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Comments for Anxiety

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Nov 23, 2010
Severe Movement Disorder
by: Anonymous

I am suffering from Severe Movement Disorder problem which doctors in my country don?t understand. I need your advice regarding my illness.
I have small jerks in my brain but the impact is great. Jerks can be feel while looking left or right or when rising from lying to sitting or standing position, walking slowly, it can be in any position or from small gesture movement. Infact walking can?t be tolerated my brain. Cant change side while sleeping, jerks occur. Due to jerks I become highly sensitive to noises. Can?t even tolerate when someone talking around me in normal way. If I am talking also get exhausted in 2 minutes. Can?t tolerate closing doors slowly, and even very small noises. With the jerks my blood pressure spikes high quickly within seconds and this make me worse. I took very low dosage of beta blocker to control its spikes. 10 mg in 24 hrs because my blood pressure rises only 120/85, but my brain even don?t tolerate it and have nervous break down.
With jerks heat is produce from head, face and body. Palpitation is high and feels needles pinching in whole body. Can?t tolerate the pains in body. I had a blood test and when needle is inserted cant tolerated and feel pain in other parts of body even after the test. Moreover, if small particles of salt or a drop of alcohol is placed on my tongue all symptoms aggravate quickly and everything is worst. Only a lying down for a long straight position helps me to reduce symptoms.
I had a MRI it shows no Tumor, report is normal. EEG is also normal.
Please help and suggest me something as I am in pain and bed ridden since 1.5 months and now my problem is worst.
Best Regards.

Nov 23, 2010
by: Anonymous

Ok just relax and take things slowly. You should always enjoy life and be thankful for what God does for all of us.

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