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The Time Has Come - The Power of Our Thoughts
There are many who still feel that the best way to move through life is to focus on the circle of events that affect them personally, and let the world worry about the world. This perspective is no longer one that can be upheld, however, since the change in... Read Article
The Fulfillment of Wishes - A Brief Spiritual History
I. The Ancient WorldMankind's spiritual history has directly influenced the nature of wishing, and how it was believed that needs and desires could be met.In ancient times, the nature of wishing found expression in appealing to the gods for direct intervention... Read Article
Live Earth Asks Us To Answer the Call
A Tribute to the Live Earth Concert - July 7, 2007A feast of caring for the precious world we share together.We did not know that it was possible to matter so,that each small gesture of caring made throughout the daycould make a difference of huge proportions.We... Read Article
Letting Go of the Past - The Time for Forgiveness
Now is a time for letting go of things of the past that have caused heartache, and of the judgments which have been made in order to ease the heart's pain through a sealing off of forgiveness toward the source of the wounding. This sealing off prevents further... Read Article
The Spiritual Nature of Trees
Unfailing in their ability to stand tall and proud over years, decades, and even centuries, trees demonstrate their capacity to join earth and sky through their own bodies and to transmit the energies of both.Rooted in the deep earth, they absorb from the earth... Read Article
A Spiritual View of Aging
The fear of aging continues to affect us today as individuals and as a society, as if the later years in life were but a testimony to uselessness and helplessness, and only youth and strength were to be valued. For this reason, we bleach our teeth white, we... Read Article
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