Our Open Path newsletter can help you stay aligned in today's changing world. Yes, Please!
Todays world is rapidly changing, and many people feel a sense of fear about the direction that world events are moving in. Indeed, there is much negative energy being expressed everywhere, and especially within world events.
Another common feeling that many people have at this time is a sense of helplessness, that there is little that can be done to change the current world situation. In God's reality however, each soul that is here upon the Earth at this time has a significant impact on the world, more so than you realize.
Within the consciousness of each person is a center of light, love and truth. This is the spark of God's eternal love and goodness that dwells in each soul. This light is present even in those individuals who have strayed very far from God's love and goodness. This precious spark of divinity that you carry, and that each of your fellow human beings on the Earth carries, is a great gift. It is a gift from God, given to you freely that you may live and learn and grow, and that you may fulfill your unique spiritual purpose. This gift is sacred, and your responsibility to this gift is great. Will you use it wisely in these difficult times?
The gift of your consciousness either adds to the light in the world, or detracts from that light. There is no one who does not impact the larger collective consciousness of which you are a part. Though you may feel small and invisible, your presence on the Earth has an enormous impact on all life around you. Your prayers, your love and your light all greatly benefit those around you, in ways you may not be aware of.
At this most magnificent time in human history, there are great dangers and also unprecedented opportunities. God's light is shining more brightly than ever, illuminating all that has been out of balance. The burdens that you have carried within your heart and soul, some for a very long time, are now ready to be lifted.
Much healing is now possible, that could not happen earlier in human history. The stubborn illusion of separated consciousness is about to be transformed. There is nothing that cannot be healed through the great light of God's healing that is growing stronger each passing day on the Earth.
There will come some difficult challenges during this time of accelerated change. Will you meet these changes with God and with love in your heart? Now is the dawning of a new day, and you are an active and needed participant in this process. We bless all those who are present on the Earth at this time, for you are deeply loved.
World Blessings.net is an online spiritual gathering place for people of all faiths, dedicated to the unity of souls and the creation of a sacred earth, which offers spiritual support and teachings for living a sacred life.
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