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Comments for Blessings for Teens

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Jul 13, 2010
Prayer for Jews/Israelites Youth People then Gentiles
by: Nelda CM

Heavenly Father I join in prayer with your Servant Criustina; that all drugs, habits, bondages, attacks, slavery, false doctrines be fallen off of all students, youth people; first of all I pray to you for the salvation of their souls, forgivenss of sins and their spiritual life; that you meet all their needs, such as clothes, transportation, unerstanding, intelligence for school work and their future careers; that you provide angels around them whereever they to to protect them from any harm; I pray to you for their deliverance of any situations; I pray to you first for the Jews and Israelites youth people in these areas, also for the orphans, strangers, encarcerated, imprisoned, ill and unsaved; then for the Gentiles. In the Holy name of our beautiful Messiah Yahshuah HaMashiach. Ameyn.

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