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Do you need inner peace?

by Matthew Hart
(Garden City Michigan)

Oh what a wonderful and glorious peace
that fills our soul with tranquility and sweet release
Does it seem like the enemy is always winning the battle
then get up on your feet and give his cage a rattle
Do things seem like they are always going south
then open your eyes and speak with your mouth
Offer up worship and praises to the God above
and watch him shower you with his peace and eternal love
Offer up a good word for those who are down
And watch the Lord turn your situation right around
How can you do this some might say
look to the Lord and he will show you the way
A way that leads to a highway of contentment
and no where on this road is bitterness or resentment
A road that leads to his celestial city
where all things are good and extremely pretty
Are you ready to embrace the peace of the Lord
then stand up on your feet and polish up your sword
For the battle is already underway
can he count on you today?

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