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emotional abuse after divorce never ends please help

by kristine D.
(Jupiter, Florida)

I pray on tonight my 41st birthday and tomorrow will see my son from his father's visit after 12 days- that my son will love me even after this three year old has been bombarded with questions as to my character as a mom. He doesn't even want to talk to me.
I left an abusive situation three months along because I was beaten. Everyday is a nightmare and legal bills mounting to 35,000. Still, no legal laws passed for emotional abuse.
I pray to lord for release of this man who has after this visit seeking three more legal fights totaling 10
Truth be told, I am a stellar mom, going through school and am afraid to live because every morning- someone is after me to take my son away.
I need so MUCH prayer and help because i cannot do this anymore- I release it to God. God is my refuge from the fear that my ex sticks to me everyday. I am a certified school teacher that has started my own school for my son, my ex takes me to court because he feels I am not qualified to teach my own son. Now, he is seeking courts for every little thing-
I may have left hell, but I feel my health has not survived from stress and strain.
Please Lord release me from everyday anguish. Allow me to get my son without pain to him. I am seeking anything for peace and forgiveness for him so I may be released to find my way for the good of my son.
In Jesus Christ

Comments for emotional abuse after divorce never ends please help

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Dec 30, 2009
God is with you in ways you are unaware
by: Anonymous

Surrender your fears to God and trust that where there is Love that is not self seeking, that a higher Love prevails and protects the innocent
in ways that we are unable to see and discern.
The mystery of divine Love is veiled from our human understanding, but have faith that it surrounds and protects the innocence of a child.
We are not able in this human manifestation to carry our burdens alone. Pray for faith in a Love that holds you all close to the great Heart of the Beloved.
You are held in the prayer of divine intention of all who Love.

Dec 30, 2009
by: Anonymous

Talk to the mountain, get rid of it. God will get you through this, he will also turn this emotional distress into a blessing

Jan 29, 2010
Stand with you in prayer
by: Anonymous

Hi Kristine,

I pray that you be released from this torture that you have been suffering for long.I also pray that your son loves you and he becomes closer to you.

In Jesus Name,
God Bless you ......
Jesus Never fails......

Mar 06, 2010
Prayer for strenght
by: Anonymous

I pray for you Kristine, that you will remain courageous and continue to do the necessary steps to finding peace of mind and happiness. I pray that as you progress toward this goal, your son will know your love and that your love will prevail against the hatred and wrongs you are experiencing. You are not alone. God is with you and we are too. I pray for guidance along the way and ultimate victory over negative energies. God Bless us.

Mar 21, 2010
Stay Positive and Keep the Faith
by: Anonymous

Surround yourself with positive people. Also, Joyce Meyer is an inspirational preacher you should check out. She too had an abusive marriage and childhood. May God bless you and keep you safe. I wish you health, happiness, and prosperity.

Aug 31, 2010
one year later
by: kristine

When I first saw that this was really publically visual on the internet, I was a little afraid, but now I can just say I am proud. Thank you for all who had written a prayer just for both of us, regarding the safe journey and return of my son. I had released all pains to the Lord(as I stated), seeking him in everyway possible- even the internet. I am relieved to say that this incredible journey led to so many blessings. God does answer prayer- my son is safe- my career is good- my school work stellar- and I appreciate every hard lesson that was set before me.It gave me a purpose to help others in distress as I complete my training for others who face a similar crisis. SO for that - I do not mind publicity for hardship endured. Someone who is going through the same will see this as hope. If I recall, I was searching the net that night and so upset that not a lot of sites dealt with emotional abuse- nor are women protected by the court of law- only physical abuse. For it is in the times of prosperity- we give thanks to the Lord and all of his bounty. Many blessings to each and everyone on of you faceless readers- May the Lord look apon you all with favor

Jun 06, 2011
Emotional abuse
by: Aussie

Dear Kristine. You are mending. Life gives us the strength to THINK. No one deserves to be treated with any sort of emotional or physical abuse.It undermines our self esteem. Bullies usually are the perpetrators of abuse of all sorts. They are the ones with such low self esteem that they have no value of their own self worth or anyone elses for that matter. Control and power is what fires them up. They need the control to have power. This is their MO. The really smart creative honourable people of life have usually never been abusive. So, the abusers are usually vigilant poor achievers who need things, people to support them and their destructive ways. We all have to raise above miss treatment daily. Some people are wired for negative life ways and don't feel fulfilled unless they have caused misery. Who needs that? Rise above it all and enjoy the greatness of life daily. Make today better than yesterday. Good luck.

Dec 04, 2011
The LORD is greater than what you are going through NEW
by: Victory 8

Dear Sister, The Lord bless you! I cover you and cover your Son with the blood of Jesus. I pray for the Lord out pour his Holy Spirit upon you and heal you totally and complety your heart, emotions, and memories. The Lord is able to heal you through his Spirit. I pray that The LORD will cover you and your Son with his feathers and under his wings you find refuge, and The Lord remove all fear.
I pray that the LORD will give you the peace that over passes all understanding. Philippians 4:7, and the Joy of the Lord be your strengh, Nehemiah 8:9. I pray olso for your strengh, The one that trust in the LORD will renew their streght Isaih 40:31
God make miracles today, He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 Lord I thank you for divine intervinence. Hebrews 13:8
Jeremiah 33:6 Neverless I will bring health and healing to it, I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. Jeremiah 33:6
The Lord is my healer, For I am the LORD who heals you. Exodos 15:26b
Thank you for healing her and provide for her needs. Thank you Lord for keeping her in perfect peace.
Blessings of the LORD
Have a bless Christmas.
Love in Christ.

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