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A Rainbow Serenade

by Naomi

Rain turning to ice, and ice to snow,
covering the promise of spring,
as winter has its say,
blowing like a buffoon
boasting of its power.
Flowing hair like the sun,
turning white like the snow,
covering the promise of spring,
is warmed and melted by a fire
started in the heart,
igniting the love that burns away
all that is not needed
to draw the child within
to be born again and again,
that lures the budding blossom
of a girl to become a woman
to bloom again and again.
Love creates the innocent
gaze of longing
to appear in the eyes
dimmed by the glare of time,
to suddenly glow with the radiance
of the moon.
Love eliminates all that is not needed
in the face of creation,
clearing the mirror
to reflect the purity of beauty
untouched by time.
Love’s gaze pierces the march of age
that threatens to steal the remembrance
of eternal spring within the soul.
There is no army, no battle, no attack
that can stand against
the warrior of Love that is true.
Light overcomes the darkness
as the brilliance expands
creating the golden glow
of a new dawn
casting its rainbow rays
leading to the riches of lovers
awakened and embraced
by the beloved.


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