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November 2007

A Spiritual View of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

    The entity known as 'obsessive-compulsive disorder' is actually not one but many entities grouped within a single category. Within this category are housed compulsions of various degrees of severity as well as ideational patterns that range from a small, insignificant... Read Article

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Your Divine Soul Purpose -- Manifesting Your True Life's Mission

    The new times that are arriving on the Earth will require a new kind of human being to navigate through the stormy waters of present day challenges and to create new solutions based on the spiritual principles of harmony, balance, and respect for life. At... Read Article

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The New Spiritual Consciousness - An Emerging Paradigm Shift

    All of life is welcoming you into a new reality, which is unfolding and emerging right before your eyes. You may not see this new reality with your physical senses yet, but your body, your consciousness, your intuition and your dreams are already actively... Read Article

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World Change - Is There Hope for Humanity's Future?

    Have you noticed a lot of changes happening around you, some of them which seem to be not very good ones? With the major changes in weather patterns and the accelerated pace of world events, most people nowadays are aware that something is going on! The topic... Read Article

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When Faith is Tested

    This is a time of monumental transition for our world, and each of our lives is being affected by the larger planetary transformations that are happening. Many of us who are on a spiritual path and living a spiritual life feel dismayed by the great intensity... Read Article

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Soul Purpose, Inner Purpose, and the Path of Light

    In the wisdom of Divine planning and with the soul's full participation in that planning, each soul comes to the earth with a particular set of goals and ambitions related to the soul's fuller expression in each incarnation. Though the embodied self may wander... Read Article

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The History of the Soul's Journey Through Time

    From the beginning, the soul has traveled down a path of its own choosing, entering the sphere of time ad space in order to experience its own individuality in a world within form. This choice that was so fraught with consequences, was not imposed on the soul... Read Article

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Healing the Body with Light

    The human body is in essence a body of light, which was created first by God's divine intention which created the soul. The soul's divine intention to enter the world of physical form created the passageway through which God's light could manifest the miracle... Read Article

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The Purpose of Suffering

    Today's world is in turmoil and rapid transition, with larger scale changes on the horizon. In many of the spiritual teachings that have been coming to the Earth in the last 20 years, we are told that suffering is not necessary, or is the result of faulty... Read Article

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The Road to Awakening

    Beloved Ones, the road to awakening lies within each soul and does not need to be sought outside of the self. It is a path of truth that has been implanted within the soul since the time of its beginnings, a path that leads irrevocably to the center of its... Read Article

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What is God's Purpose for Me?

    When we first begin to feel the stirrings of God's love in our hearts, we begin to awaken spiritually. Suddenly, instead of being just a mother or father, or a son or daughter, a student, a teacher, an artist, a professional or a sports enthusiast, we discover... Read Article

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The Colors of the Soul

    In the Autumn, in temperate zones such as New England, it is not uncommon to travel a distance to view the Fall foliage in all its splendor. One of the colloquial terms for this is "leaf-peeping," and it applies to those who take advantage of the cool but gentle... Read Article

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Developing Your Inner Spiritual Guidance

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Spiritual Awakening - The Arrival of the New

    Out of the womb of the mighty comes a proud testament to faith in God and devotion to the purposes of light. This testament comes not with the force of might but with the force of love guiding the way, leading those who seek to serve the One Creator of All... Read Article

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The Cause of Allergies - A Spiritual Perspective

    There are an increasing number of people, today, who find themselves allergic to various forms of environmental stimuli - dust, pollen, animal dander, specific chemicals, etc. - this in addition to widespread food allergies. The list is an ever increasing one... Read Article

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Developing the Capacity to Trust God

    Your heart sings a unique melody in the world, one that was conceived of and created by the divine and holy presence of God. Your very essence is divine, and yet as you walk upon the spiritual path to enter more fully into a direct knowing and experience of... Read Article

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Healing Despair and the Loss of Hope

    At this time of monumental change on Earth, the challenges of life have become more accelerated, and there are a growing number of people who are experiencing despair and a loss of hope. The activation of greater spiritual light on the Earth has created a... Read Article

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The View of Competition in a Sacred Society

    Unlike the popular displays of competitive behavior in all walks of life which garner praise from every corner of the world and which are the source of endless fascination for people, worldwide, the role of competition in the world of the future, the world... Read Article

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Spiritual Relationships -- A New Level of Intimacy and Sharing

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - A Spiritual Perspective

    When it happens that the heart, mind, and body become overloaded with negative impressions concerning events that they are subject to while in a state of helplessness or necessary conformity to the circumstances at hand, then conditions are ripe for the inner... Read Article

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How Self Love can Transform Relationships

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Death and Dying - The Passing of Souls

When souls depart from the earth, family and loved ones may understandably ask themselves why now, why this way? Especially at this time when great change on spiritual levels is taking place on the earth, reflections on the passing of souls can become even... Read Article

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History of the Soul's Journey Through Time - Part II

    As human consciousness emerges from the sleep of the ages in which it has rested for a very long time, forgetting its Divine origins and reducing the scope of its knowledge almost exclusively to the realm of the physical, the celestial hierarchies rejoice in... Read Article

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How Intuition and inner Wisdom can Strengthen You during Difficult Times

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Spiritual Longing and the Path of Forgiveness

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Saying Goodbye to the Past

    It often happens in the course of a life, and especially when inner movement causes the heart to seek new horizons or relationships in order to further its own growth, that the past must be let go of. Sometimes, this involves a physical change of circumstance... Read Article

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Who am I if I Let Go of my Pain?

    We are so much more than we know. The divine eternal spark of love, light and hope lives within us. This is true for all souls and all of us who are embodied here on the Earth, and yet so often life our daily life feels so far from this.There are some difficult... Read Article

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How Your Daily Life can Change the World

    Our lives are already chock full of challenges. Just managing the day to day realities of life is for many of us a full time job. The growing complexities of life that have developed from the accelerated pace of change can at times feel overwhelming. Read Article

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Healing the Wounds of Childhood - The Purification Process

    Many emotions typically reside within the human heart that are residues from childhood. Some are experienced consciously and are a familiar part of one's emotional life. Some are relegated to the unconscious, only appearing under certain circumstances. These... Read Article

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The Point of Balance - Healing for the Heart

    The point of balance creates an ability of the heart to embrace all of life, both the suffering and the hope, while feeling the Love that holds it all.Within each individual heart as it looks out at the world beyond itself and at the world within itself, one... Read Article

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Transforming Your Physical Body into a Sacred Light Body

    Your physical body is a sacred vehicle of light, which was created by God and joined with physical matter in order to accomplish a holy purpose that your soul chose before incarnating. It may seem as though your daily life is mundane and has little in the... Read Article

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Enduring Hardships with God’s Love

    At this time of intense planetary change, many of us are being challenged and are finding ourselves enduring hardships of one kind or another. When we don't know how to get through a situation that feels overwhelming, we turn to prayer and our spiritual practices to find comfort and meaning, and yet sometimes it is so difficult to really feel ourselves held in God’s loving embrace. Read Article

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