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Welcome dearest one! My name is Mashubi Shekiniah, thank you for visiting our site.
World Blessings is a 501 (3c) non-profit educational organization, and we came into being through inspiration and spiritual guidance that I received in April of 2005.
We have been online since June of 2005 with the purpose of sharing spiritual guidance, prayer support, and information about the transformation of the Earth and each person's participation in this sacred process.
We are supported by the donations of our visitors, and by donations we request for our groups, classes, and New Earth Messages from the Realms of Light, which are available most weekday mornings at our new online World Blessings Community.
We are also honored and grateful to share the writings of my beloved teacher GurujiMa who previously was known as Julie of LightOmega.org.
For a number of years we offered a prayer request service, and are hoping to revive this with volunteer support. We have many archives from previous requests and from those who shared their heartfelt spiritual experiences.
The long term vision I hold of World Blessings is of an evolving worldwide community of like-minded and like-hearted people of all faiths who come together to share a sacred life in the Divine.
We honor all spiritual paths and all faiths with the common purpose of sharing God's love, Light, truth, faith, healing, and prayer with one another.
We honor and support each individual's sacred and precious unique expresiion and gifts.
We bless the world with our vibration of Light and love, with our prayers, intentions, and our positive actions in the world.
World Blessings is being created in harmony with Spirit, according to the flow of spiritual guidance and energy received each day. Our newest spiritual guidance messages, online classes, groups, events and and guided meditations are shared in our World Blessings Shine Your Light Newsletter.
Each of us is important. Each thought, feeling and action that we put out into the world affects the vibration of the planet we live on.
The spiritual guidance messages and our live online events offer the support of spiritual light to raise our vibration, and to become more conscious in a daily way of the energy we are putting out into the world so that we can be a presence of peace in the midst of challenging times.
These also provide a way for us to help support each other in being more responsible and accountable for the energy we are choosing to manifest each day on the Earth.
I feel within my heart a deep desire to share God's love and Light with others and to add to the vibration of healing and prayer in the world.
There are millions of people on our planet working to bring greater peace, harmony, and love to our world through all different forms.
I see seeds of light manifesting everywhere, and through so many different forms.
Meditation, prayer, sustainable environmental practices, social artistry, ministry, social entrepreneurship, spiritual healing, education, transformational business practices, environmental activism, political activism, social service, public service, theater and the arts and many other avenues can all be vehicles of light.
It is my desire to support these efforts through an ongoing relationship with all who feel connected with us!
I have been working in the area of spiritual healing since 1983. Since childhood, I have felt a great love in my heart for humanity. In my early 20's discovered more directly my soul's calling to be of service to the Earth and to serve as a channel for Divine healing.
I was blessed to have a sudden and direct experience of the Divine reality at age 21 which dramatically transformed my life. During that time I was guided to mentors and teachers who helped me to get to know myself, and to understand spiritual reality and the larger picture of who I am.
After graduate school, I began offering spiritual counseling and guidance sessions to individuals, couples, and groups, all the while going through my own learning process.
In 1989 I received strong guidance that I "belonged" somewhere, in a community, and that I needed to close my healing practice in order to begin a new phase of my work.
Eventually I was guided to the spiritual communities and traditions that I needed to connect with, in order to fulfill a larger planetary purpose that I had previously been unaware of.
In 1999 a profound spiritual passage began that has been preparing me to meet the challenges of this time we are living in now.
My work in the world has taken many forms over the years, depending on how I was guided and what was needed on the practical levels of life.
I've been a teacher, job coach, vocational counselor, therapist, energy healer and bodyworker, internet business owner, intuitive channel, and spiritual guide. In 2016 I was guided to learn about the flower essences of the Amazon rainforest, and I've been studying and working in this system and am now offering consultations to my community.
I grew up in a working class family and was the first in my family to go to college. I felt quite liberated through my studies where I learned about the transformative potential of enlightened education. My graduate studies were equally life-changing, causing my entire way of thinking about myself and about society's problems to be transformed.
After graduate school, a whole new world opened to me as I discovered more about my soul's purpose and mission. I was deeply touched to discover my true name and to be guided to a number of different healing environments in which I could learn and grow.
Throughout the years I studied a number of holistic and spiritual healing modalities such as therapeutic bodywork, yoga, judo, aikido, Body Mind Centering, Acupressure, authentic movement, polarity therapy, shamanic healing, spiritual healing, bioenergetics therapy, tarot, crystal healing, herbs, nutrition, flower essences and more.
These modalities have not only transformed my own awareness but also taught me that our Creator has given humanity so many opportunities and paths to become more whole and discover who we truly are.
After all this study, I eventually discovered that all the skills we learn to help others are not the real key to spiritual healing!
After decades of non-stop intensive training and several college degrees and certificates, this came as somewhat of a shock to me.
I realized through the blessing of meeting and being with my beloved spiritual teacher GurujiMa, that spiritual healing is facilitated more by who we are, rather than what we do.
The more we can Be that magnificence that God is, that we Are, the more we can help others to experience Divine reality for themselves.
The more we can "walk our talk" by living in each moment connected with the Oneness of All, the more we can be a presence of love and light so that our fellow Beloveds on the Earth can experience their own Divine reality.
The Divine is expressed in all religions and spiritual paths. Each of us as souls have our own unique vibration and resonance. We are drawn to the people and spiritual paths that express the essence of who we are.
My soul's main vibrational resonance is with the path of Christ the Redeemer and the Divine Mother, and I am involved on a daily basis with the spiritual work of anchoring God's holy vibration of Light and love on the Earth so that all beings may feel and experience themselves as beloved, connected, whole and safe.
I am deeply connected with the spirituality of ancient Egypt, the spiritual teachings of native and indigenous peoples of the Earth, and especially with the land, the spiritual traditions and the people of Brazil.
My heart called me to an indigenous Brazilian spiritual tradition in 1989, and since then I have traveled to Brazil a number of times.
I am profoundly connected with the Divine Mother as she expresses herself in India and in all cultures.
I feel a deep heart and soul resonance connection with the spiritual principles of freedom, and liberty and justice for all.
My arena of spiritual service is within a committed worldwide sacred community of Light workers who work with God and the spiritual realms of the Earth to bring love, light, transformation, and healing to this beautiful Earth.
These some of the different spiritual currents which are a part of me and which inform the content and the language of this site and my work.
In 2020, many opportunities opened up to deepen my relationship with GurujiMa and with our beloved Light Omega community, through online morning meditations, Satsangs and other events.
As many groups began moving online, I was able to follow heart guidance that I'd had for many years to study the Florais da Amazônia flower essence system, and to learn how to do spiritual readings with the Cards of AN, developed by Solara.
Most recently I began to offer online groups, classes and sessions, and in 2022 received guidance to transition World Blessings to a non-profit status, to more accurately reflect her true purpose in the world.
In 2022 we also updated the design of our worldblessings.org and newlightbody.org websites.
In 2023 I received guidance to focus the work of World Blessings on helping our bodies to adapt vibrationally to the changes on the planet, and offered a series of online New Light Body Healing Activations.
We moved our Shine Your Light newsletter to a new platform and re-activated our New Light Body News newsletter.
Most recently we received guidance to open a new World Blessings Community space which we look forward to growing in the times ahead!