy, wealthy biological chain that survives till infinite time.
Kindly help me to find the lady quickly so that children can enjoy company of great grandmother , grandmother's love , affection & care that I enjoyed from my great grand parents, grandparents.
Kindly help me to built very large home where great grandparents,grandparents , parents of my companion & mine can stay together , nurture our babies from time to time if they wishes and yet each individual enjoy their personal freedom completely to grow and achieve excellence in personal life without causing damage to anyone.
*********May Every Moments Of Everyone's Life Be Full Of Happiness*********
Point To Ponder
* There is no such thing as a self-made man. We are made up of thousands of others.-George Adams
~In the family ,may discipline overcome indiscipline, peace discord, charity miserliness,devotion arrogance ,and the truth-spoken word the false -spoken word. Avesta Yasna 60.5